Message from the Angels 04/12/2019
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
In every second of every day you are guided by the power that creates universes. With every breath you receive a unique impulse from the Source guiding you towards your hearts truest desires upon the most loving and joyful path.
In much the same way as the nervous system conveys messages from each every cell in the body to the brain and then carries back its instructions to every cell, there is a vibrational system of communication in the universe that guides each of you to a more loving and harmonious interaction with life.
Your energy field is your transmitter and your receiver. Your loving thoughts and desires are a strong beacon. Your fearful desires are a much weaker signal. Your anger is a loud signal that often pushes away the subject of your anger. Your kindness is a smooth and glorious ripple that moves in ever-expanding circles. Your joy bubbles through creation touching all willing to receive it. Your jealousy is an energy that pulls your field tightly around you blocking signals of creation.
Though all of these energies go out to the universe, the Creator responds with guidance only to your loving energies. Your anger, your fear, your jealousy, your greed remain unanswered signals, except by other human beings.
That does not mean you are ignored in your pain and negativity – far from it. Instead the Source and the angels respond to the loving energies that are simply misdirected through your negativity.
Beneath even the negative signals, we and the Source hear and respond to your cry for love.
When you are raging mad, we see your desire for love.
When you are sad, we see your desire for comfort.
When you are jealous we see your desire to create.We respond by attempting love you, comfort you, and guide you to know yourself as a powerful creator.
Humanity and the material world will vibrationally dance with your negativity, but we do not. We only dance with your love, no matter how subtle or buried it might be.
Your guidance comes in simple intuitive impulses – a feeling to go do something now, or call someone. It might come in the form of a thought that pops in your head – a good idea, a phrase, or a voice. It might come in a knowing – a sense that something is just right for you. Guidance is neutral, loving, and typically comes "out of the blue" when you are in a peaceful state of mind. Many of you receive your guidance while you are driving, showering, or doing something you enjoy that relaxes the mind.
If you miss your guidance, it will come again, and again, and again until you are able to acknowledge, and either act upon it or request alternate guidance. We never force you to listen. We simply offer ideas. If you don't like them, we offer new ones. Our love is unconditional.
Even if you never expressed a single desire upon the earth you would still be guided to the most loving life possible.
While humanity and the material world might mirror your negativity back to you, we mirror to you only your beauty, your brilliance, your truth, your love, your kindness, you desire to express, experience, and create! Focus on those things and you will notice us guiding you in glorious fashion! Focus on your true desires with love and you will be open to the signals that are always, and forevermore, available to you... with every breath.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels
Source: Visions of Heaven
Got Guidance? Yes! | The Angels via Ann Albers
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
4/13/2019 10:09:00 AM