Activating Your Divine Skills and Abilities
by Lord Merlin
Channeled through Natalie Glasson - 8th March 2019 - Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
Dear ones, I am Lord Merlin, I come forth with love, truth, and inspiration to share with you. I wish to encourage you to move quickly along your ascension pathway. It is important during this stage of ascension which is dedicated to your cultivating and empowering your intimate relationship with the Creator, that you appreciate all that you are and have in this present moment. I, Lord Merlin, am especially speaking of your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual skills and abilities as well as the talents that are unseen by you. It is essential to appreciate, value and honour yourself and all you manifest as upon the Earth now, as in doing so you are celebrating your relationship with and as the Creator. When you allow yourself to be fully present with the Creator you see yourself beyond your limitations and the beliefs that hinder and tether you to a certain idea of yourself.
The Role of Your Guides
Each soul upon the Earth has a large community of guides who assist and support them throughout their lifetime. Some guides are more prominent and influential, while others are unknown to you and yet offer a valuable service of support. Most people have more than 12 guides within their community of guides. Each guide holds a special service, purpose, and role of assisting you in your spiritual and physical evolution upon the Earth.
Your guides have a very important purpose and role; they are a reflection of all that is your truth. Your guides see, sense and acknowledge you as the expanded, powerful, limitless, Creator expression that you are. They hold this vision of your truth within their beings and project it to you constantly. Each time you communicate with any of your guides, whether you are aware of their names/presence or not, they activate your truth from within your being, encouraging you to be the expression of the Creator you are. Communicating and connecting with your guides is akin to seeing your expansive Creator self in the mirror or witnessing all you are capable of. The skills and abilities you recognise within your guides are also present within you; their role is to remind you of who you truly are.
‘My beloved community of guides, I call upon you all to surround me now with your presence and loving energy. Please support me in receiving the energy, light, love, and wisdom you wish for me to accept and acknowledge now. I recognise all you share with me is a reflection of the truth and Creator presence of my being. As I receive your energy, connecting with you all on a deeper level, I am connecting with myself in new, inspirational and limitless ways. I invite you all to demonstrate to me the skills and abilities I embody, that are waiting to emerge and be recognised by me to support my ascension. In love and thanks.’
Allow yourself to focus upon your breathing, imagining each breathe you inhale the light, love, and truth of your community of guides. Know that your community of guides who have been with you since before your birth onto the Earth are activating the presence of the Creator within you now.
Self/Creator Appreciation
Appreciating yourself could be likened to loving yourself unconditionally which awakens your self and Creator expression. The self-appreciation, I, Lord Merlin speak of is to honour and respect the presence of the Creator within you and that this presence has an expression as well as manifestation through you. Allow yourself to contemplate for a moment,
What do I appreciate about my physical body?
What do I appreciate about my mind and emotions?
What do I appreciate about my spiritual abilities and evolution?
What do I appreciate about my relationship with the Creator?
What talents, skills and abilities, already in embodiment within me do I appreciate?
When you honour even the smallest or seemingly insignificant aspect of yourself you are recognising the presence of the Creator within you and inviting the presence of the Creator to further activate from within your being. It is as if you are lighting or recognising small candles within you which will merge to become the beacon of light you are. The more you can recognise aspects of yourself each day that you honour and value the more you will allow yourself to recognise the presence of the Creator within you and your presence with the Creator. My direction to you is not about admiring yourself nor worshiping the Creator, neither am I inviting you to energise illusions about yourself. My mission is to support you in recognising, being present with and observing yourself beyond limitations as the true evolving expression of the Creator that you are and have the ability to manifest as.
Activating Your Skills and Abilities
Once you are able to see yourself in a true light and likeness then you will be able to delve deeper into your being, relationship with the Creator and recognise the skills and abilities available within you to utilise. Recognising your skills, abilities, and talents of a spiritual or physical nature goes hand in hand with cultivating your presence with the Creator.
It is important to contemplate, what is it like for you or what could it be like for you to realise more fully the presence of the Creator within you and moving through you? If you had to imagine and describe your relationship with the Creator, the Creator presence within you, what would you see, sense or acknowledge? While your relationship with the Creator is constantly evolving and never stays the same, you can cultivate and obtain an inner knowingness of your bond with the Creator which is unwavering. Your inner knowingness is akin to the spark of light from which multiple skills and abilities manifest.
Take a moment to imagine, sense or acknowledge the presence of the Creator within you. Send your love and respect to the presence of the Creator in whichever form it manifests. Simply allow your entire being to exist in harmony with the presence of the Creator within you as if a deep integration is taking place. Then say out loud or within your mind, ‘I fully open my mind, senses and entire being to acknowledging, accepting and perceiving the presence of the Creator within me and how this manifests through my being as beautiful and empowering skills, abilities and talents which serve me and all.’ Take time to simply be present, observant and aware of the presence of the Creator within you constantly changing and transforming, moving throughout your being and inspiring new expressions.
New skills and abilities are waiting to emerge from within your being, the only limitation and hinderance is your limited view of yourself. The more you can recognise the presence of the Creator within you, the more you will expand your perspective of yourself, acknowledging that the Creator moves through you and inspires powerful, inspirational abilities, which may even be beyond your current thought process. In this stage of ascension make it your mission to serve yourself by honouring and appreciating all you are in this present moment, recognising your magnificence as well as recognising the presence of the Creator in constant inhabitation within your being. In doing so you will empower yourself, move beyond limitations and illusions, as well as learn to engage with yourself and the Creator in a new existing, fulfilling way.
Take time to visualise and imagine the presence of the Creator flowing with power and beauty throughout your being, allowing yourself to recognise the reality that dawns in your visualisation or imagination. A reality filled with you expressing the most sacred, empowering and fulfilling abilities, skills and talents.
In loving respect and honour,
Lord Merlin
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Activating your Divine Skills and Abilities | Lord Merlin via Natalie Glasson
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
3/08/2019 09:18:00 PM