FIFTY8 / https://www.fifty8magazine.com/
Earth is a grand experiment, complete with genetic material from thousands of worlds. Along with that genetic material comes all the emotional experiences of all those species.
For the past 7 months I’ve been researching this idea of our connection to ET’s and the ascension process of our consciousness. I’ve discovered that our bodies and ET bodies are prototypes of integration of polarity energy. But the energy and consciousness behind every being is all the same, we are all from Source. Some species (prototypes) can only hold certain frequencies/emotions. This limited band of frequency/emotions has created wars and destruction of 2 other Earth’s, one being Mars.
So the human prototype was created. Our bodies hold a full spectrum of frequencies/emotions in order to experience integration of positive/negative energies. As we have all been a form of ET’s in this Grand Experiment, they are all now here to remind us of ourselves. They are in a sense our children and will play and manipulate us only if there is ego and personality. They force us to face our fears and shadows in order to evolve and integrate those energies.
So here on Earth, we are playing out a Cosmic drama on a smaller scale. Earth is a mirror and a micro experience of all your past lives on Earth and the Universe that are happening NOW. We have ALL been a Reptilian, Pleiadian, Zeta Reticuli, Dow, Lyran, Avian, Andromedan and so on…those frequencies/emotions that those specific beings carry exist in our DNA.
Every Caucasian has at least Lyran, Siran and Pleiadian DNA. Every Asian has at least Zeta and Vega DNA. Every race has specific features that relate to the DNA of those races. Every continent also symbolizes certain races as well. Every species has positive and negative traits, which I’ve featured in the article in traits of their energy signature.
As an example, Pleiadians have issues with negative emotion. They are fearful of facing it and integrating it. So you decided to come to Earth to deal with it. Your human body now has a vast range of negative emotions and it is with you everyday to experience and heal. So as you grow and expand, you begin to heal your Pleiadian DNA inside of you. Which in turn, heals the Universe.
Some of us connect to a certain star system because we can relate to the energy and emotions behind them. But on Earth we have to integrate those energies. We have been seeded by many forms of races in our history. They have seeded the human race with DNA with every form of frequency/emotion. Those emotions are what relate to those races and are what we have to transcend.
Our true state is harmony, happiness and joy. But yet all of us hold certain past issues and emotions that hold us back from this state of pure consciousness. So as we dive into our subconscious through Akashic Record readings, we find parallels to our other incarnations that we are now experiencing in a different scale here on Earth.
So this article I created is that story. The story of our consciousness becoming separated and individualized to experience matter and how it all comes together from healing other lives we’ve had in the Universe. I created this article to help others connect to their energy, discover their traits that relate to certain races DNA and create more unconditional love to others who are unaware of their energy.
We all have played a part of the light and the dark. Now is the time to unite that separation consciousness by integrating ourselves back together through unconditional love. This is how we heal the entire Universe.
Everything that has a beginning, has an end.
The beginning of our story is about dispersing light & energy or “Dimensional Infusion” and the end is about the organization of the constituent elements of ourselves into a coordinated, harmonious whole, “Integration of Energy.”
We are all from Source. This existence is about our evolution. Source separated itself into fractals so it could learn how to LOVE itself and bring all of itself back HOME.
In passing a beam of light through a PRISM, one gets a spectrum of light…Fragmented into 7 Visible Color Frequencies. They are: Point Zero, Infinite Unknown, Gamma Ray, X-Ray, Ultraviolet Blue, Visible Light, Infrared, & Hertzian. When a portion of the Whole passed through the PRISM OF LYRA, Consciousness was fragmented into 7 Vibratory Frequencies that represent the mass consciousness of Earth’s galactic family.
Each fragment became conscious on all of these different frequencies or densities and manifested as 7 Aware Frequencies. Consciousness then fragmented and moved away from each other as the illusion thus arose that each fragment was very, very alone.
The Whole understood that the purpose of this experience was to learn to reintegrate from a point of separation.
We do this with energy: unconditional love.
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Seeds of Creation | FIFTY8 Magazine
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
5/13/2019 02:26:00 PM