Everybody Loves Raymond Uses Active Listening - from Parent Effectiveness Training
If the, only Mortal-motive worthy of so much Karma-fail repeats is an Illusion of a Physical-body suffering-separation, and the most Mortal Body Power-over others is Sex, and the only female Power-over men left for Sex-slave procreation-survival Mother-motif Body Karma repeats is Sexual Blackmail, then how can we come right out of this much Earth-denial and, even dare to speak honestly about Sex-Motif Karmic-shame? What will talking, thinking, and feeling Mortal Body-illusion Sex-Motif Karma do for us? Uh Oh Well Being; Oh Hell let’s just break our Aroused spooky Satanic Child-sacrifice Vatican kid-licking Valentine mind-control Candy hearts, and try it? Damn, this is, already getting more fun than a barrel of monkey-zinging slaves, even before we get Sex-Motif ‘roll out the Whiskey-barrel’ rolling!
Let’s first compare this Karma-female Body-Illusion Sex-motive Power-over male bodies with the same Karma-male Body-illusion Sex-motive Power-over female body Kind switch-off? How can we ask a man to let go of his Body Sex-motif Power Karma huge EGO-fear, enough to tempt his being Kind, instead and, even forgiving enough to Listen with affirming delight Compassion-pleasance to everything a female, ever self-discloses with assertive vulnerability?(another Sex Motif missing Mortal-feature)
Now are we ready to turn the same Sex-Motif Body-repeating Karma-illusion male Kind-switch off yet? (asking the same Sex Motif separation-suffering question expecting different insane results): Here we go now 1, 2, 3 “How can we ask a woman to let go of her Body Sex-motif Power Karma huge EGO-fear, enough to tempt her being Kind, instead and, even forgiving enough to Listen with Affirming-delight Compassion-pleasance to everything a male, ever self-discloses with assertive vulnerability?(if that’s even Body-possible for a woman delusion?)
Now we have, just accidentally captured the meaning flame-out essence of another Mortal-delusion, “Twin Flame Karma-illusion”, with emphasis on total Mortal-body linear time-illusion’s Main-fear Sex Motif Flame-out EGO-sacrifice, it seems to me this glorious Tesla Flux~flow freeing-energy new mourning dawn Sun-coming up Daisies-morning!!!
How can we let go of our body memories, that Karma is depending on for, all Love’s magic Sex-Motif switchback doing coyote-tricks? Would that we be Kind, would either Karmic illusion Huge EGO Gender-coyote let go of this much Evil-useless Power? I think NOT Oh hidden Sex Motif Karma-power Blackmail lovers, just like me? “Uh Oh woman, please let go of your Body now, in favor of being kind? NAWWW NO Nope for sure, because that, already includes another Pine Cone slider to, even mention a hint, that woman can’t be Kind by their, very Karmic vengeance nature, any more than a man can kick that same Vatican-controlled “Candy’s quick but Reptilian forked-tongue Government liar-licker’s Chemical-hijack quicker” religious hate-molasses Love-inverse Honey Pot quickening.”
Just how badly will, both gender cling to the Vatican bank, so fulla-bloodlust Child-diarrhea Demon-cannibals, unholy septic tank Tunnel-shame-still? Now we’re talking/thinking/feeling about our, very own Sex Motif honest-addictive Motives to sick-loyal worship the Vatican-demons and, never let go of them, or Our-owned Sex-slave Body-licking off their Cannibal food-on-the-hoof ‘our switchback’ Child Sex Motif Valentines? No wonder the Sex Motif best unwritten rule is to “Don’t talk Don’t think Don’t feel” Huh?
11 years ago after long daily Monk-meditation devotion for the first 24 years, willing to face a, more naive Pledge-fledgling developing personal/Universal pain, I wrote “WoWeeWoo” in 2008, so this morning during Holy Spirit guidance “WoWeeWooWoo” come to me that I remembered nothing about this reference, but Today this advance ability to go-for-it with, ever more Ascension-courage ism simply to look at the Motives we, all hide under everything in Duality survival_procreation, just to retain Power-over each other until, all the Cow Blackmail BS come home altogether Spirit Light Kind-again, finally.
WoWeeWooWoo would ya’all be, so kind to listen to each other with affirming delight, instead of Satanically Correct mind-control torture, just for sake of Mortal Power Body worship mind-control Sex Motif letting go into Kind ONENESS Wonder willingness? It doesn’t matter who goes first, either way the elite lose, all their control over, all of us if, even half of us let go of Sex Motif, in favor of the Spirit Light within, that Mortals, all deny, so much in this here Mortal Body Sex Motif second’s Karma-place? Don’t go right out and kill your body but, rather stick around for a couple thousand years to get use to living, really living with Tender Acceptance, instead of whatever any WoWeeWoo ‘baby-to-teenager’ is, so sick of here, they’re all trying to tell us, every time they ‘hit and run’ Hollywood-female Blackmail walk away with another Sex Motif “Whatever” Hostage left male high, and ‘desert of life’ Wrong-hostage dry?
Sex Motives are Killing us, all off so quick, instead of ‘getting off’ the Power-wheel of deadly Fear-ego Body-karma where WoWeeWoo hides “Whatever” this Ascension clarity of ONNESS Intention “WoWeeWooWoo” double entendre is asking of us, all to consider this fine Mourning Morning. Talk about it, Think about it, Feel about it, and get back to us, whenever whatever gets ya right in the Ascension core guts of it all, will ya will yas WoWeeWoo double entendre WoWeeWooWoo “I think I can I think I can I think I can little red choo choo”?
“Hey Hi-yas will ya man/woman let go of yer Body Sex Motif Power Karma huge EGO-fear, enough to tempt our being Kind, instead and, even forgive each other enough to Listen with Affirming-delight Compassion-pleasance to everything anyone, ever self-discloses with assertive vulnerability(if that’s even Body-possible for an insane Powerful Sex Motif unkind Delusional Comical Karmic-whatever Blackmail Cow Mortal Bullshitter?) Even this ONENESS Wonder sneaky Pine Cone Ascension-inquiry intimates WWGOWGA by combining both Cow-BS Gender-bigots into the same Ascension-hint sexual entendre insane request?
Imagine any normal reaction begins with total shunning/killing/total chaos, and then after 24 years, even today(9 years later) I am figuring out what Holy Spirit helped me wright, just for today, when I was ready to begin to confront my own complicit Sex Motif Mortal Body Karma Illusion treachery? Next we begin to mill around smartly, and try on a few new aspects of Kindness, just in case it might be more pleasant as “Kill the WoWeeWoo messenger promised(if that’s even WoWeeWooWoo Body possible for any impossibly limited Mortal stub-born Body-focbofus Sex Motif Body-double delusion?)
Now we go look for a funny video about sex Motif, as if they all aren’t, already as funny as we Illusions making fun of insanity in a mirror for Power-over Mortal brick outhouses, when anywhere is a better place to begin to become affirming delight pleasance, instead of whatever our worn out teenager bad-slaves keep trying to Hell-tell us? How about the ole “Every Body Loves Raymond” Kind Listening-teaser to begin from the Spirit Light hiding within, not “Baby-to-teen” Mortal-whatever Sex Motif Loser-kidding Power Killers around at all? Ash Wednesday/New Moon have at it… at ONENESS Wonder High Tide somewhere in the Love Ocean Musical Mystical Magical, at your Kinder World-renouncing GMO-corn syrup Big Oil Child-sacrifice Kuru Laughing disease :Two” Duality-party dumping Gitmo-disposal…
WWJD without a body; Uh Oh Talk Think Feel, don’t Mortal-stink about, such a good Ascension-thing, where it’s not heretic-bad, it’s just Kinder Spirit Light-exchanging Sex Motif-different, and think of it, ‘just’ to a, mere Light Existence infinity, within for~every~where Creative Intelligence Bright Star Brilliance “Whatever-less” baby-to teen suffering-censure never again!!!
There’s other Pine Cone Surprise Candy-goodies hidden deep within this innocent Easter Egg Hunt here too, can yas forgive yet, or are ya’s hateful-autonomics stuck already on `em about to rage-blow an Elephant herd in the Mortal-dying room shunt-glaring Sex Motif Clarion Call unkind-censure needy fuse? Awe c’mon enjoy a little Awe-within with me, ya know for the Gender~free, Karma~free, Sex Motif Perspective-free dumbed down common good, ever so missing here? Some will Mortal hold out say “What Corn” How absurd; get yer guns, let’s go get ‘em, and kill ‘em all, for the Sex Motif limited EGO Satanic murder, and War is, just doing it Chamber of Commerce Shame-projection business Power-over Curmudgeon-cause.
Who’duh thunk Oklahoma would, ever introduce any Ascension singing-reward for, getting a SHTF headache from thinking this much outside the talking/feeling hidden Sex Motif Gender-lock hot tinder sacrificial foul baseball Home Plate Hate-married red neck/feminist Mortal-box? Is there no end to, all the mind-control metaphors, already built in to our Mortal Sex Motif language, or will I just have to stop the lovely fun rhythm inside me, and discipline the Joy from revealing all the ways I have blamed myself, instead of turning within to Holy Spirit, that does the opposite of censure,”Whatever” that can, possibly good/better/best Sex Motif any day of the Power-over Spirit Light Coward-weak Gender-hazing habit-addiction be? … PLEASE STOP NOW!!!
Oklahoma - Oh What a Beautiful Morning (Hugh Jackman)
Sex Motif | Pine Cone
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
3/06/2019 09:05:00 PM