Our Evolving Spiritual Culture | Bonita Wutzke

Our Evolving Spiritual Culture by Bonita Wutzke

March 28, 2019
By Steve Beckow

Our Evolving Spiritual Culture

Bonita Wutzke

Many of Gaia’s readers are familiar with our meet-ups in Bellingham and how they started, when Steve and Kathleen stopped here on the last leg of their spiritual adventure from Vancouver, Canada to San Diego and back.

They were invited by Sitara who had gathered a few friends to explore her vision of a spiritual community. On that day, a meet-up was born that has become a true spiritual family, a tribe of sharing, of love, camaraderie and laughter.

By now, through sheer numbers and divine timing, our gatherings have outgrown the meet-and-greet sharing stage of the intimate group we had become. As we evolved, our numbers grew until it became apparent that the grounding stage was complete, and the time had come for the next stage. It was now time to turn our focus toward our greater work.

Last month with mixed emotions, we left our familiar structure and began to shift our focus to the greater community and share our visions that reflect the influence of 5D consciousness for our lives, our community and beyond. It is time now for action as we move into the creative phase. It is time to go to work.

Now we are exploring a new format for our gatherings. We are brainstorming and laying the groundwork for what is to come. Our visions are vivid and alive as we each share what has been growing within us. The RV and GESARA are on the horizon, but first there is groundwork to do. It is time to set the stage…

Our visions are unfolding. Some in the group shared their vision of a sustainable eco-culture and community on 20 acres of beautiful land, with a stream and gardens, where co-housing and sharing is a way of life…a team already seems to be coming together for this project.

Others are ready to share their vision of a beautifully designed Spiritual Center with an inviting area for spiritual gatherings and meetings, for classes and events. A Center that includes a social area with a fireplace for gatherings, books to read, a coffee and gift shop, outdoor patio with seating, etc.

A Center where spiritual groups would gather instead of commercial sites; a larger place for Spiritual Movie Nights. Both spiritual and social, it would be a Center where our rapidly growing spiritual community would love to gather, where they could get to know each other beyond their smaller groups.

Some see Bellingham’s bay-front setting as ideal for larger gatherings where Expos could be held, a setting for ongoing spiritual retreats amidst nature’s beauty. Some see a holistic healing center. Already organic community gardens have been started. The movement is on, and its only just begun!

There is much excitement, support, questions and laughter as visions are shared. All are part of this brainstorming time, and nothing is tossed out at this point as visions are filled out, some combined, new ones inspired and added, some set aside. As we share our visions, we are preparing for the humanitarian work just ahead.

Our life experiences have brought us to this moment. Our passions are seeking fulfillment and can no longer be put off. We are now ready and eager to help further the awakened reality in this idyllic village where snow-capped mountains meet a glorious bay filled with sailboats, where sunsets are breathtaking and music is a way of life.

Yes, Gaia is alive and well!

We are finding a new way of living, a new way of Being as we move more fully into the Love that transcends any we have known. Our visions, individually and collectively enhance the wholeness of who we are on our journey into greater wholeness.

This is the value of Spiritual groups. Every person, each project is part of the whole. We inspire one another. Everyone has an expertise, a gift that has been honed through their life and is now being unveiled and shared…we are ready to do what we came into this life to do. It is time. We are ready.

Like you, we have been irresistibly drawn to gather with those of like-mind. We are finding our tribe. It is as if it was intended that we meet. And it was. These are not chance meetings, but are divinely directed, and our heart responds with a quickening, a recognition, a knowing.

Our group is but one of thousands that are emerging simultaneously across the globe to ultimately come together. We are one family, one tribe connected to all others on this most extraordinary adventure into wholeness. Something is afoot! The divine has arrived…and we are it!

A new world of Love is being born out of the ashes of 3D. The Shift is gaining momentum as we move swiftly now into the higher dimensions of Love. As we see the old come up for release, we are feeling new and different energies emerging, new urgings.

Our bodies feel different as we too, move out of 3D and into greater awareness, greater love, forgiveness and compassion. This is what has drawn us to gather, this is where our inner urgings are leading us…to our glorious destiny together, within purest Love.

We are at the threshold now, and soon we too will join our Galactic families who have stood by our side as we traversed the often arduous journey that is now bringing us into enlightenment and into our rightful place – now at their side, and we are so eager to meet them…again!

With joy filled passion and purpose, we are coming together, supporting each other and cheering one other on, as we move swiftly into the home stretch.

We have moved out of 3D…and are coming through the challenges and changes 4D brings, and are now beginning to touch the love and joy of 5D and see in the not-too-distant horizon, blessings beyond our wildest dreams.

It is time to celebrate! It’s time to uncork the champagne and toast one another as we dance together in the divine Light of Universal Love. We truly are Rock Stars! We have worked our way back to our rightful place among the brightest stars in the Galaxy. Mission nearly complete!

Source: Golden Age of Gaia
Our Evolving Spiritual Culture | Bonita Wutzke Our Evolving Spiritual Culture | Bonita Wutzke Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 3/28/2019 10:38:00 AM Rating: 5

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