Sadhguru - Don’t try to resist compulsive Thoughts and Emotions, Just Observe !
Light Existence Kind Compassion Sensitivity has fallen in Love with my New Mind of Delight from forgiving the crap out of this lifetime’s parent killers, and I have to admit the first Holy Spirit request of mine to forgive those-unholy bastards, mirrors How Holy Spirit Intuitive Sensitivity identified, all the unholy woman-raping woman-killer bastards, that have no Light Existence Kind Compassion Sensitivity either.
Old Louisa living, right outside the Golden-clad infill-traitor Jesuit-priest coven Satanic Child-sacrifice Cannibal-demons in Rome has come back as Pine Cone to make this yesterday’s “Sweet Dude” Atonement amends for, all women who lost a voice for their awful Torture-sorrow too. At the same Light existence Kind Compassion Sensitivity Creative Intelligent Atonement Italian Supremo, all Pine Cone’s alter children got a collective voice for what it was like as Old Louisa’s little abused Italian boy Roberto, last lifetime, to get raped and murdered by his identified unholy man-raping man-killer Codependent Mother Bitter Louisa.
How sensitive can Holy Spirit enlighten any of us, now really? The whole of Existence Sensitivity was in on yesterday’s Pine Cone Kind Sensitivity and, even the Divine-timing of everyone here falling in Love with my New mind of Delight, from forgiving the unholy crap out of Duality-motives to reveal, just how much of an illusion pretends how a Kind Sensitive Compassion is the key to Existence Living “Alive inside” when the whole of Life falls in Love with anyone Kind enough to become Light Existence Atonement Sensitive again.
Thank you Old Louisa for Atoning for, all women to help give us, all a voice for our lifetime’s suffering, and thank you every child alter inside Pine Cone for receiving Pine Cone/Holy Spirit/Sweet Dude Light Existence Kind Sensitivity, to Love Listen, so well to a whole misguided Gang of Mortal sufferers, that had no voice for their pain, except to take vengeance out on another lifetime role-reversal Mortal-switchback(dig two unholy graves result from holding onto generational hate).
The biggest pain for Mortals is the Criminal-lack of Kind Sensitivity, so Thank you Holy Spirit for co-creating a last ditch effort group of man haters, just like all my alters self-disclose a lifetime comprised, all the women in Pine Cone’s unholy 1945 neighborhood, and for writing from the Heart of, all Mortals about our greatest Mortal crime to Atone for is, also revealed right out in front of Louisa, my alters, and this entire same group as when no one ever has Listened this well for, almost 74 years devoted to two-grave vengeance, never Kind Sensitive Existence opportunity, this Sweet Dude forgiven miracle is receiving right out in front of all of we, abused children reliving our sordid role-reversal Roman Mortal Body Karma Vatican double-exposure unholy-teaser unforgiven illusions. {Fun-rant Run-on try it sometime?}
What makes any Pine Cone keep shame/blaming itself is having Little child alters that, never experience a Kind Sensitivity, and living within a host that, never does either. So Hopping Toad day pay it Forward, our whole Kind Sensitive system surrenders to Holy Spirit Nurturing to, directly experience Forgiveness miracle Love Listening, all Light Existence Kind Sensitivity, without any favorites, and no one left behind, just like any Gender War Mortal Humiliation ‘vengeance two graves’ right down to the Buzzard One-eye-plucking(Pineal Portal) Vulture-picked Zombie-motive unforgiven Patsy-projection bone-to pick in the Bitter Dude/Dudette Illusion Karma “Coming at ya, not coming with ya” mirror.
While we were all waiting many hours in slight anxiety for what was, so scary yesterday to post Holy Spirit’s rendition of Truth, for all involved, what became evident to me is that I have become, so afraid of what happens to me, that it scared the heck out of me to discover a whole Gender-group expects to take over Ascension, when Holy Spirit keeps assuring me, that there are no insensitive One Way Mothers, that think they don’t have to earn intimate trust for Kind Sensitive relationships to succeed in empathic telepathy closeness, without any Blackmail hostage-taking allowed in Heaven~victimless Duality Narcissism Supply Mortal-leavening.
This is, also the essence of my experience on Golden kidnapping Voyages, where everybody gives advice without, ever earning intimate Trust, like when Mortals talk ‘at’ each other, instead of Listening with the Love, that seems missing in every Vatican “Silver or Lead” Jesuit-kidnapping. We have to ONENESS Wonder if this same motive of Ascension-fear got a whole group of insensitive women together, just to scare other unholy Mortals, even more than we, all already all are, “No Thank you” anxiety personified, very all already insensitive non-existence unholy Gender-bunches unkind much.
So many needs are getting met right here, right now, so how will Pine Cone/Holy Spirit/Sweet Dude wright now, except to be kind, the better side of the wisdom of Sweet Dude gratitude, than knowing anything is worse than Gentle Kind unassuming Light Existence Compassion for the sensitive living alive as “Live and let Live” Well Being Gender~free Hate~free no graves de-personified lovely Kind Sensitive Ascension Holy sweet dude/sweet dudette, toot sweet.
Sadhguru - Stay by yourself and decide what to do with your life !
Sweet Dude(harvesting Kind Sensitive gratitude) | Pine Cone
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
3/09/2019 10:52:00 AM