Healing with the Angelic Rainbow of Light by Archangel Michael
Original Source: Sacred School of Omna
My beloved friends of the Earth I call upon your attention and ask you to open your minds and hearts to my thoughts and energy. I come forth to you as the Archangel of Protection, the Creator’s Will and Power. I, Archangel Michael, have been appointed to protect all aspects of the Creator whether they are on the Earth or the inner planes as well as safeguarding the will of the Creator, ensuring that it is distributed to the correct minds and consciousness for manifestation. I work closely with the power of the Creator, mastering the characteristic of power and assisting others in mastering the powerful energies within them so they may use their power in a loving way. It can appear that the power of the Creator is often misuse, this is a learning process that allows the individual to understand the energy of power and its influences, later using power to create positive transformation. It is the presence of power within my being that allows me to emanate such a protective energy. It is my mission to safeguard the power of the Creator and to allow others to activate this sacred energy within their beings.
The Spectrum of One Hundred Angels
I, Archangel Michael stand before you now with a spectrum of angelic beings who I have selected to work with me in this meditation. They are one hundred angels of numerous qualities and diverse vibrations of the Creator’s universe. I have chosen fifty planetary angelic beings, twenty solar angelic beings, ten galactic angelic beings, ten universal angelic beings and ten Christ consciousness angelic beings of the Creator’s light. The energy they create as they blend their light is magnificent and awe-inspiring. Each angelic being holds a purpose of working as a healing energy or working with healing energies creating wellbeing, rejuvenation, and joy. We are a united team and source of light.
I have gathered one hundred magnificent angelic beings of light as I wish to create an intense and powerful healing energy to channel into your being and Mother Earth. My purpose is to share the abundant love, peace, and joy of the angels and to activate the angelic energies already upon the Earth. This is a very common practice on the inner planes, a Master or Archangel will gather large groups of light beings together in order to create a rainbow of light through their intentions and united energy. This rainbow of light extends as you would imagine a rainbow would, in an arc shape to the person or situation of our intention. It is a very powerful way of sending healing energy, light, consciousness or qualities to others in need. It is our mission as we gather to create a rainbow of light to heal you, the Earth and humanity, to allow all stresses and strains to fall away and a focus on an existence of love to manifest.
The rainbow of light can be used for any situation or person in need allowing the most appropriate qualities and vibrations to anchor to aid healing. You can, in fact, request a rainbow of light to be delivered from the inner planes, an appropriate gathering will take place to manifest this for you and deliver the healing that is needed and required.
‘I request a healing for (situation, person, animal, yourself) to bring forth the outcome of……………… I invite a Master or Archangel and one hundred beings to create a rainbow of light to send and ground powerful healing energy, light, consciousness or Creator qualities. Thank you.’
Creating a rainbow of light is powerful because the foundation of the rainbow is created by the unity of many souls rather than one soul expressing healing light. We, as angelic beings are currently drawing our energy from our souls, the angelic kingdom, the planetary, solar, galactic, universal and Christ consciousness levels of the Creator’s universe, creating a diverse, expansive and high vibrational energy which anchors love into all aspects and levels of your being.
Through the rainbow of light that we create, I wish to energise the presence of angelic love already within the Earth, activating many Earth Angels in manifestation within physical bodies to empower their purpose on the Earth, to exist as beacons of unconditional love, devotion, and generosity. Our angelic light will gently support the growth and development of all of humanity and the soul of Mother Earth.
I now wish to guide you through a meditation that will allow you to experience our Angelic Rainbow of Healing.
Awakening with the Angelic Rainbow of Light
With deep and meaningful blessings of love, I, Archangel Michael connect with your energy as leader of this angelic gathering. I extend my electric blue light around you to protect and balance your energies, ensuring only love of the purest vibration is able to manifest into your reality and thought process. Imagine, sense or acknowledge my electric blue light enfolding your entire being, feel my secure and stable protection around you. Allow yourself to relax into my energy and the energy of your own being as you sit peacefully and breathe deeply.
In order to bring focus to your thoughts and to your reality, I extend a rich light holding the Creator’s will to you now. Allow yourself to accept this energy of the Creator’s will anchoring necessary wisdom, insights, and understanding within your mind and awareness. You may be aware of the colour of the light of the will and guidance of the Creator melting into your entire being and aura, this colour can act as a symbol of guidance within your reality if you allow it to.
I ask that you allow yourself to focus within your being. Be aware of the presence of your own energy vibration surrounding you, it is the energy vibration of your physical and spiritual being. How does this make you feel?
We now wish to align your energies to the Angelic Kingdom in order to begin the healing process. Please imagine, sense or acknowledge a golden beam of light extending from the Angelic Kingdom on the inner planes and descending down into your reality, flowing through the top of your head and down the centre of your body. Let the golden light continue its journey and extend into Mother Earth and melting into all manifestations of the Earth. Feel this golden light akin to golden dust floating into your entire body, aura, and surroundings. You are now aligned with the Angelic Kingdom.
Imagine, sense or acknowledge that within the Angelic Kingdom the one hundred angelic beings appointed for this service and me, Archangel Michael, are activating and integrating our healing energies as one. We now extend from our hearts a united large rainbow of healing light, holding the quality that is most needed for your healing process, as well as many healing vibrations and consciousness. Imagine, sense or acknowledge this most beautiful, vibrant and shimmering rainbow of angelic light extending beyond the Angelic Kingdom in your direction.
Open your heart and soul to this magnificent rainbow of healing and loving angelic light. Allow the rainbow to align with your heart chakra and let the glorious colours of healing enter in abundance into your entire being. Feel the light circulating over, around and through your being. Take a moment to allow yourself to embody this rainbow of angelic healing light, let the rainbow light flow with ease, beginning an in-depth healing process.
The rainbow is so rich and abundant in healing energies and consciousness, allow it to flow through your being extending and grounding into Mother Earth. Know that you are allowing Mother Earth to accept this glorious angelic multicoloured light as well as the qualities we are distributing or that you have requested.
We now wish to activate within your being the angelic consciousness that you hold, the qualities of unconditional love, devotion, selflessness, joy and a pure connection with the light of the Creator. We activate you as an angel on the Earth to act as a beacon of the essence of the Angelic Kingdom.
We now ask that every soul on the Earth activates the angelic energy and essence within them and allows themselves to exist as an Earth Angel to aid the anchoring of the Creator’s love into the Earth. Let every soul on the Earth exist as an angel of love and healing uniting their energies as one in order to raise the vibration of the Earth and manifest the Creator’s heaven on the Earth.
Our angelic rainbow of healing will continue to flow into your being for as long as it is needed in order to complete the healing process. You may direct the light to heal and breathe Creator life force energy into any areas of your body or aura that you feel needs additional attention.
It is our wish now that you imagine a rainbow of healing light extending from your heart to people, situations, countries or anything that you feel needs healing or positive energies anchored. The rainbow you create will be a combination of your own positive energies and our healing light, imagine, sense or simply ask for this to occur. Know you can imagine a rainbow of light extending from your heart chakra to others or situations throughout your day with a simple thought.c
‘I activate the rainbow light of Archangel Michael and the Angelic Kingdom combined with my own healing energies to extend as a rainbow of healing light from my heart chakra.’With healing rainbow blessings,
Archangel Michael and One Hundred Angelic Beings
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Healing with the Angelic Rainbow of Light | Archangel Michael via Natalie Glasson
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
5/10/2019 11:58:00 AM