WATCHING (OSHO Meditation Minutes)
We are, really getting somewhere now, with my letting go of any, and all physical-role Earth Boot Camp Mother-addiction to Low Light frequency vibration Dumbed Down 3D ID Prison-slavery survival instinct. I am working, very hard on letting go of Mortal Creation tiny Gender ID criminal evil Physical-role Karma illusion, but m_a_n is it ever w_o_m_a_n-hard to grieve a whole silo of body-switching traumatic accumulating Karmic-addiction to holding on for dear death-memories?
Holy Spirit forgiveness nurturing is showing me letting go progress from feeling indignant about my Mother-groupies on the outside, that appear from my soul sacrificial obstinate addiction inside to my Nazi Mother boot camp child addiction to, barely survive her constant death threats to worship her need to remain my main boot camp focus of attention.
An innocent naive hapless motive came along to, simply work on letting go of Lower Light-frequency Physical-role vibration Mother-survival instincts, as if it would, even become a possibility for this Marching Mother-boot worshiping Mother’s day card constant threat addict. Now it seems much easier on my soul to get her out of our same system so, please notice that Holy Spirit humor has replaced any more need for me to remain indignant, while so many others like me have appeared to show me what I have looked like on the outside Mother-worship politco Sex-tool Big Business army inside me too?
Yesterday after focusing A G A I N on this Mother-addiction stuff from, all my many Childhood Mother-mafia lifetimes Gender-evil boot camps to limit my Universal Cosmic Light ID, Holy Spirit offered me a Huge~relief that, as we are writing a book about “Enlightening Awake” a Hierarchal priority reminder appeared to help me get over dying-undead for the Mother Army-soldier cause, anti-justice/just us because:
Low Light-frequency vibration Physical-role Instinct
Low Light-frequency vibration Survival-fear Intellect
High Light-frequency vibration enlightening Intuition
Inborn absolute unborn infinite Creative Intelligence
Light Existence Immortal Spirit Universal Cosmic ID
Talk about a Pole shift huh? Thank Kind Godliness for copy and paste switcheroni!
Light Existence Immortal Spirit Universal Cosmic ID
Inborn absolute unborn infinite Creative Intelligence
High Light-frequency vibration enlightening Intuition
Low Light-frequency vibration Survival-fear Intellect
Low Light-frequency vibration Physical-role Instinct
Holy Spirit forgiveness nurturing has shifted my Priority-focus from evil criminal motivated Instinct, Intellect, Intuition, Infinity, almost non-existent invisible inborn Immortal Spirit, to invisible inborn Existence Immortal Spirit Universal Cosmic Light ID, absolute unborn Infinity, even above High Light-frequency vibration enlightening Intuition, while almost completely leaving-grieving behind, both Low Light-frequency vibration Survival-fear Intellect, and certainly any more Physical-role barbaric self-hate Narcissist nightmare-projection cave-gender separation-Instinct.
Holy Spirit humor favors Immortality over Mortality any day, and on down the priority line of next inborn unborn infinity, then Intuition way above any Low semblance of Intellectual barbarism, and bottom out at Physical-role ‘kill or be killed’ four letter word Instinct Rolaid-War Big Pharma r_e_l_i_e_f. Karma is like taking pills, expecting different results like crazy bottom feeder/breeder cannon fodder RIP human sacrifice motives, perhaps, if ya get my Holy Spirit Mother Grift-humor drift?
So all this Time while I have been forgiving my Mother-groupies outside, and my Narcissist Triangulation Mother-mercenary her Boot Camp control freak-self inside me, I got my sense of humor back, along with enlightening, more compassion for anyone like me, before, who has a hard time turning the ladder upside down where freeing~energy Immortal-Love belongs on the Immortal Spirit tip pity toe-dancing invisible Light Existence top.
“Everyone has One” has a new meaning for me now too, so everyone has a priority ladder toward ONENESS, at the top or ONENESS at the bottom. While I have been climbing down the up ladder untoward Physical-role pitifully clinging to concrete unreality, Holy Spirit turned my ladder upside down so I ‘can’ see the Spiritual~forest for the enlightening~trees.
Witness protection for the witness of the witness needs protection from polar opposites, still climbing up the Physical-role ‘down ladder’ holding on like Sex-slave Mother-role Pharma Big Business Crazy-karma and, all from Physical-roles in control Power-over Mortality Blackmail on a gender/bender light-warp speed champion Ping Pong Karma chain gang of Sex-tools.
No Wonder I am the, only One on Earth where, even though “Everyone has One”, climbing up the down ladder must, at least be embarrassing for some, if not down right rage-filled enough to push my ladder back over, and blame it on me, for another deep state suicide in the back of ‘their’ Cannon-fodder collective Hive-head. Ideas like this are another example of how I have been projecting fear of my Mother inside out onto the Mother of, all Hive-fear outside, so Holy Spirit will throw my Mother protection/projection on the scrap pile along with, all the rest of my upside-down ladder climbing down to Good-bye BOO!!!; say HI!!
All this today makes me Wonder if “Enlightening Awake” set my intention to let go of Physical-role addiction altogether too? I have a grateful sense that if my Mother groupies hadn’t been triggering my awareness, all the time along the way, how could anyone stop fighting the whole World again, if that’s what it felt like as a child to get anyone to listen to my boot camp sex-abuse for sale Mother’s Nazi neutering-tale.
I, so want to write about, so many, other things that hide in the mist from me every day while I am climbing up the up ladder where it belongs, but it must be my codependent addiction to keep waiting until I get a sign from, other worshipping Mother-replication illusions like me, that it’s OK to proceed ‘with their permission’ that my Mother won’t jump us again when we least Mother’s day card rage-suspect it.
We even went and named Mother Earth with a Physical-role reminder to follow her along, or else, get ‘sho fly sho’ swat-shunned, so why blame myself anymore when, even now with Holy Spirit’s help, humor isn’t how others may feel whatever I am trying-new to Love like crazy more than, ever possible for me, so upside-Down-low before. One silent heart to another silent heart can, maybe Commune in-between, so many Lyrical-gaps in my ‘always here’ Light Existence Immortal Spirit Universal Cosmic ID Heart song-bird melody for~every~where innocent ‘here to sing’ “Everyone has One” today.
OSHO: The Art of Nourishing Oneself with Love
Physical-role Witness-protection | Pine Cone
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
2/04/2019 06:35:00 PM