Inside a Heart Opening
May 12, 2019
By Steve Beckow

We have events pending in Abundance (the Reval), Disclosure (the Delegations), and Ascension (the planetary heart opening). This article is on heart openings.
I was writing another article and wanted to locate a particular quote from Archangel Michael, in which he discussed the reasons why my situation attracted a heart opening on March 13, 2015.
I came across the passage and realized that the whole thing needed to be posted, it was so relevant as we look to our own heart opening in the future.
Three hours after I had the opening, I was speaking to Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon in a reading planned months before. Nevertheless, I’m sure he arranged everything.
The experience was as if my chest exploded and something blocking me since forever was eliminated.
I’ve written about the event so many times that I can reduce it now to a single sentence: I was thereafter swept away by an inner tsunami of love, which removed all anxieties and concerns and left me immersed in an endless Ocean of Love.
We’re apparently in the process of or the run-up to a planetary heart opening, according to the Divine Mother. Some are in the process; others are in the run-up. So being aware as much we can be about the subject serves a definite purpose.
In addition to going into various aspects of a heart opening (although not in detail, regrettably) , the following passage also shows the role the archangels play in planning, initiating, and monitoring or enlightenment events.
Takeaway? Remember to ask the archangels for the experience you want. They play a decisive role in the matter and yet need your permission to intervene. To alert you to the need to ask is the chief reason I post this passage.
Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, March 13, 2015.
Archangel Michael: And yes, your heart is open. The opening is, and will, and shall continue.
Steve: You mean permanently, Lord, really?
AAM: Yes
S: Oh my! Please!
AAM: Because, you have said yes! …
[He now discusses the reasons behind the timing in this case. First asking for it. Second, “doing our homework.”]
This occurs, not merely because you have asked for it, but because you (and this applies to the collective as well) have done your, can we say, your homework, your due diligence.
What we mean by this is, simply think of it in time and space reality: you have created the space for this [energy of love] to, not only pass by you like a passing breeze or a rain, but to anchor within you. Because there is a sense of this spaciousness within thee. … (1)
When one is clinging to core issues, to fear, to lack, to limitation – you know the list – there is not that sense, not only of spaciousness, but of acceptance, allowance, readiness, and even permission. (2) Because as you know, we continually say that we will never override your free will.
So, if the will, either actively or subconsciously, is actually choosing to still engage in the issues or the drama, then although we are standing at readiness and still penetrating you, that open door is not there.
S: So, the open door was there with me?
AAM: That is correct.
[We discuss a third reason: My drawing love up from my heart and sending it out to the world, a practice that has only expanded.]
S: Did the exercise of bringing love up from my heart and sending it out through my third eye to the world play a role at all in this?
AAM: Yes, it did.
S: Could you talk about that for just a bit, please?
AAM: One of the strongest or the ultimate expressions of love, of willingness to not only participate in love but to be the love, is in the sharing. To say that you are love, or are loved, or you love this, that, someone…
But [then] you keep it within you, you hoard it – and we do not necessarily mean that in a negative way. Sometimes the feeling is so blissful you do not wish to actually take the next step quite yet, in terms of sharing.
The ultimate experience is in this sharing. This is what we speak of when we speak of sacred union and partnership. How can you possibly be in any form of partnership with humanity, with the Star-beings, with us, with any being, if you are not sharing.
So what you do when you bring the love up and out, when you begin to send, to share; it is as if you have in fact activated what we call the wellspring. The visual you may think of is the volcano.
It is not that you empty out. It is that you discover that that wellspring is SO full and overflowing that it is a steady stream. That steady stream does not ever, ever – think of what I say! – it never has to cease! (3)
Yes, the inner artesian well of love never runs dry. It’s simply that we do not assist its flow. We don’t think of it. We don’t value it. We seek it outside, from others, when its ever-flowing stream exists inside, in our very own hearts. Shout it from the rooftops!
Love for my sacred partner was a fourth initiating factor. The archangels demonstrate in this passage that they respond to factors such as these.
Everything said above does not apply only to me. AAM has said that I’m a guinea pig because the Company of Heaven knows I’ll write about it. It applies to you as well, although your process may be different.
In the middle of the twentieth-century, sages talked to their individual students about the secrets of enlightenment.
In the first quarter of the 21st Century, we’re discussing the matter on blogs, social media, videos, etc. Can we not see the evidence of spiritual evolution in that unfoldment?
(1) As a result of completing and clearing vasanas or core issues.
(2) The archangels need your permission.
(3) For as long as the experience lasted, I experienced the inner tsunami of love as an endless flow. I imagine that that’s what life is normally like in the Fifth Dimension.
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
May 12, 2019
By Steve Beckow

We have events pending in Abundance (the Reval), Disclosure (the Delegations), and Ascension (the planetary heart opening). This article is on heart openings.
I was writing another article and wanted to locate a particular quote from Archangel Michael, in which he discussed the reasons why my situation attracted a heart opening on March 13, 2015.
I came across the passage and realized that the whole thing needed to be posted, it was so relevant as we look to our own heart opening in the future.
Three hours after I had the opening, I was speaking to Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon in a reading planned months before. Nevertheless, I’m sure he arranged everything.
The experience was as if my chest exploded and something blocking me since forever was eliminated.
I’ve written about the event so many times that I can reduce it now to a single sentence: I was thereafter swept away by an inner tsunami of love, which removed all anxieties and concerns and left me immersed in an endless Ocean of Love.
We’re apparently in the process of or the run-up to a planetary heart opening, according to the Divine Mother. Some are in the process; others are in the run-up. So being aware as much we can be about the subject serves a definite purpose.
In addition to going into various aspects of a heart opening (although not in detail, regrettably) , the following passage also shows the role the archangels play in planning, initiating, and monitoring or enlightenment events.
Takeaway? Remember to ask the archangels for the experience you want. They play a decisive role in the matter and yet need your permission to intervene. To alert you to the need to ask is the chief reason I post this passage.
Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, March 13, 2015.
Archangel Michael: And yes, your heart is open. The opening is, and will, and shall continue.
Steve: You mean permanently, Lord, really?
AAM: Yes
S: Oh my! Please!
AAM: Because, you have said yes! …
[He now discusses the reasons behind the timing in this case. First asking for it. Second, “doing our homework.”]
This occurs, not merely because you have asked for it, but because you (and this applies to the collective as well) have done your, can we say, your homework, your due diligence.
What we mean by this is, simply think of it in time and space reality: you have created the space for this [energy of love] to, not only pass by you like a passing breeze or a rain, but to anchor within you. Because there is a sense of this spaciousness within thee. … (1)
When one is clinging to core issues, to fear, to lack, to limitation – you know the list – there is not that sense, not only of spaciousness, but of acceptance, allowance, readiness, and even permission. (2) Because as you know, we continually say that we will never override your free will.
So, if the will, either actively or subconsciously, is actually choosing to still engage in the issues or the drama, then although we are standing at readiness and still penetrating you, that open door is not there.
S: So, the open door was there with me?
AAM: That is correct.
[We discuss a third reason: My drawing love up from my heart and sending it out to the world, a practice that has only expanded.]
S: Did the exercise of bringing love up from my heart and sending it out through my third eye to the world play a role at all in this?
AAM: Yes, it did.
S: Could you talk about that for just a bit, please?
AAM: One of the strongest or the ultimate expressions of love, of willingness to not only participate in love but to be the love, is in the sharing. To say that you are love, or are loved, or you love this, that, someone…
But [then] you keep it within you, you hoard it – and we do not necessarily mean that in a negative way. Sometimes the feeling is so blissful you do not wish to actually take the next step quite yet, in terms of sharing.
The ultimate experience is in this sharing. This is what we speak of when we speak of sacred union and partnership. How can you possibly be in any form of partnership with humanity, with the Star-beings, with us, with any being, if you are not sharing.
So what you do when you bring the love up and out, when you begin to send, to share; it is as if you have in fact activated what we call the wellspring. The visual you may think of is the volcano.
It is not that you empty out. It is that you discover that that wellspring is SO full and overflowing that it is a steady stream. That steady stream does not ever, ever – think of what I say! – it never has to cease! (3)
Yes, the inner artesian well of love never runs dry. It’s simply that we do not assist its flow. We don’t think of it. We don’t value it. We seek it outside, from others, when its ever-flowing stream exists inside, in our very own hearts. Shout it from the rooftops!
Love for my sacred partner was a fourth initiating factor. The archangels demonstrate in this passage that they respond to factors such as these.
Everything said above does not apply only to me. AAM has said that I’m a guinea pig because the Company of Heaven knows I’ll write about it. It applies to you as well, although your process may be different.
In the middle of the twentieth-century, sages talked to their individual students about the secrets of enlightenment.
In the first quarter of the 21st Century, we’re discussing the matter on blogs, social media, videos, etc. Can we not see the evidence of spiritual evolution in that unfoldment?
(1) As a result of completing and clearing vasanas or core issues.
(2) The archangels need your permission.
(3) For as long as the experience lasted, I experienced the inner tsunami of love as an endless flow. I imagine that that’s what life is normally like in the Fifth Dimension.
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
Inside a Heart Opening | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
5/12/2019 11:10:00 AM