Enlightening Sensitive Kind-affinity Sustainability | Pine Cone

OSHO: Jealousy- Society's Device to Divide and Rule


Listening Beyond deep inside the journey to the Center of all Light Existence far exceeds any other Mortal responsiveness, and far exceeds any clumsy Mortal limited motive to remain as any addictive idea the Stars abide outside a Mortal’s misguided realm of Existence either. Mortals focus outside on a misguided journey to nowhere, and yet what a Wonderful suffering gratification it is to discover the core of Voyages of Light kidnapped by the Misguided Clumsy Mortal repertoire of the core of Golden Age Of Gaia is my Mortal mirror-double from outside, to inside my surrender in Gratitude for Holy Spirit co-creating my, very own Kidnapping, all too focused on my same need to prevent our Mutual Enlightening Sensitive Kind-affinity Sustainability.

Imagine while we, all think we are Ascending Nowhere outside, by our unkind insensitive misguided looking-outside each other example for guidance untoward more separation suffering, even more Mortal clumsiness, all the women and I in my 1945 neighborhood mirror the same misguided outer journey ‘to the core’ of malfeasance under a different name tag, all about, so called New Age insensitive Clumsy Mortal ‘more of the same’ self-hate narcissism Shame-patsy Blame-projection motives, all Male/Female fighty, not so whighty/whighty sensitive as we keep Parent-rainbow/flower child-pretending?

We, all can use any mirror to help guide us on our Water Course Way to sublimate Mortality on our Inner journey toward Enlightening Sensitive Kind-affinity Sustainability, so I am grateful for Holy Spirit nurturing to, directly experience forgiveness miracles to enlighten so many Millenia of our same misguided outside focused on the dark, that are light exchanging right before our Clumsy Mortal outer direction Duality eyes, where we all use each other, instead of remaining true to our Inner Authentic Guidance Enlightening Sensitive Kind-affinity Sustainability Inner Light Course.

I am as Golden Oldie as any Olden Rage outer focus same fighty neighborhood from 1945 WW2 misguided child on the way to Death Row deep inside Plato’s Cave, willing to kill anyone who, even tries to come back and tell Mortals in slave prison about more Light than we can imagine inside the Alive Existence Inner Realm vast Center beautiful Journey to Enlightening Sensitive Kind-affinity Sustainability, instead of dead undead, already chained-limited Mortal Clumsy-addicted to dying insensitive bungling WW2 aftermath 1945 idiots in the Karmic, not so whighty mirror-double whighty Dark-again.

The whole Universe inside is welcoming me to Enlightening Sensitive Kind-affinity Sustainability lighting my way on my ONENESS Wonder Inner Journey, so if any Golden oldie can surrender in my mirror suffering Clumsy Mortal gratification is Nothing compared to giving up the Mortal Ghost, and watch the stars shine from above, down and throughout our same Spiritual Sovereign Singularity celebratory clumsy Mortal misguided, not so Enlightening Sensitive Kind-affinity Sustainability Existence life of Joy waiting with the Light Table, already set for heralding us back together after such a Gender-fighty, not so whighty whighty, as we have made up in our Plato Cave-dweller shadow-reflection Clumsy Chain-gang Mortal-focused Daft Collective-minds.

It may be easier for me to surrender, than a collectivist to surrender, but that is the Enlightening Sensitive Kind-affinity Sustainability difference from looking outside for abuse, instead of looking inside where the light was hiding, until we turn around and leave the herd where Beyond Listening wakes us up back inside where we never left, really. We can’t escape turning around back on our inner Enlightening Sensitive Kind-affinity Sustainability Inner Journey anyway, and we don’t have to die to prove it.

No one has to become a Pine Cone bad-slave like me, and I will, never have to become a “Whatever” like anyone else, because the next step on the Inner Journey makes us less than anything we have, ever only imagined, as the very clumsy Mortal Illusion, that can’t make it back without Enlightening Sensitive Kind-affinity Sustainability, so there is no Pine Cone inside, and no one, ever has to mirror any other Illusion making fun of insanity in a mirror either. We don’t get to take it with us, either way back inside to our vast beautiful Home among the Stars inside Enlightening Sensitive Kind-affinity Sustainability, again.

Just in case anyone hasn’t noticed yet, my need for not losing my inner focus works both ways for anyone else outside looking around in this misguided clumsy direction, so what this means is that no one can begin to look to me for inauthentic guidance either, so we are safe together to look inside on the same Inner Spiritual Sovereign Singularity Inner Journey back toward Enlightening Sensitive Kind-affinity Sustainability, that we have avoided, all our anti-existence Mortal Non-existence misguided outer clumsy insensitive unkind Mortal fighties.

This message will self-destruct in a few minutes, but later when you imagine any inspiration is your idea, we will both enjoy knowing we didn’t get in each other’s way inside where Nothing is, really everything worth Enlightening Sensitive Kind-affinity Sustainability coalescing in Joyful Harmony tingling with Creative Intelligence Light~worthy excitement. Imagine spreading the seeds of truth as a Pine Cone drops right in your lap so it can ride on the dash board of any meditation car to remind us we are, never separate, but we are, all headed inside on our same sacred ‘devoid of Mortal-self’ Inner Journey devotion. Pineal this Universal Light Portal Cosmic idea, if you “Bright Star Brilliance ONENESS Wonder Enlightening Sensitive Kind-affinity Sustainability miracle Inner Journey” please?

Easy for me to say, right? I have no idea if it’s, even possible to turn within all of a sudden, and leave all our outies behind, but the first innie we meet will light the way as long as we ask Holy Spirit to forgive them, as a way of not getting stuck outside looking in the misguided outer Collective direction, all over again, I guess the old timers claimed if you meet Buddha on the Path, kill him, yet the same True Forgiveness with Holy Spirit reveals anyone out-die-side is, as much an illusion, as we are too, so by forgiving Pine Cone, the same as I forgive whole insensitive gangs, who is, ever really alone on this Enlightening Sensitive Kind-affinity Sustainability Inner Journey into for~every~where Alive with Karmic Lifetimes Gratification surrender fascinating letting-go Wonder?

Sadhguru - If you sit here as a living being, everything is complete!


Enlightening Sensitive Kind-affinity Sustainability | Pine Cone Enlightening Sensitive Kind-affinity Sustainability | Pine Cone Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 3/09/2019 11:57:00 PM Rating: 5

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