Grab a beverage. ..this is a long read ❤
As my birthday approaches, I am in a whole new life!
Upon reflection, I have so many to thank for getting me here.
Gracefully Broken, But beautifully Standing...
In particular, the small but powerful Sisterhood who have stuck by me and held space and helped out when I went MIA.
The transformation. . (Ugly duckling to Swan)
It started a few years ago with me moving over and over and trying to get my yoga classes off the ground in new locations.
I thought to myself, "I can reach a lot more women online. ...all around the world instead of 5 in a yoga class."
A few years ago my desire was to build a business as a spiritual coach, helping women to awaken their magical essence.
Particularly group coaching.
I love being in a community with kindred spirits.
Nothing fulfills me like truth-seeking, Sisterhood.
But the Goddess had other plans and from being unwell I had to let those plans go of trying to build an online business.
What has been replaced is a life of meaning.
As I have been walking my healing and recovery I found community and my life's work with the Trumpeter Swans and literal Soul connections.
I am aiming to have this important piece of history of Mr Soul's Memoirs and our bit of history together in an ebook form by my birthday!!
As Government shifts locally with headlines such as this - Ford government making big changes to endangered species act
I'm reading more and more about another 100 animals on the endangered species ..When I saw Giraffes, my mind said No, and my heart sank.
It's almost so overwhelming, where do you put your focus these days.
For us, in this community, we can do something, we act locally, and for some of you, it would be globally to keep these majestic birds alive.
It comes down to the people, helping these birds survive, not the officials that are only in it for profit.
I am still in awe that I was the one entrusted to bring the story of Mr and Mrs Soul's 25 years of work forward.
Not only am I being a Voice for the Voiceless, with the Swans, but for this couple and the labour of love they did and have left behind in their retirement.
While my head was down trudging to survive and hanging on for dear life.
Thinking I'm going fucking crazy!
Some of my Sistar friends who have know me for a long, long while are inspired and are my cheerleaders right now.
I even made a poem that I shared in the last email blast.
Getting messages like the one below,
Do Help me to not back down.💪👊
I will win this fight, for my right to be a writer! I have the time until healthy so writing is pushed my way and I really have had no choice but to say YES...
The miracle swan book began in 2018.....
.... effortlessly I began writing/ videos of walking in this story with Sistars after my bank card was stolen
And someone went shopping at Addidas...
Vola a calendar was co-created and then the Swan ppl showed up.
This is a text from a friend who touched my heart deeply to be seen.
"You have survived so much and creatively, spiritually channeled that trauma into healing.
I definitely acknowledge your strength, resilience, worthiness, and power to channel something traumatic into something growthful.
Blessings that this finds audiences who resonate with and are moved by your life's work."
If you resonate and not afraid of realness cause my story is what you get at awaken magic now.
No more stress of a business, now its a different stress of holding a bigger responsibility, representing and spokesperson.
But I am not alone, just the front face.
May all beings live in Beauty!
I Love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you.
Magical Margarit
p.s. The video at the top of the page was the follow up to Archangels message for me to share during the Reiki Money and New Moon in Taurus Ritual? Did you see it?
p.s.s When you support me in stability, you are standing for the swans!! Please read how I need your help to make my Campaign a success.
3 weeks to go, and still no place to go.
Love Flying from my Fingertips | Magical Margarit
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
5/08/2019 10:17:00 AM