Get Ready to See His Word Fulfilled | Elijah List

"Get Ready to See His Word Fulfilled - in Your Life!"

Diane Lake, Missoula, MT

An Unusual Word in the Night

On a recent trip to Florida, I was awakened one night to an unusually strong awareness of the presence of the Lord. With remarkable clarity—as if a voice were speaking from behind me, directly into my ear—the Lord began to speak to me of a new day coming. I feel led to first share the complete word below, unedited and just as I heard it, before unpacking some of what the Lord has since shown me concerning this word and revelation:

Get ready, for He's doing a new thing—completely different and new.

"It can seem as if the waiting is unbearable, but I am doing something completely different and new. I'm doing a new thing...completely a new thing. Get your faith levels high! Expect to see divine healings. Get your faith levels high, for it's a new day! It will be different and new. I am getting rid of the old—especially that which is formulated on how good you are. It will be released in stages. You have a company of angels assigned to you. It is different and new. There's a new day coming—completely different and new."

Cause this new thing You are doing, Lord, to spring up! Sometimes it's a little awkward because we want to get there all at once, but it's too early to see the full manifestation yet. There is still some work to be done on this new house (resting place, or habitation for His glory).

"Get ready for I'm about to pour out My Spirit upon you!"

Several Dreams of New Clothes

Shortly after this, the Lord spoke to me about new clothes. This got my attention, for I'd had several recent dreams previous to this that had featured new clothes, which I'd felt signified prophetically that something completely different and new was coming.

In the first dream, I was preparing to run a race. My sense was that I was strong and ready, confident I'd do really well. But for some strange reason, at the very last second, I switched up my top to a brand new shirt. It was so new that it still had two plastic strings hanging from the right sleeve—the kind price tags are attached with—which I then removed. What was really strange was that it was pink and white striped—not something I would ever wear! (My favorite colors are green, black and gray and for some reason I've always had a strange aversion to pink!) (Photo via Pexels)

Another dream involved my dad giving me a pair of pants, which puzzled me, as I wondered why he would do this. To my surprise they fit perfectly, as if they'd been made especially for me. But they were made of some sort of crushed velvet, purplish in color and styled with large, flared legs. (Again, something I would never wear!) I felt the purple had some significance to royalty, and my father represented spiritual generations that have come before, but I continued to pray for the Lord to reveal more.

Strength, Boldness and the Time of Fulfillment!

I felt the Lord was showing me that the dreams were for the Body of Christ, and the new clothes had several different meanings. The first is that the new clothes represent new strength. Proverbs 31:25 says (concerning the virtuous woman): "Strength and honor are her clothing" (NKJV). You can expect to receive new strength, both physical and spiritual, for the tasks and assignments the Lord has given you for the days ahead!

The Lord also directed me to Psalm 138:3, which says, "In the day when I cried out, You answered me, and made me bold with strength in my soul" (NKJV). For those who have in obedience boldly followed the call of the Lord on their lives, I heard Him say that He is about to reward your boldness for Him.

Psalm 138:8 says, "The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me" (ESV). This leads to another meaning of the new clothing the Lord gave me; new clothes represent the time of the fulfillment of the Lord's word for you coming to pass. The story of Joseph in the Old Testament provides some great insight regarding this. Psalm 105:17-21 reads: "He sent a man before them—Joseph—who was sold as a slave. They hurt his feet with fetters, he was laid in irons. Until the time that his word came to pass, the word of the Lord tested him. The king sent and released him . . . He made him lord of his house, and ruler of all his possessions"(NKJV).

The actual account of Joseph's release from prison when he was brought before Pharaoh is found in Genesis 41. After Joseph interpreted Pharaoh's dreams, he was given—you guessed it—new clothes! Genesis 41:42 reads: "Then Pharaoh took his signet ring off his hand and put it on Joseph's hand; and he clothed him in garments of fine linen and put a gold chain around his neck" (NKJV). It's of note that this was not because Joseph was still clothed in filthy prison garbs, for he had already changed his clothes (v. 14). These were clothes of authority, royalty, and promotion!

I also felt directed to the story of Mephibosheth in regard to the generations that have come before. Remember in the dream when my dad gave me a new pair of pants in purple, the color associated with royalty? David restored all to Mephibosheth because of the covenant with generations before. And even though there is no specific mention of new clothes given to him at that time, it is likely they were provided before he sat down at the king's table (see 2 Samuel 9; 2 Kings 25:29).

Preparation for Increase

Both Joseph and Mephibosheth experienced restoration and promotion in the realms of authority and royalty. This was a work of God's appropriating grace. In a similar fashion, I see this new day of new clothing as representing the time of the fulfillment of His word coming to pass for you.

The Lord also showed me something about this new day concerning President Trump. There will be more accurate prophecies coming forth—both those he will receive (from his spiritual advisors), and those which will come forth (concerning him). (Photo via Unsplash)

Isaiah 54:2-3 says, "Enlarge the place of your tent, and let them stretch out the curtains of your dwellings; do not spare; lengthen your cords, and strengthen your stakes. For you shall expand to the right and to the left" (NKJV). Much like this passage instructs the engagement of faith through practical steps of preparation for increase—lengthening of cords and strengthening of stakes—I sense the Lord urging us to engage our faith to prepare for increase.

Specifically, if you're in any type of business or ministry, I felt the Lord say that you might feel called to rebrand your logo. It's a time to expect a new season of angelic activity, divine favor and promotion—especially within the arenas of the 7 mountains (areas) of culture.

With one voice, together, let's declare in agreement: "Cause this new thing You are doing, Lord, to spring up. Let it be that the Lord would bring it to pass for me!" Amen.

Source: Elijah List
Get Ready to See His Word Fulfilled | Elijah List Get Ready to See His Word Fulfilled | Elijah List Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 3/28/2019 10:33:00 AM Rating: 5

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