Sadhguru - basis of all evil and all crime is small identity..
I am trying to enjoy, simply witnessing from Stillness, instead of letting female man-haters trigger my Mother severe rape, and murder abuse, so I asked Holy Spirit for help on this, as I meditated all day in timeless-reverie. It will become a great relief to my ashamed little boy self-blame conscience if what comes today can be, as true for others as it seems to, fast becoming for me.
Check this out if you please? We watch evil ones enjoying their ‘Power-over others’ iniquity just a little bit< a lot too much, like when a slave catcher cop sexually abuses, and Blackmails the Innocent before we are proven guilty. I am certain about these Bully-roles for pay, transfers the parent-hatred on the job iniquity as if citizens were, not welcome here, yet also were, never invited either, by the ones who enjoy bullying us just a little bit< a lot too much.
Do females have such Power-over males, as a group, that aren’t welcomed to Ascension, yet are, never invited by abused females, who enjoy sexually abusing, and Blackmailing males, just a little bit<a lot too much, like sexually abused little boy Cops, purposely not welcome/invited in their family-iniquity of moral wickedness/perversity?
Can this little boy, still feel purposely not welcome/invited by a whole group of Earth moral wickedness perverse females, without constantly getting triggered by Millennial Entitled female Political Narcissists. Is it just me, or is it the truth, that female iniquity enjoys sexually abusing and Blackmailing males, just a little bit<a lot too much?
Is Holy Spirit laying “Female Iniquity” on me for the first time, to relieve my constant shame and self-blame from 1945 childhood rape, and murder, that surely does classify my, not feeling welcome, or invited on purpose?. Can this female iniquity, still be running things on Earth? If it can, and it does, still, then maybe, just maybe I can simply witness this, by enjoying how females, still enjoy sexually abusing, and Blackmailing males just like my Mother did, just a little bit<a lot too much, as if timeless-reverie reveals this same female timeless iniquity.
There are a few things, and almost all Mortal things that I am, surely not invested in any more, but some were a lot easier to let go of, than others, because this purposely unwelcome uninvited little boy was, so addicted to abusers, that like cops can’t seem to let go of a constant addiction to their similar Parent iniquity. Isn’t it sad that some adults can’t care at all? How devoted do I have to become to enjoy relief from, all my rape, and murder Stockholm Syndrome abuse-addictions?
This seems no time to lament, right out in front of females, who just may be enjoying my question, just a little bit<a lot too much, all over again like my dead mother did, until she died. I just enjoyed a brain fart from Heaven! Maybe It’s Ok for me to imagine Ascension will appear without female narcissists, already there? Who Knows better, than Holy Spirit anyhow? May I welcome, and invite any female to Ascension, unlike the females refuse to welcome, and invite males to this up, and coming new party, without political moral-wickedness perversity female protectionism to project hate on males, and get away with self-hate shame-blame Cop-like abuse addiction any male-less Ascension-more, even possible?
It’s, already helping to call females, just another Mortal thing to let go of, and I hope this can help female man-haters who can’t let go, too, because I, already think of myself as, just another Mortal thing, just like my Mother rape, and murder taught me. Isn’t it a Wonder that no female is able to affirm my abuse experience with welcoming Delight to this supposed Light Ascension party, yet these same females seem to know all about ritual cannibalism Satanic Child-sacrifice as if there seems to be some dissonance going on for them to, actually validate a Satanic ritual as one for the Good female-victims from Earth rape female Vengeance Hell, just a little bit<a lot, just like my wicked Mother perverse female group-iniquity, still survives her here with us, even now?
If I had the a privilege to affirm, and validate~welcome a ritual sacrifice survivor, I would jump at the chance to let them know, by any means necessary, that nothing at all, even and especially< a lot wasn’t, and still isn’t their possible self-hate shame/blame fault, but correct me if I’m, still wrong, if this mortal thing seems only meant for small ID females, already too right to not, still Reign Supreme.
Holy Spirit offers ‘female iniquity’ to this suffering male-party, as a way for me to start enjoying the witness-role, instead of blaming myself for what the females in the family were doing to my Patsy-brothers and me. Was I a Patsy for females then, and am I, still a Patsy-male, not invited on purpose and, still not welcome here, by 4 billion females wishing for male-absence when we Censure-Ascend, with prejudice? Is a female a, mere Mortal thing to let go of, and which part is the most Patsy-clinging perverse unwelcome thing-best to avoid at all<a lot cost?
Then there’s the “Mother” in the name of Earth-obvious to witness now. so how, else can I, actually enjoy thinking of Earth Mortal-septic as, just another Mother-thing toilet go of #too. Joy comes with fun, and Holy Spirit Humor up the gump stump so, until the before, during, and now after experience here I just, barely made it to be able to thank Holy Spirit for offering “Female Iniquity”, even before I knew how to spell pure unadulterated gut wrenching wicked female-perversity male-hater ‘relief’. I had no idea to, ever write this before I started, but now I can enjoy any female man-hate witnessing, just how our same wicked Mother treated we, boys too much way back when<a lot of Satan going on, even now, still.
Checking In | Pine Cone
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
5/08/2019 08:54:00 PM