Enter the Delegations (Part 3/3) | Steve Beckow

Enter the Delegations – Part 3/3

May 6, 2019
By Steve Beckow

(Concluded from Part 2, yesterday.)

The Divine Mother in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, April 30,2019. Thanks to Dana for our transcript.

Steve: Does this represent a change in the plan because up until now the conversation has been about respecting planetary free will but now we’re sort of amending that a wee bit.

Divine Mother: No, we are not amending it. It is allowing for the play of free will not to be overridden by those that would like to usurp control.

Steve: Alright. So we’re not talking about a year down the road, two years down the road… We’re talking about…

DM: No, we are not.

Steve: Well, that’s very exciting, Mother!

DM: Regardless of whether you are Gaian, or Hussian, or Pleiadian, or any species, it is very exciting. And it is going to have one of the biggest impacts for people to truly, not only claim but to live in their divine authority. …

Steve: Very, very exciting. The size of the delegations?

DM: Small. Very small. This is a very important element that you have need to give attention to: It is to be on planet. So not a ship hovering 20 feet above.… On planet.

Steve: Isn’t that interesting. Elizabeth Kubler Ross once met with the spirit at a pre-arranged conference. (2) Is that the kind of thing that’s going to happen?

DM: This sweet angel [Kubler Ross] has met with many spirits many times. But, yes, it is similar to this, yes. But it is not what you would think of as a wraith. (3) It will be a physical presence.

Steve: Well, thank you very much for that notice Mother. I am just on fire with excitement.

DM: Well then, dearest heart, you can say that you got it from the horse’s mouth!

Steve: I thank you, Mother.

DM: Go with my love, Sweet One. Farewell.

(Concluded tomorrow in Part 4.)


(1) It was not clear whether the Mother said at this point “unofficial” or “an official.” The pronunciation of this word is a little confusing.

However she later repeats that it is an “official” mission.

(2) I was present at her lecture to a Vancouver audience at the Orpheum Theatre in which she described being asked to attend a conference. It turned out to feature an appearance of an evolved spirit. It told her that the work of the rest of her life was to convince people of the reality of life after death. That event was allegedly covered by a number of people equipped with tape recorders.

I’ve searched the Internet for any account of this meeting and was unable to find any.

(3) An apparition.

Source: Golden Age of Gaia
Enter the Delegations (Part 3/3) | Steve Beckow Enter the Delegations (Part 3/3) | Steve Beckow Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 5/06/2019 12:58:00 PM Rating: 5

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