Deep State can't stop the Great Awakening: DAVID WILCOCK Exclusive Interview [Part 5]
Chilly Willy Willingness
I see a penguin and I made friends with living at the South Pole and made myself forget how cold it is living with fear, and resentment. I forgot about my relationship with God in order to physically survive with my awful Mother; it was cold, at first, and after I made believe I was a penguin it started to warm up as I changed my mind and lost my Conscience. Wiggle, wiggle, wobble, wobble chilly willy penguin; three month old child parent of a malignant narcissist who made friends with care-taking my grown Mother.
Just like a real penguin returns to their birthplace to start the parent cycle, I automatically return to Good-doer care-taking as I did with my needy Mother. I forget about my relationship with Pleasantness again every time I get near someone, and then stage two begins where I build codependent self-hate-resentment and Shame-fear, that cuts me off from the sunlight of Spirit. What a Dark and Cold re-enactment to be a man in a penguin’s body, with a baby penguin for an inner child. BBBRRRRR!!!
It is the most freeing thing I have ever done to forgive my Mother over, and over every morning, and as Holy Spirit is doing the forgiving, I am once again able to feel the real chill of my little Pine Cone all ‘piss my pants terrified’ and Earthquake-shaking. As I am with Holy Spirit Willingness more, I am praying for, even more chilly willy willingness to remember my forgotten relationship with the Truth. It’s painful to carry fear, and resentment and do care-taking with crazy people, and I don’t care what the penguins say any more, it’s blistering cold at the South Pole.
So, come Holy Spirit to forgive and forgive and forgive, and I leave each and every one to restore your own relationship with Light Existence, because that is very personal, and even Love Source left it up to you to forgive with Life Force Holy Spirit… or not. When the chills come, it would be, very easy to misunderstand and, not learn, grow, and continue improving my Spiritual Sovereign Singularity relationship, so I use this penguin metaphor, and keep on keeping on, in my healing process. Pine Cone and Holy Spirit are helping me keep writing, and sharing so intimately, so I won’t disappear with a psychotic narcissist Mother-replication handler, ever again.
Vaticandemon SHTF Babyscatagain | Pine Cone
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
2/27/2019 08:02:00 PM