What you are Left with | Heavenletters #1087

What You Are Left With | Heavenletters

MAR 30 2019

God said:

Making comparisons is tenuous. Making comparisons either lifts you up or puts you down, and so you put yourself at dis-ease. How do the cells of your body know what to think when you don’t? One day you are wonderful and better than everyone else, and the next day you are deflated and can hardly lift your head.

When you inflate yourself, the cells of the body follow. When you negate yourself, the cells of your body also follow. What can they do but follow your thought?

We know that your body is not supreme, but that does not mean to do it disservice. You have nourished your body with food and stretched it with exercise. Now nourish and stretch your body with your thoughts.

Better to be on an even keel. Uneven, your cells don’t know what you want of them. Just as with a child, as much as possible, you want to be consistent.

In order to think well of yourself consistently, you cannot be swayed by the world. What you are to the world necessarily goes up and down. What you are to Me never wavers. Lean towards Me and not the world, and you will be consistent.

Rid yourself of self-evaluation, which is another word for judgment. Rid yourself of the concepts of success and failure. Rid yourself of the need to compare. Rid yourself of the practice of comparing yourself to yourself. That is what you do when you mull through the past. Even yesterday is past.

The past is exclusively made up of your thoughts. Thoughts of the past make you sad one way or another. Even beautiful thoughts of your past sadden you, for, when it comes to the savory moments, you know that the past is fleeting. But you may feel that the unsavory moments are indelibly stuck to you and never leave. You think you are a product of your past, but that is true only to the extent that you think it.

Don’t forget that you are My creation and My child. Your life didn’t make you. Only, you have let your thoughts restrict you. Are your thoughts often concerned with Have or Have Not?

Can you feel how your energy flags or goes up according to your thoughts?

Let Us raise your thoughts now. Let Us raise them high like a flag.

When you think of Me, the past fades. When you think of Our love, you enter a whole new vibrational dimension. Sadness is not a high vibration. Sense of loss is not. Even sense of gain is not because gain has its own inherent fallibility; when gain is significant, then loss is too.

So, come, let Us talk about Our Oneness. Within Oneness, only Oneness exists. You can’t have more of the Oneness that already exists, but you can have more realization of Our Oneness.

Thoughts of Our Oneness do not push out other thoughts. Other thoughts leave of their own accord. After all, what can coexist with Our Oneness?

Align with Me. There is no side to pick, but if you must choose sides, choose to come with Me. There is nowhere to go but with Me, but still, you can choose it. You can choose to rise in your thoughts.

It is not that you rise to Me in order to perfect the cells of your body. It is not that you rise to Me for any result you imagine. You rise to Me because the power of My love draws you. You, who have choice, really have no choice when it comes to Me.

The world has taught you that you are needy. Let go of that programming, and you are left with Oneness.

Permanent link to this Heavenletter: http://www.heavenletters.org/what-you-are-left-with.html – Thank you for including this when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.

Source: Rainbow Wave of Light
What you are Left with | Heavenletters #1087 What you are Left with | Heavenletters #1087 Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 3/30/2019 10:39:00 AM Rating: 5

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