OSHO: Creativity is Almost Like Pregnancy
Shame-base Earth Motive Matrix
A Shame-based Karmic-body will, naturally seek a Prison-punishing Physical-body addiction. As long as I remain a shame-based bodied-being in Physical-role self-punishment addiction favor and, since this victim Karmic-compunction defines a Karmic-body Shame-base Earth Collective-slave fan-base Unconscious-motive, then I will, naturally keep seeking excuses for more Physical-bodied Karmic-imprisoned in Mind-agony.
If I have any vested interest in remaining a Bodied-being shame-base Earth-motive Matrix Karmic-body I will, naturally seek a Physical-role favor stuck on the wheel of Karmic-dissonant divisive-gender role-reversal lifetimes separation-suffering.
If I let go, and turn within meditation devotion, as a disembodied being Indweller, without any Karmic-body vested-interest, then I can live an Inner Life of beauty and Truth. Examples of self-punishment bodied-being a Karma-body victim from our human shame-base Earth Motive Matrix Collective unconscious Consciousness are political two party systems, and, the more obvious shame-based self-punishing chemical addictions.
If I begin to understand either of these two social-norm Karma body motives, then we can attempt a more difficult shame-base Earth unconscious Motive in the Blue-pill “Wolves in sheep clothing” Tiny-gender evil 3D Duality criminal ID limited Matrix. the greatest support for Republicans is a Democrat fighting with a Republican, or a Republican, obvious supporter. The greatest support for chemical addiction is any fighting against effort against addictions, or a user, and a seller of any addiction soul-disconnect habit.
These two examples leave no other choice except to let go of it all, in favor of living an Inner Life of Beauty and Truth, without any uglies, like going to gamble knowing the Mafia makes losers out of Shame-based Earth Motive vested interest Physical role gamblers, still seeking punishment. The same goes for gender bodied beings, so whether I am the one fighting against the other, or I am either gender in support of that, very bodied-being addicted Karma-body prison/slave gang banger, I cannot live a Life of Beauty and Truth, as a disembodied-being uninvested “Always a, no gamble Gender-free winner” Indweller.
Does the whole popular shame-base motive bodied-being unconscious Karma-body addicted Collective want to ‘fix’ Earth, as a way to pitifully cling to Earth-addicted Death Paradigm, or is it just me? Now come on do dos, how can any one fix Karma-body addiction except to jump on the wheel of Karma to, still keep self-punishment rocking, and rolling? How many times do we have to join a Duality ugly party, or remain addicted to chemicals and, especially keep switching genders until, no more cows come slave-baby making slaves for more Karma-punishment?
Let’s say a male actually, still favors a sexual investment with a female on the way to losing children and, any Life of Beauty and Truth shopping-possible? If I let go of shame-base Sex and, all self-punishing Sex for that ‘more matter-addiction’, but even let go of any outside vested interest at all, in favor of living a Life of Inner Beauty and Truth, is this disembodied-being enough to get off the Shame-base Earth Motive Matrix Wheel of Karma? Or, and a great big fat pregnant Earth {OR}, will {I}, or won’t I seek more Karma-body BS, just to make Damned-ugly sure? Is anyone in favor of fixing what isn’t broken? Is this chaos how my shame kept me so, ever-angry blind, or is this anger how it feels when we, still think it’s better to shame base ourselves right in the middle of the Miserable shame Base Earth-diddle Motive-riddle Karma-body Predator-matrix?
Would I, still rather fight than switch off living a Life of Inner Beauty and truth?
“O yeah you Karma-body betcha at the cha cha County Fair, 1, 2, 3, Earth twirl-for sure and, just look at us, “And How”, so Bodied-beings galore Now, Love is against the Laws of the land, fighting against shame-base easy-slave poople-snatchers.
What are you fighting for, no really, what do you support by ‘infighting’, and still being one, {OR} the other in forgetting fog-mode? Is I {OR} Isn’t I any vested Earth-whore-more Mr, and Mrs Fix It? Isn’t it, totally normal to join a party, fight against drugs, get married, own children slaves, pretend to own a Bank’s house, raise children just like our dust, and shame-base ourselves right into mo-money vested futures? Is it possible to turn outside to ‘nature’ and, still pretend we are just one of the popular crowd, without any threatening Life of Beauty and Inner Truth to upset the “Let Sleeping Wolves Lie” sedated Blue Pill Curmudgeon-censor Patsy-seeking Unconscious incorrigibles?
What a fright in the night it is to wake up in a Sea of drown-willing anger-turned inward depressed-slaves, all in line going nowhere, really? Oh wait a minute, I have to tie my shoe? Awe Gone trample><grunt death throws><groian… wa happened/where am I/Hey where’s the fight?
Death Paradigm anyone? A little sip can’t hurt? Just remember men, under every old fashioned skirt is a Karma-body slip, and just get out, and vote, {OR} at least serve someone else’s country/company?
Out-die Side Spells require In-alive Side Gut-ache Relief!
Living an Inner Life of Beauty and Truth | Pine Cone
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
5/14/2019 11:41:00 AM