Love is not a transaction; Sadhguru about Love
If I ‘am’ an Earth-bullied Abused-child Criminal, or I am involved in any Collective-unconscious way to ‘hunt down, capture, and imprison’ Earth-bullied Abused-child Criminals, then we, all support this #2 Huge Earth-constipated self-hate Narcissistic Dump.
If I ‘am’ an Earth-bullied Abused-child mentally Ill, or I am involved in any Collective-unconscious way to ‘hunt down, capture, and imprison’ Earth-bullied Abused-child Mentally ill, then we, all support this #2 Huge-constipated self-hate projection Narcissistic Earth Dump.
We can all go around Go~together, and collect $200 at the same Time we can, all get out of jail free from Satanic Hotel biggest buildings on Earth Monopoly. This may be the ultimate Tantamount Earth~freeing teaser to fly free in Pineal Portal Pine Cone~in Orbit over every Universal Love Ocean Sunny Day fresh island breezes from here to free~dumb come?
Yesterday I, actually thought pretending to be either Gender, or fighting against the, other Gender on Earth-septic supports more Karma-body motives, that also supports Both Tiny-gender evil Duality 3D criminal ID Collective unconscious, that would’t get any bigger, but that’s just because it’s my personal core issue, perhaps?
Just imagine there isn’t one of us who can cast the first stone who isn’t prairie dogging Today’s newest Huge Earth Dump-awareness? Who doesn’t support abusing helpless new children, and then blaming the criminally insane for not pretending total humiliation, and then Patsy-blame more Bully-ridicule isn’t the ultimate Earth Tantamount to the Hugest Dump-denial nail in lots of Monster migrant-children Satanic-coffins.
If you had Earth Dump Parents and you went to Earth Dump mind-control school prison, and you, ever worked for nothing-slave people-money and, ever own children of your own again, just like your, own self-hate projecting parents did, then you ‘define’ an Abused-child Earth Dump Huge Collective Patsy, drowning in Earth-septic with all of we, floaters performing as speed bumps on the Prison-train to sweltering Abused-child Death Monster-migrant camp-outs under the Stars, as if safe as a bug in another Unconscious-rub Rug…NOT!!! and One Huge Earth Dump, to grow-down on!
When I turned over any Mortal free-will Illusion to the will of Holy Spirit Forgiveness-nurturing, little did I realize this much letting go would, ever help me witness such an impossible seeming Huge Dump at the same time I was flying free over Love Ocean in Orbit all around other lifetime orbits that, never opened my Spirit-flying heart as much as Earth-septic Phenomenal Abused-child Tantamount to Family-triangulation, really can SHTF Bed-count Orphan Dwindling-kill.
Who are we people, that we, all can become so blind to boring whoredumb, that we can cast the first gender-bias stone on the head of any sexually abused Earth-septic Monopoly mind-control ashamed Traumatized normal Turd Floater-anomaly? Justice claims Mercy, as if that’s, even possible after judging any Abused-child, instead of repenting Earth-poison Constipation-complicity. Earth is, really something to fly free over, that’s for Huge Earth Dump-damned sure!!!, and another! for the ones without names yet, ever!
Thank God turds come tapered as a prairie dog beginning and, especially after it’s on the Huge Earth Dump way out …!@#$%^&*()_+…
I don’t even remember coming or going, but I remember flying the freest I have, ever flown over Love Ocean, no less, and I can, never be sure, ever again which planet was as Sunny as any Day-less daze can capture, any freeing child’s innocent ‘get out of jail free’ Forgiven Spirit~Child imagination.
Holy Spirit chose the title and, no matter how much I wanted to remain positive for the Collective unconscious pretenders, Holy Spirit cast “A Huge Earth Dump” as away to address how badly Earthlinger SHTF Whore-casters deny gender-bias Abused-child complicity in, just about, every prairie dog way Evil-west and Huge Linear Time Dump East-crooked. “A Huge Earth Dump” has a nice ring to it if we begin to understand Holy Spirit Humor remains our Hugest Gender Earth female Chamber of Commerce/double-bind/male Funny-bone Constipated-karma Cosmic-Comic lost Universal-enlightening tell…
Pineal Gland Third Eye A dimension absolutely beyond the physical Sadhguru
A Huge Earth Dump | Pine Cone
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
5/15/2019 11:21:00 AM