Mastering Fear by Master Kuthumi
Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
Greetings my beloved sisters and brothers of the light, it is such a delight to connect with your energies today, it brings an immense volume of love to my soul and heart. I am deeply fond of connecting with and blending my energies with the many aspects of the Creator, it produces an immense feeling of oneness and wholeness that is so perfect and pure. It is my deepest wish for those incarnated on the Earth to be able to experience and accept a similar oneness and integration with the many aspects of the Creator. I am Master Kuthumi, I hold the position of World Teacher with Master Sananda.
The truth and enlightenment that I share with others extends solely from love, as I know that love is the fundamental energy and essence of the Creator. It is my understanding that the reverse energy of love is fear. When we embody the love of the Creator we can feel and sense it within every part of our being, akin to overwhelming energy which brings such joy, freedom, and enlightenment. The energy or quality of fear is similar, it has the ability to overwhelm and consume your entire being, to remain within every aspect of your being, developing into additional qualities, actions, and experiences within your reality. Fear can hold an immense power, while also causing the decay or distress of the body. It is important to realise that every energy, quality, feeling or emotions have a point or source of manifestation when we distinguish this source, we are able to understand whether it flows from all that is true and pure within the soul of the Creator or whether it extends from delusions and separation. With this realisation we appreciate that fear although it can be extremely powerful, intense, controlling and potent; it is simply a manifestation of disconnection with the Creator and the truth within you.
It is appropriate to appreciate that fear can be traumatic when we allow it to consume us but, in many ways, it is simply a false impression that alerts us to our need of connection, support, and comfort. The greatest comfort and support you can gain is from your guides, soul and the Creator. Even those in physical manifestation cannot offer you complete comfort in yourself, your reality and growth nor can they support you entirely. When you begin to examine fear, you realise that fear can be activated from within you through your experiences on the Earth but usually, it stems from a feeling of being unsupported, out of control, lacking in personal power, insecure, confined, unguided, apprehensive, panicked, off balance and much more. In order to dissolve or disperse fear, there is a need to allow yourself to experience support and comfort. When I speak of comfort, I, Master Kuthumi, am concentrating on feelings of reassurance, safety, being at ease, calm, balanced and centered. These are all qualities that manifest when you experience a connection with the Creator, being able to accept and embody love. When love is present it dissolves all negativity, ensures your protection and balance, with the ability of lifting you from any form of pain, fear or harm. When you allow yourself to remain constantly and eternally supported and comforted within the light of the Creator, embodying divine love, you realise a powerful truth. When love is present and embodied, fear no longer has a hold over you, it can no longer control you, the emotion and even the situation can simply dissolve or be resolved with greater ease. This is the powerful presence of love.
The Truth of Fear
Realising that fear is a result of separation and that the Creator’s love can assist you in retaining a connection that is supportive and nurturing, will allow you to dissolve attachments to fear and realise that you no longer have a need for fear. Fear may still arise on certain occasions; however, you will be able to recognise the fear as a warning or an alert that greater insight is needed. Fear will no longer be a constant reoccurrence that hinders your intuition, instead, it will return to its natural purpose, of alerting you to extreme danger. This is because love brings a certainty of trust, protection, safety, balance, truth and an acceptance of all things, thus attracts the same into your reality for you to experience. It takes both time and patience in order to realise the illusion of fear and manifest a profound trust in love, once this has been realised you are able to relieve yourself from the torment and pain of fear and embrace the presence of bliss, joy, and happiness. If every soul on the Earth was able to achieve this, fear and its influences would dissolve completely and the power of love would flourish within each soul, assisting all in ascending and uniting with the soul of the Creator.
By allowing yourself to master and detach from your fear, accepting that when you are fearful you are not fully connected to the Creator’s light, then you will naturally inspire others to achieve the same. It is only from within you that you can dissolve fear within your reality and the fearful consciousness of humanity. It is essential to realise that even if you are able to dissolve the fear that you may be experiencing over a situation in your life, you may still have to resolve the situation. However, the resolution would manifest from a place of love rather than fear, pain, and insecurity.
How to Master Fear
In order to begin to master fear and create a life filled with love and aligned to the Creator,
• First be ready and willing to realise or observe your feelings of fear when they arise. Once you notice the presence of fear in whichever form it may manifest send an energy or express words of thanks and acceptance to the fear.
• Then simply state, ‘I now align my entire being, body, emotions, mind, and chakras to the loving light of the Creator.
I now embody the love of the Creator. I am love in manifestation, love pours from my being.’ Or you can imagine the loving energy of the Creator flowing down over and through your being cradling you, dissolving all feelings and influences of fear.
Remember, you are not trying to ignore the fear, instead, you are dissolving or healing the fear, releasing yourself from its power so that you can see, sense and acknowledge with clarity. Continue to embody love until the fear is dissolved and released.
• Ask within, ‘What was the message that fear wanted me to acknowledge now?’ If an insight comes accept it, if it does not then trust that there is nothing else for you to understand.
• Ask within, ‘From a space of love and clarity what next step would be advisable for me to take in this situation?’ If an insights forms accept and trust it, if it does not know an answer may come at a later time.
Dissolving Past Attachments to Fear
It is my wish, Master Kuthumi, to now bring forth a meditation that assists in your acceptance of love as a way of dissolving past attachments to fear, while supporting the release of fear consciousness of Earth. This is a wonderful service to humanity, Mother Earth and to the Creator as it is assisting in dispersing the power of false impressions, delusion, and misunderstanding, in order to pave the way for the truth of the Creator to unfold.
• Please allow your body and energy to relax, let your mind relax as if it is placing its attention into a pillow of light within you, where it will be supported and remain at peace.
• Imagine, sense or acknowledge that I, Master Kuthumi place four large crystal pillars of light around you which are emanate the most appropriate vibration of love into your aura, body, and soul. The crystal pillars of light send love of the purest vibration down into the Earth, directly connecting with Mother Earth’s soul.
• Imagine, sense or acknowledge that a beam of love extends from your body down into the Earth to connect with the soul of Mother Earth. In return, Mother Earth will extend her energy of love into your being.
• Let the energy of love build within you, acknowledge the energy of love from your soul, Mother Earth and the Creator within you. Realise that every part of your being is pulsating with love; you are experiencing a unified, supportive and comforting love on many levels of your being.
• Acknowledge that you are a beacon of love which is your natural state and fear is only a result of a lack of connection with or acceptance of the Creator. It can also be a warning or alert to danger or that more insights are needed. With this knowledge allow yourself to simply let go of the fear. Imagine that any ties that you have to fear, whether they extend from your mind and beliefs, your emotions or body, let them break down and be healed. As you let go of fear you are releasing fear from the past, present and future. With each inhalation, you are accepting love, with each exhalation you are freeing yourself of fear. Let yourself experience this for a moment. Know that fears released will be converted into love. In many ways, you are not releasing fear instead you are changing your perspective of fear.
• With trust that you have cleared the energy of fear from your being and are able to view situations that may have caused you fear in the past from a place of love, I wish for you to share this consciousness of inspiration, realisation, freedom and expansive love with Mother Earth. Send your love down into the Earth and Mother Earth’s soul. In truth, you are sending Mother Earth the energy of love that is free from fear.
• As Mother Earth accepts your love, she begins to radiate it out flowing over and through the Earth, allowing all to accept a perspective of love, observing any fears from a calm, supported and comforted place, connected and aligned with the Creator.
• Allow yourself to imagine the magnitude of this process and how it will assist in the manifestation of love on the Earth. The pillars of the Creator’s light are energising your energy, they now draw closer to you and unite within the centre of your being acting as a strong eternal connection with the Creator.
• Allow yourself to place into your mind or consciousness that every time you recognise fear you will be reminded of this connection and experience of love. Exist in this place of peace and love for as long as you wish or feel is appropriate, when you wish to return to your reality simply become aware of your surroundings.
From a pure state of love and alignment with the Creator,
I am Master Kuthumi
Please Note: When Master Kuthumi speaks of fear, he is referring to fears that arise when there is no danger or when there is no reason for you to be fearful.
More Master Kuthumi
Mastering Fear | Master Kuthumi via Natalie Glasson
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
5/03/2019 09:01:00 PM