The Land of Silence | Heavenletters
MAY 3 2019

God said:
However noisy the world may be, the traffic sounds, the shouts of children, the whistles of trains, loud music, banging drums, a deep silence runs beneath. The silence does not run. It is. It is silent regardless of the noise above. You reside in this land of silence. You have it. It is far more than a respite. It is the very basis of you.
The silence is not a retreat. It is your Source. You have this silence within you always. You are right here in the silence, and yet We speak of finding it. The silence found you long long ago. It birthed you. You have never been absent from this silence. We can call this silence Heaven.
This silence is more than the absence of noise. It is your very nature. This silence doesn’t move. It makes no noise. And yet this is a most powerful level of Being. It is the most powerful level of all. It is the well from which you drink. It is the engine you run on.
From this silence, all gifts come. From this sack of silence over his shoulder, Santa Claus pulls out all the presents he gives to you.
From this ground of silence, all the flowers and plants grow, and grow high.
From this womb of silence from which you came, you grow to the heights that extend the dimensions of the world until boundaries on Earth disappear, and there are no boundaries. There is boundlessness. There are no limits. Limits are an impossibility. You cannot believe in limits forever. Limits can make all the noise they want, yet always they stop. Limits have to take a breath. They have to seep away. Noise has to go somewhere. Noise has to leave your ears, your heart, your eyes.
Limits are not love. We are speaking of a silence in which all is love. Nothing squirms here. All loves all here, and all is love and nothing but love. I, God, am here. I make no noise.
You do not swim here in the silence. You are the Silence. You are sound-proof, beloveds.
Silence is like the white snow that falls. You are a blanket of silence. Footsteps are not heard. All is silence here in the depths of you.
Silence is the scale. Noise is a scratching at the far end of the scale. Silence is music. Noise is noise and not music.
Even in the midst of noise, you can be in the Silence of yourself.
Consider silence as money in the bank. You can take out your silence as you will. It is yours. Go to the vault of yourself and take it out. Wrap it around you. Silence is a soothing balm. Pour it over yourself. The silence is yours. It belongs to you. It will stay with you.
It is an amazing thing that the more silence you touch with your fingertips, the more you hear what I say. This is not medicated silence. This is not forcing silence about yourself. I say again: Even in the midst of noise, this silence is yours. You don’t have to pull it out. It already belongs to you. Silence is not an event you call to you. You are already that Silence. You are at peace.
What this means is that all you have to do is to listen for My Soundlessness. That is My Voice. From the Silence of My heart and yours, I speak to you always. Hush your fertile mind a minute. Now do you hear My silent whispers? Can you hear My love speaking to you now?
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Source: Rainbow Wave of Light
MAY 3 2019

God said:
However noisy the world may be, the traffic sounds, the shouts of children, the whistles of trains, loud music, banging drums, a deep silence runs beneath. The silence does not run. It is. It is silent regardless of the noise above. You reside in this land of silence. You have it. It is far more than a respite. It is the very basis of you.
The silence is not a retreat. It is your Source. You have this silence within you always. You are right here in the silence, and yet We speak of finding it. The silence found you long long ago. It birthed you. You have never been absent from this silence. We can call this silence Heaven.
This silence is more than the absence of noise. It is your very nature. This silence doesn’t move. It makes no noise. And yet this is a most powerful level of Being. It is the most powerful level of all. It is the well from which you drink. It is the engine you run on.
From this silence, all gifts come. From this sack of silence over his shoulder, Santa Claus pulls out all the presents he gives to you.
From this ground of silence, all the flowers and plants grow, and grow high.
From this womb of silence from which you came, you grow to the heights that extend the dimensions of the world until boundaries on Earth disappear, and there are no boundaries. There is boundlessness. There are no limits. Limits are an impossibility. You cannot believe in limits forever. Limits can make all the noise they want, yet always they stop. Limits have to take a breath. They have to seep away. Noise has to go somewhere. Noise has to leave your ears, your heart, your eyes.
Limits are not love. We are speaking of a silence in which all is love. Nothing squirms here. All loves all here, and all is love and nothing but love. I, God, am here. I make no noise.
You do not swim here in the silence. You are the Silence. You are sound-proof, beloveds.
Silence is like the white snow that falls. You are a blanket of silence. Footsteps are not heard. All is silence here in the depths of you.
Silence is the scale. Noise is a scratching at the far end of the scale. Silence is music. Noise is noise and not music.
Even in the midst of noise, you can be in the Silence of yourself.
Consider silence as money in the bank. You can take out your silence as you will. It is yours. Go to the vault of yourself and take it out. Wrap it around you. Silence is a soothing balm. Pour it over yourself. The silence is yours. It belongs to you. It will stay with you.
It is an amazing thing that the more silence you touch with your fingertips, the more you hear what I say. This is not medicated silence. This is not forcing silence about yourself. I say again: Even in the midst of noise, this silence is yours. You don’t have to pull it out. It already belongs to you. Silence is not an event you call to you. You are already that Silence. You are at peace.
What this means is that all you have to do is to listen for My Soundlessness. That is My Voice. From the Silence of My heart and yours, I speak to you always. Hush your fertile mind a minute. Now do you hear My silent whispers? Can you hear My love speaking to you now?
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Source: Rainbow Wave of Light
The Land of Silence | Heavenletters #3400
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
5/03/2019 06:44:00 PM