OSHO: Life Is A Very Mysterious Phenomenon
Ever heard of Zen, and the art of Motorcycle Maintenance, about how we can become enlightened Awake into Light Existence by doing what we, really Love, until we get so good at it, Love-motive replaces any more need for intellect remaining in control? Zen; piano, violin, surfing, painting, singing, driving, bullshitting, writing, even thinking, or anything-ing where we become One with the whole of Light Existence, where our intellect, finally becomes the slave of our Heart, and actually leaves out our head altogether?
I recently was able to write my way out of a wet paper bag by facing my Lost Soul Intellectually stuck in my mirror-double nemesis, and after getting, really good at what I Love to write, and experiencing my tremendous ‘whole group’ of Lost Soul Intellectually stuck sleeping sheeple, what Love did was to replace any more need to mirror their same dis-compassionate plight is to see all men and, all women with vaginas taking the place of their heads, and see how wordsmith writing, itself keeps me stuck in my, own intellectual hairy-head in Vagina-charge of my Mother’s PTSD Heart.
Now it’s Light Existence Zen-simple to Heart-live at Peace in Love seeing people with Hairy Vagina Heads, all using intellectual-words, to deny what’s constantly stuck on Mother Earth Sex-slave Vatican/Crown/DC/Swamp Breeder-complicit Poverty-poisoned Brick-outhouse Sewer-Rat-minds. Proof helps to reveal when female Vagina heads went way past bikini cuts to a bold bald daily, the male vagina heads, shaved their matching head vaginas in concert symphony that, all share their same Zen of Mother Earth Vagina-head Intellectual-word compunction.
Talk about getting stuck in our intellectual heads with only one Word in control of human Aroused Vatican Valentine candy licking-good anti-love vaginas, huh? I see Zen from, always equating Love with Sex addiction, never like the Motorcycle maintenance enlightening, because both a vagina-compunction, and an intellectual-compunction will always remain the very nemesis of any possible Light Existence freedom from Mortal Physical Karma Illusion Haggard worn-out non-Light Existence-to Death.
I was thinking, too much with my Hairy Vagina, just like all the people on a group of Dead-intellectuals, and we, all had the same Vatican Rage mind-control mirror-double dumb down Duality limited 3D ID compunction to worship our wordy vaginas, as if all breeders are good at is Vatican/Crown/DC/Swamp/Valentine stuck in our one word Bald heads at both Bold Dead-ends.
Writing 54 books from getting outta my Vatican Vagina Intellectual head WORD, was only 5% of the Love-enlightening ZEN Word Work, and 95% of the Love enlightening Zen comes by letting go of the, very group where we were fighting to the Vatican Vagina ‘divide and conquer’ same Satanic ISIS Jesuit-mercenary Triangulation, that is destroying Proxy nations, and billions of Satanic ISIS Mother-mercenary Family Triangulation, as bold, and as bald in the lie we, all suffer in this same one Head Word.
This recent enlightening experience Rocket Booster is the disappearance of the whole universe sweeping vagina head baggage, right out the Pineal Portal altogether, so bye bye Vatican mind-control and hello Light Existence freedumb, from my Mother PTSD denial of my own Vagina-head Sex-slave Intellectual-word Vatican-demon stuck-compunction!!! People sure look funny now with hairy heads, and bald Vaginas so bad we can’t tell who is who right after 68 doing u-turns under the sheets. Finally, now Gender infighting doesn’t matter either because Bold at both Bald dead ends has no Balls left to get in the way of our best-blank shot at Zen Rocket Booster Love Enlightening too.
Both Intellectual, and Sex head equal addictive compunction, so going Bald, as Bold as any addiction, really is only 5% or the work, and letting go of unconscious compunction, really is 95% of our Stockholm Syndrome Vagina-head Intellectual-word letting go, walking away from the talk, and leaving Zen~fair and Love~square. Imagine we can “Zen and the art of Vagina-head Intellectual-word compunction” as long as we are willing to stop shaving grapes of codependent Gender-hate Vatican-rage Breeder-food Demon-wrath? We can call this 5%/95% effort doing it, all for Love in the end, if freedumb from Vagina-head Intellectual-word addiction remains our Alive end inner Light Existence Infinity Gender-free Love-goal?
Sharing on this group, now would, just add more Vagina-head Intellectual-word compunction, to have a lot to say about nothing, so we can look at this last, as a safe tease considering no one has to reveal their own Vagina-head Intellectual-word compunction reactions to censure, from the safety of “Zen and the art of letting go” too. We know, all here always have too much advice, as if another you you you are above me, without earning my trust by Listening with affirming Delight yet, like my Mother didn’t earn my trust yet either, so any crippling comments now, just assures my decision to let go more(thank you very intellectually much), so we can use this post as my enlightening Zen closure best 95% half ass-attempt offering.
Will eye, or won’t little i? I know, eye will, because I can thank everyone here to be my constant mirror, that never gave up trying to intellectually Vagina One-word best me. Thank you for showing how much my Mother’s vagina took over my little boy mind-f***, so I will never forget, even a whole Group named after enlightening can remain stuck on Vagina-head Intellectual-word compunction, until the next victim/volunteer escapes this same Worldwide Pouting Homeless imprisonment revelation:
“Well here we sit Today broken hearted, paid the Vatican/Crown/DC, all our money and, sincerely can Bold intellectually ask “Do Rage-farts have constipated Vatican female-lumps, or is it in the nature of, all Slaves to speak softly, and carry a big Low self-worth Cannibal Septic-tank Collective unconscious Baby Rage Mom Sex Kid Cop Rob Rot Mob Posse-worship Gun Consciousness?” and a Lusty Bald “Funny how we, never hear from any castrated Camel-toe Bricked-howling men yet, so that’s gotta be our biggest clue in, all this crap, from Vatican “Silver or Lead” Dead-female bribery gone Sex-slave Vatican T-rage dinosaur mind-control Demon-viral.”
Vagina-head Intellectual-word | Pine Cone
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
3/12/2019 08:14:00 AM