Tsunami Dream 5/11/2019
I dreamed I was in a large village by the ocean but it was the whole world. I was working with my family, with many others trying to prepare them. I knew the tsunami was coming, was almost upon us and was urging people to go to high ground. Many did not. Many just looked at me. The children understood. The children started to urge the adults that we were going to die if we didn’t move up to higher ground as the wave was coming. We had to get higher. The children began to lead the adults, the ones who were stuck at their cafe tables, with their computers, or with whatever distractions they had. They lead them along the side of the ravine where we could see the water rush by. But it was too high. The wave was too big. We were all going to be swept away. The children were excited, happy. The adults were foggy, grumpy they had to move at all. I was going into basements, freeing animals that were stuck. There were many basements, there were many things to be free. Corridors, all over. So many under ground places that were just going to be underwater in 10 minutes. (I kept seeing 10-18 minutes was the window). The dogs ran up the stairs with me. My old dog couldn’t make it and was swept away. The old ones couldn’t make the wave. The young animals were fine. I was running to get some clothes for I only had a bathrobe but there was no time, the wave was imminent. And so I jumped in a gigantic ark with my family and with others. I knew they were there because I had put them in there but I could not see them. I could only feel them. I felt alone but I knew I was not. The massive ark I was in was also full of many other large viking-like wooden boats. There were plenty of boats for everyone but they didn’t want to get in. I saw the tidal wave, the white water tsunami coming fast and furiously and suddenly the water was underneath the ark and we were floating. And I woke up.
~ galaxygirl
Tsunami Dream | Galaxygirl
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
5/12/2019 01:20:00 AM