Divine Mother: Insights into Handling Emotional Challenges | Steve Beckow

Divine Mother: Insights into Handling Emotional Challenges

June 7, 2019
By Steve Beckow

I came across this 2013 channeling from the Divine Mother (who incarnated as Mary, the Mother of Jesus) through Natalie Glasson.

I wanted to take an excerpt from it and realized that the whole passage went over so many helpful topics (emotional challenges, issues surfacing, as within so without, seeking within, etc.) that I felt the need to repost the whole of it.

“Mother Mary: Transitions of the Emotional Body,” channeled by Natalie Glasson, December 16, 2013 at http://omna.org.

Often the emotional body holds onto ideas of suffering and pain which you automatically draw upon as a valuable way of releasing the past, experiencing your true self but also experiencing your ego and feelings of lack or separation. Some emotional challenges, reactions and processes of release or learning can cause you to become unconscious of your reality and the truth within your being. Being unconscious of your spiritual path and the beautiful light being within your physical being can be a source of pain but can also cause pain, suffering and confusion as well as unneeded experiences.

I wish to offer insights and reminders for you to use whenever you find yourself influenced by or trapped in your emotional body and its processes. Your journey upon the Earth is a process of remembrance of the Creator and so your reality each and every day is a process of remembrance of yourself as the Creator.

Tools and practices that remind you of your truth or bring your focus and attention back to being consciously aware of your truth, even if you do not understand your truth, will serve you in remaining in a space of balance, peace, love and bliss whatever is occurring within or around your being.

Often when high surges of energy enter your being the body and energy bodies become extremely active, this can be projected into your reality in many ways. If there is something that needs to be healed, it can be projected into your reality for a powerful healing process and experience.

In times of suffering, pain, confusion, turmoil, chaos, fear or such like energies, bring your attention, focus and memory back to these thoughts, I will be with you, supporting and loving as you read through my words of remembrance, supporting new star bursts of light awakening from within your being.

If you are experiencing suffering or pain in this moment recognise that the light is building within your being and reality, your current experiences are allowing for major blockages or unneeded energies to be released eternally so that you may recognise yourself as a greater being of love and light.

Allow yourself to be conscious of love, love is the essence of the Creator, it is the natural healing energy for your body, being and reality and will bring everything within and around you into perfect alignment, harmony and bliss. Breathe within the vibration of love.

Your outside experiences with the world, your reality, people and even yourself are all a projection from within your being. Your beliefs, opinion and understandings of yourself and the Creator can be projected into your reality. To heal any situation whether small or large first look inside yourself for the answer. Blaming yourself or another will not bring enlightenment to any situation but simply cause more pain. Sit within your own energies and realise the source or purpose of your creation.

All energies are malleable and can be altered by you. There is nothing in the world that is permanent especially at a physical level, the divine flow of the Creator acts as a natural rhythm for change within your reality. This means that if you experience a situation or feeling which is not aligned to the truth of the Creator know that you can change it instantly if you wish to.

You can change any energy and your reaction to it instantly especially with positive and expansive thoughts. Imagine what you would like to experience or how you would like to feel rather than focusing upon an energy being permanent and unmoving.

Your emotions, thoughts and body can express the highest and purest vibration of the Creator, let yourself be conscious of this awareness.

Remember that you are a strong and powerful beacon of light and love, this is your truth more than any other realisation, thought, emotion or experience that may enter your reality.

Program your mind to instantly seek for a solution to all experiences and feelings which you may perceive as not being aligned with the Creator. Encourage your mind to enter deep into your soul’s vibration seeking for an outcome and inspiration to create a solution.

Often many people focused upon spiritual growth can become sensitive to the energies around them, often many situations or experiences can come to a positive solution through energy work, whether it is sending energy, accepting energy, creating an energy exchange or creating energetic foundations such as bubbles of light to maintain, support or protect energies…

Emotions can entwine themselves deep into your being and energy systems, it can take loving observation of yourself with a remembrance of your truth to bring forth healing and freedom of emotions. The experiences of the past has caused emotions to be used incorrectly but now your emotional body is moving through a tremendous transformation which will allow you to use your emotions to fuel your spiritual evolution, connection with and experiencing the Creator in every present moment.

Take time to be aware of your emotions, send love, healing and support to your emotions as your emotional body moves through a powerful transitional period. Please know that I, Mother Mary, am with you, loving you eternally in truth and with divine remembrance of the Creator.

Source: Golden Age of Gaia
Divine Mother: Insights into Handling Emotional Challenges | Steve Beckow Divine Mother: Insights into Handling Emotional Challenges | Steve Beckow Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 6/07/2019 09:13:00 AM Rating: 5

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