Archangel Michael on the Delegations
June 16, 2019
By Steve Beckow

Fleet flyover, photo supplied by EBSS
In addition to what the Lord Arcturus conveyed about the delegations, (1) Archangel Michael also commented in the same reading.
He discussed the need for lightworkers who sensed they were involved to watch for signs or feelings and follow what they’re guided to do.
From Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, June 12, 2019. Thanks to Dana for our transcript.
Steve: What update, above and beyond what Lord Arcturus said, can you give us on the delegations, Lord.
I may or may not publish it. I’m not going to publish anything that might dampen enthusiasm. But I still do want to talk to you realistically about matters like the delegations.
Archangel Michael: Well, there is very little that I would say at this time that would dampen enthusiasm. Quite the contrary.
Everything is in place. Now the final, as you would put it, the final button or the final go is the various individuals that are being collected and contacted to meet with these delegations.
But in terms of all the organization – which has been monumental – with the various fleets, that is all in place.
And there is great excitement and anticipation because it has been a very long time in coming. And when you think of your star family, they have been waiting for thousands of years so there is a great deal of excitement. Just let us put it that way.
They are not all simultaneous meetings. There will be a variety and a number of various meetings that are taking place with various groups around the globe. And so those people -the human beings we are talking about or the hybrids – are being put in position and basically there is already a knowing in the individuals. There has been a subtle knowing in those individuals for most of their lives, that they were potentially on deck to do work with the star beings.
Steve: So EBSS is an example of that lifelong knowing. Is that correct?
AAM: Correct. Now, what is being activated is more of an immediate sense that perhaps not the detail of what is coming but a sense of impending action.
The feeling (and these are sensitive people) but the sense of impending phone call, for example.
“I have to stay home this afternoon because I’m getting a phone call. No, I don’t know who’s calling or what time but I do know I have to stay home.”
Or, “I am waiting for a message.” Or, “I am being told to go to this vortex and simply be there and I don’t know why but the impetus to do this is so strong, I have to obey.”
That is what is being activated, not implanted. It’s already there. But activated at this time.
Steve: Is this being organized according to language group?… Like a delegation for Russia,a delegation for China… That kind of thing?
AAM: Oh! You are meaning human language groups! Yes, it is primarily by language groups or cultural groups. And some of the first delegations will be in places where there is not active, shall we say, artillery or bombs going off.
Steve: Anything more you want to say about that?
AAM: The message would be to those individuals that are feeling that they have been put on high alert, that is not simply their imagination. For them to truly pay attention and to follow what they are feeling is the guidance to proceed.
Steve: I assume at least some of these people will be currency holders and they might be saying to themselves, “Oh my gosh, what happens if the Reval happens and I’m on a delegation somewhere. It has to be done in three days and I didn’t even hear about it.” What would you say to them?
AAM: I would say your most important mission is to be part of the delegation and if you are hesitating and thinking that you will not be generously rewarded, then you are not perfect for this delegation.
Steve: You bet.
(1) See “The Lord Arcturus on the Delegations,” June 13, 2019, at
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
June 16, 2019
By Steve Beckow

Fleet flyover, photo supplied by EBSS
In addition to what the Lord Arcturus conveyed about the delegations, (1) Archangel Michael also commented in the same reading.
He discussed the need for lightworkers who sensed they were involved to watch for signs or feelings and follow what they’re guided to do.
From Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, June 12, 2019. Thanks to Dana for our transcript.
Steve: What update, above and beyond what Lord Arcturus said, can you give us on the delegations, Lord.
I may or may not publish it. I’m not going to publish anything that might dampen enthusiasm. But I still do want to talk to you realistically about matters like the delegations.
Archangel Michael: Well, there is very little that I would say at this time that would dampen enthusiasm. Quite the contrary.
Everything is in place. Now the final, as you would put it, the final button or the final go is the various individuals that are being collected and contacted to meet with these delegations.
But in terms of all the organization – which has been monumental – with the various fleets, that is all in place.
And there is great excitement and anticipation because it has been a very long time in coming. And when you think of your star family, they have been waiting for thousands of years so there is a great deal of excitement. Just let us put it that way.
They are not all simultaneous meetings. There will be a variety and a number of various meetings that are taking place with various groups around the globe. And so those people -the human beings we are talking about or the hybrids – are being put in position and basically there is already a knowing in the individuals. There has been a subtle knowing in those individuals for most of their lives, that they were potentially on deck to do work with the star beings.
Steve: So EBSS is an example of that lifelong knowing. Is that correct?
AAM: Correct. Now, what is being activated is more of an immediate sense that perhaps not the detail of what is coming but a sense of impending action.
The feeling (and these are sensitive people) but the sense of impending phone call, for example.
“I have to stay home this afternoon because I’m getting a phone call. No, I don’t know who’s calling or what time but I do know I have to stay home.”
Or, “I am waiting for a message.” Or, “I am being told to go to this vortex and simply be there and I don’t know why but the impetus to do this is so strong, I have to obey.”
That is what is being activated, not implanted. It’s already there. But activated at this time.
Steve: Is this being organized according to language group?… Like a delegation for Russia,a delegation for China… That kind of thing?
AAM: Oh! You are meaning human language groups! Yes, it is primarily by language groups or cultural groups. And some of the first delegations will be in places where there is not active, shall we say, artillery or bombs going off.
Steve: Anything more you want to say about that?
AAM: The message would be to those individuals that are feeling that they have been put on high alert, that is not simply their imagination. For them to truly pay attention and to follow what they are feeling is the guidance to proceed.
Steve: I assume at least some of these people will be currency holders and they might be saying to themselves, “Oh my gosh, what happens if the Reval happens and I’m on a delegation somewhere. It has to be done in three days and I didn’t even hear about it.” What would you say to them?
AAM: I would say your most important mission is to be part of the delegation and if you are hesitating and thinking that you will not be generously rewarded, then you are not perfect for this delegation.
Steve: You bet.
(1) See “The Lord Arcturus on the Delegations,” June 13, 2019, at
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
Archangel Michael on the Delegations | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
6/16/2019 03:29:00 PM