Everything Has Consciousness
March 5, 2019
By Kat

I didn’t used to look at every leaf with adoration and appreciation.
I didn’t used to consciously welcome Pear blossoms or Magnolia flowers as I walked by.
I didn’t used to talk to the Ocean as if talking to a human friend—confidentially—confidently knowing that the Water understood and was responding.
I didn’t used to talk with Whales and Dolphins.
I didn’t even used to talk to my little dog.
But I do now.
All the time.

As my awareness expands, my understanding that EVERYTHING has consciousness is being verified moment-to-moment in my Earthly experience.
Trees bend their branches when I look at them with a question, or the wind picks up and rustles their leaves as if on cue. Dolphins leap out of the water at the exact moment I start talking with them. Whales slap the sea with their tales or give a giant exhale as if to say, “I hear you.” Birds sing and then stop singing and then start singing again as I chatter away. My dog jumps onto my lap if I’m sad.
Everywhere I look, I feel the aliveness in all things. The stars, plants, crystals, air, sky, clouds, forests, mountains, sun—everywhere—everything is awake and communicating.
Lord, if only I could understand what the Animals and Elements are saying because without doubt—all of them are thinking, observing and singing to us 24/7.
And while I’m on the subject of everything has consciousness, if only I could SEE all of Gaia’s Kingdoms, but I can’t. Yet: The Fairies, Mer people, Unicorns, Devas and Dragons, which galaxygirl assures us, are now returning to a Lightening Earth. They are there, I’m just still, too unaware. Grrrrrrrr. So frustrating.
After a particularly perplexing moment, when I look at a tree and wish I could hear its story, I observe to myself, as I often share with my chums, “Unawareness sucks.”
It really does. You miss everything. You miss out on so much of this exquisite miracle of a planet, the beautiful Goddess Gaia and her glorious Kingdoms that we came to rescue and to collectively Ascend with.

Once Ascension is done, and Gaia, her Kingdoms and Humanity are safely in 5D+ Light realms, if anyone asks me what darkness was like I can honestly say, “Hell. That’s what darkness is like. That’s what unawareness is like. Absolute hell.”
A student once asked Paramahansa Yogananda if there really was a hell? Yogananda replied, “Where do you think you are?”
Yogananda was joking, but I understand what he meant. Being unable to understand the Animals, the Elements, the rocks, trees, brooks, shells or sand is a bummer. At least I know they’re singing and can often hear their song. It’s still gibberish to me, but I KNOW they are striving to communicate with still-deaf me.
About 30 years ago, in the early years of my inner work when my awareness and intuition were sound asleep, I was vacationing on Kauai. I’d rented a house on Hanalei Bay, when it was still an affordable thing to do.
Every morning, after my 5 a.m. walk around the bay, I’d sit on my porch with a steaming cuppa Kauaiian coffee that was so strong it made my teeth chatter, and observe a fascinating ritual undertaken by an ancient Japanese couple, who must have been one hundred years old each, and who only stood about four feet tall.
I’d watch them take a very slow early morning sojourn, each leaning heavily on a wooden staff they’d doubtless found lying on the ground. Walking gently, tiptoeing almost balletically, in hunched bodies, they’d walk up to a tree, pet it, observe the changes in the roots or leaves, walk around it as in a slow dance, talk to it with encouraging words and gestures, and then gracefully move onto to the next tree. They’d do this from tree to tree all around the bay.
I thought they were bonkers.
But of course, I was the one who was bonkers. They were simply far more evolved than me. They knew the trees loved and appreciated their encouragement and friendship.

I could kick myself that I never approached them, but what they were doing was a sacred ritual. I could understand that at least, if I understood nothing else. It was their morning communion with All There Is. And now I know, their peaceful love was helping maintain the beauty of that gorgeous island, and Gaia.
Oh! My kingdom for communication with All There Is!
One of my dream-jobs in Nova Gaia is to be one of the Chroniclers of Earth Stories. To record what the Redwoods have to say about what happened to them here, and the Polar Bears, and the mountain ranges, great lakes and oceans. To listen to their stories and document them for a Universal Library so there will be a deeper understanding of Gaia and her Ascension.
Humans, God knows, will cluck like chickens about our experiences here, and good on us, but I am also deeply interested, in all the beings I cannot yet hear.
This is one of my favorite quotes about the RV, and about the point I’m attempting to describe:
“…You must remember that Money has its own consciousness.
It’s not some dumb stupid piece of paper that knows nothing.
It carries a specific energy
especially this money that is coming into your life now.
[The RV money.]
It will have more consciousness than ever before.
It will work with you as a partner
for the greater service to Earth and Humanity.
If you do not keep up on your part of the agreement
then the Money will decide to leave on its own accord.
You see, we are living in a very different time now
and more are becoming aware that
even that which we feel is dead, or devoid of life
or just a piece of inanimate substance…”
~ Anakhanda Shaka Mushaba
One of the great joys of evolving and becoming more aware, is realizing this fact: Everything has consciousness. Everything is aware. Everything can communicate with everything else.
This is what is meant, I think, by the Masters, who keep reiterating till the cows come home, “All is One.” As in, not a sparrow falls to the ground without your Father’s knowledge. Or, “all the hairs of your head are counted.” [Matthew 10:29, 30]
Every. Single. Thing. Is alive with consciousness. Part of the joy of the journey, for me, is coming into that understanding. If the goal is to “Love thy neighbor as thyself,” then awareness effortlessly brings you to that result. If every hair on your head is conscious, and EVERYTHING is conscious, then, truly, what you do to yourself, you do to another. What you do to another, you do to yourself.
Awareness is all.
Ahhhh, but how we each get there makes for great stories… and I hope to record as many as I can, for posterity.
xo, Kat
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
March 5, 2019
By Kat

I didn’t used to look at every leaf with adoration and appreciation.
I didn’t used to consciously welcome Pear blossoms or Magnolia flowers as I walked by.
I didn’t used to talk to the Ocean as if talking to a human friend—confidentially—confidently knowing that the Water understood and was responding.
I didn’t used to talk with Whales and Dolphins.
I didn’t even used to talk to my little dog.
But I do now.
All the time.

As my awareness expands, my understanding that EVERYTHING has consciousness is being verified moment-to-moment in my Earthly experience.
Trees bend their branches when I look at them with a question, or the wind picks up and rustles their leaves as if on cue. Dolphins leap out of the water at the exact moment I start talking with them. Whales slap the sea with their tales or give a giant exhale as if to say, “I hear you.” Birds sing and then stop singing and then start singing again as I chatter away. My dog jumps onto my lap if I’m sad.
Everywhere I look, I feel the aliveness in all things. The stars, plants, crystals, air, sky, clouds, forests, mountains, sun—everywhere—everything is awake and communicating.
Lord, if only I could understand what the Animals and Elements are saying because without doubt—all of them are thinking, observing and singing to us 24/7.
And while I’m on the subject of everything has consciousness, if only I could SEE all of Gaia’s Kingdoms, but I can’t. Yet: The Fairies, Mer people, Unicorns, Devas and Dragons, which galaxygirl assures us, are now returning to a Lightening Earth. They are there, I’m just still, too unaware. Grrrrrrrr. So frustrating.
After a particularly perplexing moment, when I look at a tree and wish I could hear its story, I observe to myself, as I often share with my chums, “Unawareness sucks.”
It really does. You miss everything. You miss out on so much of this exquisite miracle of a planet, the beautiful Goddess Gaia and her glorious Kingdoms that we came to rescue and to collectively Ascend with.

Once Ascension is done, and Gaia, her Kingdoms and Humanity are safely in 5D+ Light realms, if anyone asks me what darkness was like I can honestly say, “Hell. That’s what darkness is like. That’s what unawareness is like. Absolute hell.”
A student once asked Paramahansa Yogananda if there really was a hell? Yogananda replied, “Where do you think you are?”
Yogananda was joking, but I understand what he meant. Being unable to understand the Animals, the Elements, the rocks, trees, brooks, shells or sand is a bummer. At least I know they’re singing and can often hear their song. It’s still gibberish to me, but I KNOW they are striving to communicate with still-deaf me.
About 30 years ago, in the early years of my inner work when my awareness and intuition were sound asleep, I was vacationing on Kauai. I’d rented a house on Hanalei Bay, when it was still an affordable thing to do.
Every morning, after my 5 a.m. walk around the bay, I’d sit on my porch with a steaming cuppa Kauaiian coffee that was so strong it made my teeth chatter, and observe a fascinating ritual undertaken by an ancient Japanese couple, who must have been one hundred years old each, and who only stood about four feet tall.
I’d watch them take a very slow early morning sojourn, each leaning heavily on a wooden staff they’d doubtless found lying on the ground. Walking gently, tiptoeing almost balletically, in hunched bodies, they’d walk up to a tree, pet it, observe the changes in the roots or leaves, walk around it as in a slow dance, talk to it with encouraging words and gestures, and then gracefully move onto to the next tree. They’d do this from tree to tree all around the bay.
I thought they were bonkers.
But of course, I was the one who was bonkers. They were simply far more evolved than me. They knew the trees loved and appreciated their encouragement and friendship.

I could kick myself that I never approached them, but what they were doing was a sacred ritual. I could understand that at least, if I understood nothing else. It was their morning communion with All There Is. And now I know, their peaceful love was helping maintain the beauty of that gorgeous island, and Gaia.
Oh! My kingdom for communication with All There Is!
One of my dream-jobs in Nova Gaia is to be one of the Chroniclers of Earth Stories. To record what the Redwoods have to say about what happened to them here, and the Polar Bears, and the mountain ranges, great lakes and oceans. To listen to their stories and document them for a Universal Library so there will be a deeper understanding of Gaia and her Ascension.
Humans, God knows, will cluck like chickens about our experiences here, and good on us, but I am also deeply interested, in all the beings I cannot yet hear.
This is one of my favorite quotes about the RV, and about the point I’m attempting to describe:
“…You must remember that Money has its own consciousness.
It’s not some dumb stupid piece of paper that knows nothing.
It carries a specific energy
especially this money that is coming into your life now.
[The RV money.]
It will have more consciousness than ever before.
It will work with you as a partner
for the greater service to Earth and Humanity.
If you do not keep up on your part of the agreement
then the Money will decide to leave on its own accord.
You see, we are living in a very different time now
and more are becoming aware that
even that which we feel is dead, or devoid of life
or just a piece of inanimate substance…”
~ Anakhanda Shaka Mushaba
One of the great joys of evolving and becoming more aware, is realizing this fact: Everything has consciousness. Everything is aware. Everything can communicate with everything else.
This is what is meant, I think, by the Masters, who keep reiterating till the cows come home, “All is One.” As in, not a sparrow falls to the ground without your Father’s knowledge. Or, “all the hairs of your head are counted.” [Matthew 10:29, 30]
Every. Single. Thing. Is alive with consciousness. Part of the joy of the journey, for me, is coming into that understanding. If the goal is to “Love thy neighbor as thyself,” then awareness effortlessly brings you to that result. If every hair on your head is conscious, and EVERYTHING is conscious, then, truly, what you do to yourself, you do to another. What you do to another, you do to yourself.
Awareness is all.
Ahhhh, but how we each get there makes for great stories… and I hope to record as many as I can, for posterity.
xo, Kat
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
Everything has Consciousness | Kat
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
3/05/2019 11:51:00 AM