Laying Bare the Love Beneath It
March 6, 2019
By Steve Beckow
I’ve been recuperating from a fall in which I bruised a rib.
Because the bruise was so painful, I didn’t do anything that would engage the hurting muscle.
Well, going to the bathroom did and so I dispensed with it. Seven days later I’m well and truly constipated. I don’t know which is worse.
A friend said I was holding on to my own shzt. I live my life as a workshop so I tried it on, tested it out, and it fit. It resonated.
I’ve been a gunnysacker since childhood – a person who resents, stores up their resentments, and carries them around in a gunnysack. Physical constipation ≅ Emotional gunnysacking.
So I was holding on to my own you-know-what. I believed the Divine Mother was showing me what it was costing me.
All of this was happening before I read the recent words of Hilarion:
“It is, at this point in the ascension process, a necessity to clear the physical body of all energetic blockages and obstructions to the entrance and embodiment of more Light into this wondrous physical vehicle that is now in the process of transformation from a denser form to that of one that is more Light-filled. …
“When this event occurs, one’s higher self can and does, embody the physical vehicle. Then there will be an integration that takes place, the length of which can vary from person to person. For some, it will take a relatively short period of time (a few months). For others, it will take many years to accomplish. It should be stated here that this process is occurring within every soul living upon the planet.
“None are exempt from this event as it occurs, for in order for the entirety of humanity to enter the higher realms of consciousness, one must also see to the purification of their physical vehicle. As you already know, the physical body is destined to go through this alchemical transformation into a pure vehicle for God’s expression in the world of form.” (1)
I seemed certainly involved in that!
I then found myself in the middle of a process that Kathleen has put forward. (2) I’ve changed the order of the first two steps because that’s how it occurred for me.
Step One for me was compassion – walking a mile in the other person’s shoes, listening deeply.
The minute I donned the shoes of the people I hadn’t forgiven, I could feel their pain. I could imagine the intergenerational transfer and guess at what it was like in their families. Having tried on their shoes, I could feel compassion for them.
Step Two was forgiveness of everyone and everything. I forgave everyone in my life that I had stored up a resentment against. It followed easily from seeing how life was for the other person. It was also the only way to drop the gunnysack.
Step Three was gratitude for everyone and everything. The minute I saw all I had learned, I was in so much gratitude.
Everything is a learning experience, even constipation. I’m grateful for all of it. And I now feel in balance.
I’ve been able to use the upset clearing process (3) to make vasanas disappear for a while but they’d come back. But Kathleen has taken the process a mile down the road with the addition of the three steps – forgiveness, compassion, and gratitude .
They leave one in a place of completion, purity, and balance – the object of clearing vasanas in the first place.
The summary of it all? Just to love.
That’s the whole thing in a nutshell.
What we’re doing is clearing the brush away (the vasanas, core issues) to lay bare the love that always has, always is, and always will be underneath it.
(1) “The Hilarion Connection© Update – March 2019,” via Marlene Swetlishoff, March 3, 2019, at
(2) Kathleen’s process is forgiveness, compassion, and gratitude. I’m going to reverse Steps One and Two as Kathleen has laid them out, just because that’s how it worked out for me here.
(3) “How to Handle Unwanted Feelings: The Upset Clearing Process” at
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
March 6, 2019
By Steve Beckow
I’ve been recuperating from a fall in which I bruised a rib.
Because the bruise was so painful, I didn’t do anything that would engage the hurting muscle.
Well, going to the bathroom did and so I dispensed with it. Seven days later I’m well and truly constipated. I don’t know which is worse.
A friend said I was holding on to my own shzt. I live my life as a workshop so I tried it on, tested it out, and it fit. It resonated.
I’ve been a gunnysacker since childhood – a person who resents, stores up their resentments, and carries them around in a gunnysack. Physical constipation ≅ Emotional gunnysacking.
So I was holding on to my own you-know-what. I believed the Divine Mother was showing me what it was costing me.
All of this was happening before I read the recent words of Hilarion:
“It is, at this point in the ascension process, a necessity to clear the physical body of all energetic blockages and obstructions to the entrance and embodiment of more Light into this wondrous physical vehicle that is now in the process of transformation from a denser form to that of one that is more Light-filled. …
“When this event occurs, one’s higher self can and does, embody the physical vehicle. Then there will be an integration that takes place, the length of which can vary from person to person. For some, it will take a relatively short period of time (a few months). For others, it will take many years to accomplish. It should be stated here that this process is occurring within every soul living upon the planet.
“None are exempt from this event as it occurs, for in order for the entirety of humanity to enter the higher realms of consciousness, one must also see to the purification of their physical vehicle. As you already know, the physical body is destined to go through this alchemical transformation into a pure vehicle for God’s expression in the world of form.” (1)
I seemed certainly involved in that!
I then found myself in the middle of a process that Kathleen has put forward. (2) I’ve changed the order of the first two steps because that’s how it occurred for me.
Step One for me was compassion – walking a mile in the other person’s shoes, listening deeply.
The minute I donned the shoes of the people I hadn’t forgiven, I could feel their pain. I could imagine the intergenerational transfer and guess at what it was like in their families. Having tried on their shoes, I could feel compassion for them.
Step Two was forgiveness of everyone and everything. I forgave everyone in my life that I had stored up a resentment against. It followed easily from seeing how life was for the other person. It was also the only way to drop the gunnysack.
Step Three was gratitude for everyone and everything. The minute I saw all I had learned, I was in so much gratitude.
Everything is a learning experience, even constipation. I’m grateful for all of it. And I now feel in balance.
I’ve been able to use the upset clearing process (3) to make vasanas disappear for a while but they’d come back. But Kathleen has taken the process a mile down the road with the addition of the three steps – forgiveness, compassion, and gratitude .
They leave one in a place of completion, purity, and balance – the object of clearing vasanas in the first place.
The summary of it all? Just to love.
That’s the whole thing in a nutshell.
What we’re doing is clearing the brush away (the vasanas, core issues) to lay bare the love that always has, always is, and always will be underneath it.
(1) “The Hilarion Connection© Update – March 2019,” via Marlene Swetlishoff, March 3, 2019, at
(2) Kathleen’s process is forgiveness, compassion, and gratitude. I’m going to reverse Steps One and Two as Kathleen has laid them out, just because that’s how it worked out for me here.
(3) “How to Handle Unwanted Feelings: The Upset Clearing Process” at
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
Laying Bare the Love Beneath it | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
3/06/2019 09:07:00 AM