Third Time’s A Charm As They Say
May 5, 2019

“You’re in the fairy tale now!” — Mad Sweeney, American Gods
After what I called 2019’s awful April because it was for me and many incredibly physically painful in our skeletal structures and more, ascending Earth’s core has evolved from old 3D iron to NEW 5D and higher crystal. Sounds simple and easy doesn’t it, but this entire ongoing Ascension Process for All has been anything but. Everything, including humans, are and will continue to change for the positive more quickly now because of these colossal, all-encompassing planetary energy ascents. Again, even that sounds simple and ease and yet I and many have been experiencing the natural side effects of these huge positive changes which are physical things suddenly breaking-down and needing to be repaired or replaced.
On the one hand old Earth and everything on it is continually and literally crumbling under our very feet and lives. This is happening with tremendous acceleration in 2019 because the NEW codes, NEW crystalline Earth core and therefore the energies flowing through the Earth’s grids and humanity, and more people embodying more NEW Crystalline DNA every day. All this and more automatically causes accelerated collapse of old Earth and everything on it. How many of you have, like me, recently had something break in your house, vehicle etc. that you’ve had to repair or replace? There is no one aspect of the deterioration and collapse of old Earth and its global systems, reality and consciousness etc. and the manifestation of NEW Earth at a profoundly higher level. This, the Ascension Process, is and has always been a singular interlinked “Event”.Every time you embody and/or Embody more NEW higher energies, Light, DNA, codes etc., the more old lower Earth and everything of it breaks-down. Saturn Pluto conjunction in Capricorn doing exactly what they, and everything else, are supposed to now.
Friday May 3, 2019, it felt to me like all of you were gone and I was alone on Earth. Saturday May 4th I realized I had, once again, changed timelines which is why it seemed and felt like everyone else was gone. I had literally changed my position which is why it felt like I was alone and everyone was gone and so on. A lovely external world quietness, peace and overall sense of safety often accompanies these timeline changes we make, and we have made them many, many times already. However, this latest timeline change or shift or jump or whatever you prefer to call it, has to do with the things mentioned already and more, including today, Sunday May 5th the annual 5-5 Taurus Pleiadian energy downloads and Gate.
After the bone-breaking, gut-purging, heart-pounding, head-spinning energy changes and more NEW Crystalline DNA we embodied and Embodied throughout April 2019, the shift into May allowed me to perceive that something really big and important has been fully seeded and anchored into many of us and NEW Earth. I will describe what I currently perceive, feel and know this particular big and important change to be in my way using my terms. Over the past few days I read a couple of things by some different Ascension teachers/writers who are calling it the ‘Awakening of the Dove’. That term means very little to me other than I immediately thought, “Oh good, humanity has been evolved past warring with other humans.” It’s much more than that of course but hey, think about just that!
To me these April into May 2019 latest evolutionary energy changes showed that the many thousands of years of distortions made upon humanity to NEVER go within themselves, never rely on themselves for answers, higher insights, direct connection to and with God/Source/All That Is etc., never become self-empowered, never evolve, never “wake up” and notice the planetary prison bars around them all etc. has energetically been removed and greatly upgraded.
Humanity has been intentionally suppressed and diminished into greater belief of and actual separation from their own divinity, higher awareness, HighHeart, ability to directly consciously access Source and much more. Humanity has been driven into focusing exclusively externally for all that they want, need and desire. Humanity has been told for thousands of years that they have to always be focused externally for everything. You want to communicate with God, then you have to go to a religious middleman who claimed he could do it for you. You want to get your body healed, then you have to go to someone who specialized in a particular body part, not even your whole body but different parts of it to have them repair or replace it. You want to know what’s going on, then you have to go to another person or people—church, state, media—and have them define reality to you. Humanity has been led away from their own empowerment and belief that they even could know, feel, do and understand for themselves by themselves because they’ve been herded into constant external focus instead of focusing internally themselves.
You look within, you go within, you rely on your own abilities to know for yourself and you’ll find that you are Source manifest as this physical aspect. If you discover that God/Source is withinthen those who want you always focused externally can no longer control you, your consciousness and therefore reality. Old news.
NEW news is that the entire negative global con job has just been entirely removed and replaced with what I call internal focus. What has been entirely pushed and focused externally outside of humans has just been replace with organic individual internal focus and individual direct empowerment. In other words, humanity has just been freed from those old negative distortions and now are in the Process of having them replaced with NEW seeded internal focus on Self-as-Source physically incarnate. That is one profound evolutionary “shift” that’s just been laid on global humanity!
Remember back in April 2017 when Saturn was pummeled by seven solar flares? Remember why that happened? It was to energetically free Saturn, lord of physical manifestation and holding it in place physically, from all the negative distortions that had been intentionally placed on and in Saturn.
Remember the January 20, 2019 Lunar Eclipse Supermoon that happened at 0° Leo 52′? Here’s what I perceived about it.
Saturn, physical reality and holding it in place physically. The Moon, emotions and emotional energies in humanity and the negative distortions intentionally done to both of them to better control mass humanity in the past. [A few years ago I believe it was, David Icke did a lecture video about Saturn and the Moon and what all the negative aliens had done to them both and why.] It’s been these two planets that have come under Divine Intervention first for these very reasons.
The next layer of the remove and replace the old inorganic distortions has been this latest one that was strongly felt by many throughout April up to today, May 5, 2019. Again, some are calling this aspect the “Awakening of the Dove”. I’m calling it the freeing of humanity from ancient negative distortions designed to keep them always fixated externally, outside of themselves for everything they want, need and desire. I’m calling this third (trinity) aspect and phase of these ongoing evolutionary Divine unfoldments—1st Saturn, 2nd the Moon and 3rd Humanity—the turning inward, the shift back to individual internal focus and growing Self-empowerment and Self-sovereignty. Same thing just different names for it.
First Saturn Father, second Moon Mother, third global humanity freed to become the Divine Child/Children by shifting from distorted fixation on external everything as the end-all to relying on one’s personal direct higher knowing and relying on one’s own internal everything as their Divine Source connection to all they want, need and desire. This is the start of humanity becoming self-empowered, energetically sovereign and Conscious Creators. No more relying on external other people, gurus, gods, religions, ETs, tools, governments etc. to define reality for you and keep you locked in it humanity. This is your coming of age time, of turning 21 humanity and having to take personal responsibility for everything for yourself. That may sound scary and unpleasant to some now but trust me when I tell you that in a very short time you’re going to be so enthusiastic over your NEW abilities and freedoms. Much more coming of course, how could there not be much more coming after this powerful and necessary 1, 2, 3 Trinity blossoming?
May 5, 2019
Source: High Heart Life
May 5, 2019

“You’re in the fairy tale now!” — Mad Sweeney, American Gods
After what I called 2019’s awful April because it was for me and many incredibly physically painful in our skeletal structures and more, ascending Earth’s core has evolved from old 3D iron to NEW 5D and higher crystal. Sounds simple and easy doesn’t it, but this entire ongoing Ascension Process for All has been anything but. Everything, including humans, are and will continue to change for the positive more quickly now because of these colossal, all-encompassing planetary energy ascents. Again, even that sounds simple and ease and yet I and many have been experiencing the natural side effects of these huge positive changes which are physical things suddenly breaking-down and needing to be repaired or replaced.
On the one hand old Earth and everything on it is continually and literally crumbling under our very feet and lives. This is happening with tremendous acceleration in 2019 because the NEW codes, NEW crystalline Earth core and therefore the energies flowing through the Earth’s grids and humanity, and more people embodying more NEW Crystalline DNA every day. All this and more automatically causes accelerated collapse of old Earth and everything on it. How many of you have, like me, recently had something break in your house, vehicle etc. that you’ve had to repair or replace? There is no one aspect of the deterioration and collapse of old Earth and its global systems, reality and consciousness etc. and the manifestation of NEW Earth at a profoundly higher level. This, the Ascension Process, is and has always been a singular interlinked “Event”.Every time you embody and/or Embody more NEW higher energies, Light, DNA, codes etc., the more old lower Earth and everything of it breaks-down. Saturn Pluto conjunction in Capricorn doing exactly what they, and everything else, are supposed to now.
Friday May 3, 2019, it felt to me like all of you were gone and I was alone on Earth. Saturday May 4th I realized I had, once again, changed timelines which is why it seemed and felt like everyone else was gone. I had literally changed my position which is why it felt like I was alone and everyone was gone and so on. A lovely external world quietness, peace and overall sense of safety often accompanies these timeline changes we make, and we have made them many, many times already. However, this latest timeline change or shift or jump or whatever you prefer to call it, has to do with the things mentioned already and more, including today, Sunday May 5th the annual 5-5 Taurus Pleiadian energy downloads and Gate.
After the bone-breaking, gut-purging, heart-pounding, head-spinning energy changes and more NEW Crystalline DNA we embodied and Embodied throughout April 2019, the shift into May allowed me to perceive that something really big and important has been fully seeded and anchored into many of us and NEW Earth. I will describe what I currently perceive, feel and know this particular big and important change to be in my way using my terms. Over the past few days I read a couple of things by some different Ascension teachers/writers who are calling it the ‘Awakening of the Dove’. That term means very little to me other than I immediately thought, “Oh good, humanity has been evolved past warring with other humans.” It’s much more than that of course but hey, think about just that!
To me these April into May 2019 latest evolutionary energy changes showed that the many thousands of years of distortions made upon humanity to NEVER go within themselves, never rely on themselves for answers, higher insights, direct connection to and with God/Source/All That Is etc., never become self-empowered, never evolve, never “wake up” and notice the planetary prison bars around them all etc. has energetically been removed and greatly upgraded.
Humanity has been intentionally suppressed and diminished into greater belief of and actual separation from their own divinity, higher awareness, HighHeart, ability to directly consciously access Source and much more. Humanity has been driven into focusing exclusively externally for all that they want, need and desire. Humanity has been told for thousands of years that they have to always be focused externally for everything. You want to communicate with God, then you have to go to a religious middleman who claimed he could do it for you. You want to get your body healed, then you have to go to someone who specialized in a particular body part, not even your whole body but different parts of it to have them repair or replace it. You want to know what’s going on, then you have to go to another person or people—church, state, media—and have them define reality to you. Humanity has been led away from their own empowerment and belief that they even could know, feel, do and understand for themselves by themselves because they’ve been herded into constant external focus instead of focusing internally themselves.
You look within, you go within, you rely on your own abilities to know for yourself and you’ll find that you are Source manifest as this physical aspect. If you discover that God/Source is withinthen those who want you always focused externally can no longer control you, your consciousness and therefore reality. Old news.
NEW news is that the entire negative global con job has just been entirely removed and replaced with what I call internal focus. What has been entirely pushed and focused externally outside of humans has just been replace with organic individual internal focus and individual direct empowerment. In other words, humanity has just been freed from those old negative distortions and now are in the Process of having them replaced with NEW seeded internal focus on Self-as-Source physically incarnate. That is one profound evolutionary “shift” that’s just been laid on global humanity!
Remember back in April 2017 when Saturn was pummeled by seven solar flares? Remember why that happened? It was to energetically free Saturn, lord of physical manifestation and holding it in place physically, from all the negative distortions that had been intentionally placed on and in Saturn.
Remember the January 20, 2019 Lunar Eclipse Supermoon that happened at 0° Leo 52′? Here’s what I perceived about it.
Saturn, physical reality and holding it in place physically. The Moon, emotions and emotional energies in humanity and the negative distortions intentionally done to both of them to better control mass humanity in the past. [A few years ago I believe it was, David Icke did a lecture video about Saturn and the Moon and what all the negative aliens had done to them both and why.] It’s been these two planets that have come under Divine Intervention first for these very reasons.
The next layer of the remove and replace the old inorganic distortions has been this latest one that was strongly felt by many throughout April up to today, May 5, 2019. Again, some are calling this aspect the “Awakening of the Dove”. I’m calling it the freeing of humanity from ancient negative distortions designed to keep them always fixated externally, outside of themselves for everything they want, need and desire. I’m calling this third (trinity) aspect and phase of these ongoing evolutionary Divine unfoldments—1st Saturn, 2nd the Moon and 3rd Humanity—the turning inward, the shift back to individual internal focus and growing Self-empowerment and Self-sovereignty. Same thing just different names for it.
First Saturn Father, second Moon Mother, third global humanity freed to become the Divine Child/Children by shifting from distorted fixation on external everything as the end-all to relying on one’s personal direct higher knowing and relying on one’s own internal everything as their Divine Source connection to all they want, need and desire. This is the start of humanity becoming self-empowered, energetically sovereign and Conscious Creators. No more relying on external other people, gurus, gods, religions, ETs, tools, governments etc. to define reality for you and keep you locked in it humanity. This is your coming of age time, of turning 21 humanity and having to take personal responsibility for everything for yourself. That may sound scary and unpleasant to some now but trust me when I tell you that in a very short time you’re going to be so enthusiastic over your NEW abilities and freedoms. Much more coming of course, how could there not be much more coming after this powerful and necessary 1, 2, 3 Trinity blossoming?
May 5, 2019
Source: High Heart Life
Third Time's a Charm as they Say | Denise Le Fay
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
5/05/2019 11:33:00 PM