Precious Currency Holders | KejRaj

Precious Currency Holders

Greetings! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj(KayRy). The information expressed here is that of my perspective my point of view. For all truth awaits you in your heart. Tune in to the light within you.

We live in the most exciting times don't you think? Regardless of the ups and downs in our world, the foundation has been set for peace, and nothing can alter that outcome. The Collective of Humanity demands it, and it shall be.

What remains of the Cabal is very small. And they are scattered all over the place, not knowing where to run or hide. They do not even trust each other anymore. Their agenda has failed. Cabal members are being sent to certain places on Earth to answer for their crimes. Also many of them, higher ranking ones are being taken off planet for prosecution elsewhere.

A while back I shared an article stating that the U.S President is awaiting signal from the top guys in the Alliance. Once that signal is given, the ball rolls and nothing will be able to stop it. To say the least, all has reached a boiling point, all are eager to move forward, including the Alliance members. It is a matter of time before the major dominoes fall. One of these being the Global Currency Reset

It is estimated that there is thirty to thirty five million precious currency holders world wide. They are all ready to go, or at least they think they are. Very few actually have laid out plans of what to do with the abundance they will receive.

First, let us say that this is not an investment, and it is important to stop seeing it as such.

Be grateful to Creator, to the Ascended Masters, Angelic Realms, and the various ancient families here on Earth for this blessing.

You are and you are not the reason why you have precious currencies in your hands. Does that make sense? It is not because you were smarter than others. It is because you were chosen. You were guided by someone higher to take part in this because of the potential you have.

It is time to connect with the force within, if not all ready done so. To expand your awareness, so when the GO has been given, you know exactly what steps to take.

This a-bun-dance is an energy that must be directed towards the greater good of all.

Now, can you imagine if all the thirty million souls or more that hold these currencies, taking part in this process, going beyond the mentality of "money" and materialism, seeing the greater picture, and choosing to expand their consciousness, arriving to the realization that they are more than they've been told. They are far more greater than they've been led to believe. To know that they have infinite abundance WITHIN, that they have a great light within that is waiting like the dawning sun to shine for the world.

Friends, this is not about a new religion, this is not about a "new age". This is about SELF REALIZATION. This is about truth. THE TRUTH THAT EACH AND EVERYONE OF US IS A DIVINE BEING OF LIGHT. With limitless potential, with infinite power, and a great RESPONSE-ABILITY for our selves and surroundings.

We must now release all that does not serve humanity as a whole. Move forward together. As the PHYSICAL ANGELS that we are, we are achieving peace on Earth.

Light, love, peace and joy on Mother Earth.

Source: Era of Light
Precious Currency Holders | KejRaj Precious Currency Holders | KejRaj Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 5/06/2019 12:33:00 PM Rating: 5

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