It is always easier to put the blame outside of ourselves, rather than acknowledging that we have created our own reality.
Even though our reality is not pleasant, it is what we have manifested. This is the power of the human mind.
We create our own dis-ease (lack of ease/stagnant energy) for our own purpose to recognize and bring attention to the way we love ourselves. This concept of our inner being using our physical body to bring our attention to tell us where we need to focus our energy, chi, prana on in a more loving way.
Thought is your vibration and energy which is much faster than sound. Your conscious thoughts are the power source that you and every other human possess.
The thoughts that you consciously generate will be a major determining factor on where you go, and if and how soon you do return consciously in the physical form on this planet.
It is important to understand that the physical is merely a reflection. In order to change the reflection, you must change that which causes the reflection.
Most problems that people have: physical, mental, allergies, phobias, or relationships, etc. can be traced back to events that originated, not in the present lifetime, but in other lives.
We put together a page of every symptom we could find that represents a message from our inner being which could lead to recovery, health and wellness.
Read More here: https://www.fifty8magazine.com/physicalsymptoms
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The Power of the Mind | FIFTY8
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
4/23/2019 12:20:00 AM