Experiencing the Natural Rhythm of the Earth and your Being | White Eagle and Silver Birch via Natalie Glasson

Experiencing the Natural Rhythm of the Earth and Your Being
by White Eagle and Silver Birch
Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
We are Silver Birch and White Eagle, since our incarnation on the Earth we have worked to assist the Earth from the etheric side of the veil rather than the physical side. We are devoting much of our time to acting as spiritual teachers for many to call upon in order to gain enlightenment, wisdom, and guidance. We are working closely with the World Teachers Master Sananda and Master Kuthumi to directly influence the spiritual education and advancement of humanity. As we link with you now, we come forth as a united source of energy sharing our thoughts as one beacon of light.
The Universe of the Creator has its own rhythm and vibration of light, like a beat that is within the fabric of everything, and a bond that unifies energies. As light and energy can be extended from the Creator to generate different aspects and forms, so the rhythm of the universe can be divided to create new rhythms which have a purpose formed by the Creator. The Earth has its own rhythm, when you activate your senses to a certain degree or level of growth then you are able to hear and feel this rhythm which can sound akin to a melody pulsating through and around the Earth. From this melody which is unique to the Earth new melodies are formed, these melodies are formed to sustain the existence of the nature worlds, humanity and everything that manifests physically and spiritually on the Earth. Each person has a snapshot of the Earth’s complete rhythm, while the Earth’s complete rhythm is a small section of the Creator’s complete rhythm.
As a person opens to the light of the Creator and begins to sense the manifestations of the Creator then they achieve a new level of integration. Integration could be seen as the adoption or blending of new rhythms and melodies in order to hold a larger section of the Creator’s complete melody. Every new melody created adds to the wholeness and completeness of the Creator. The Creator’s rhythm can also be experienced as light; however, it is a pulsating energy which manifests as a distinctive sound, it could be compared to the heartbeat of the Creator. If you imagine that you are the Creator and you hold your own heartbeat, as you extend your energies into your surroundings you are distributing small sections of the sound of your heartbeat which then manifest as extensions and yet still exist as the Creator. This is how the Creator’s universe was shaped as a sanctuary for the Creator and us as soul aspects of the Creator to evolve, accept and learn. With this explanation we gain the understanding that ascension or spiritual advancement and integration is a process of blending the many sections of the Creator’s rhythm or heartbeat in order to access a greater link with our essence; the Creator.
The rhythm of the Creator is essential to your reality whether you are in existence on the Earth or on the inner planes. As spirit beings on the inner planes, we are guided to accept, integrate and listen to the rhythm of the level of energy we are working with. For example, as you make the transition between a physical being on the Earth and a spiritual being on the inner planes you begin to awaken or accept the planetary level energy of the Creator’s universe, realising its rhythm and using this unique beat to support your growth at this level. As physical beings you hold a small fragment of the rhythm of the Earth which will build and develop due to your spiritual advancement, making it easier for you to view and understand the truth of the Earth and the Creator.
We, White Eagle and Silver Birch, have stated that the rhythm of the Creator is the essence of the Creator; this means that it is immensely healing, rejuvenating, uplifting and balancing. Even small aspect of the Creator’s rhythm which you have held since your manifestation on the Earth are healing to you. When activated or balanced they allow you to exist as the highest vibration of health, intellect and spiritual alignment that is possible at this level. Sometimes due to experiences and challenges, the rhythm within you can become tainted or pushed off balance hindering you from existing at your highest positive state. The Earth and Mother Earth can experience this also, causing the Earth’s rhythm to become slow, depleting the Earth, nature kingdoms and even humanity. In the past the Earth’s rhythm began to slow, causing many problems for all on the Earth, fortunately, several Galactic Masters stepped forth to begin to reactivate the Earth’s rhythm and rebuild the Earth’s connections with the Creator. This activation began the quickening of time upon the Earth that humanity are still experiencing to this day. Now it is humanity who are accelerating time or conscious awareness and the vibration of the Earth. As the rhythm of the Earth becomes more and more balanced it anchors greater life force energy and light to aid renewal for all.
In summarizing our explanation, we have shared with you that not only do you have the constant beat of your physical heart, you also have a beat or rhythm which is anchored into your soul and spiritual energies, this is also held within your physical body. This rhythm is your essence, when pulsating free from disruption it can allow you to exist as the highest potential of your being and energy. The Earth also holds a spiritual heartbeat which is now being restored in order to heal the Earth and rejuvenate all forms of existence on the Earth. With this understanding reawaken within your consciousness we wish to bring forth a practice to allow you to activate and balance your natural Creator rhythm and that of the Earth. Thus, aiding the possibility of all including the Earth existing at the highest positive state conceivable.
Experiencing the Rhythm of the Earth, the Creator, and Your Essence
To activate the natural rhythm of the Earth and your being is relatively easy as it simply needs you to place your intention or thoughts into manifesting the activation of your natural rhythm. We, White Eagle and Silver Birch, wish to support you in experiencing the rhythm of the Earth and your own being personally.
‘I call forth energy of an orange, red and golden light to surge into my body and enfold my entire being.‘ Feel the consciousness, light and protective energies of the Earth’s ancient positive vibrations, it will invigorate your being and awaken your senses.
Imagine that a sacred sanctuary extends from your being into your surroundings, we, Silver Birch and White Eagle step forth into your sacred sanctuary. A united silver and white light glows brightly before you, an immense surge of love flows into your being from our souls.
As you breathe in our presence and light you may even feel or hear our ancient natural rhythm as it integrates with your being and supports your energy.
‘I call upon the ancient energies, inspiration, and wisdom of our positive and loving ancestors and the sacred ancient energies of the Earth to amplify my request to the Creator. Beloved Creator, I ask that you shower me in your pure light, let it fall from the heavens as a blessing for the Earth and humanity. I call forth the complete rhythm of the Creator to enfold the Earth and restore the Earth’s natural rhythm with divine timing to aid the positive and absolute wellbeing and health of the Earth and all manifestations of life. Let the rhythm of the Creator empower the Earth’s natural rhythm, ringing into all beings and bodies to aid further integration with the source and soul of Mother Earth and the Earth’s beautiful nature kingdoms. Through this process and activation, I predominantly ask that the balance and peace of the Earth are restored to the most appropriate level to gently support the spiritual development of humanity. I ask that the melody of the Earth and the Creator manifests as abundant energies once more on the Earth. I place my intentions and loving energy in the hands of the Creator to oversee the activation and restoration of the Earth’s natural rhythm.’
Take a moment to allow yourself to feel the sacred rhythm of the Creator and the Earth build around you. It is important to be aware that the Earth already holds a high vibrational and restored rhythm at a higher dimension, and it is this that we are calling on and anchoring into the Earth.
‘I have now activated the natural Creator rhythm within me to bring forth balance, perfect health and wellbeing as well as a strong divine link with the energy of the Creator. I feel, hear and sense my soul’s rhythm building within me.’
Imagine that the Earth and your entire being is zinging with energy and the sound vibrations of the Earth, have faith that the sound vibration of the Creator that you hold within your being are activating and you are allowing other sound vibrations from the Creator to blend with your energies to assist your greater unity and integration with the Creator.
The Earth and your body are being charged with vitality, vigour, and liveliness. Take time to listen to the silence as it holds the rhythm and melody of the Creator guiding you to accept new melodies that assist the Creator’s complete melody in manifesting within your being.
With much thanks and appreciation,
White Eagle and Silver Birch
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Experiencing the Natural Rhythm of the Earth and your Being | White Eagle and Silver Birch via Natalie Glasson
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
6/14/2019 10:33:00 AM