My Fall from Grace During this Spiritual Warfare | Magical Margarit

Hello Family,

You'd be surprised at how low a Grandmother can go!
I am dealing with Complex Trauma from these past few years of multiple, repetitive Chronic Stressors. And Doreen Virtue was the last straw to bring me
down on one knee like Joan of Arc and to shaky stand up and speak.

Last year I hit bottom with my health, finances, relationships and the emotional Tsunami that hit in Dec knocked me right over. If I did not have a Miracle Swan story that began in Nov. 2018 I truly don't know if I would have stayed afloat.

What has brought out the Warrior in me was the Blog that my former teacher Doreen Virtue wrote during Jan Full Blood Moon. The A-Z list of "New Age" practices to avoid and why. Have you seen it? It is the last gasp of the old. I was so made I made a video and the next day made a commitment to give Reiki at my YouTube channel during the rest of Feb. I have to put my oxygen mask on, because when I give I am receiving first. I have put into practice this week with 5 Reiki healing so far. As I serve myself, I serve you too if anyone is in need of healing, I'm aiming to "go live" on youtube around 4:00 pm Est.

So back to DV, I have to give a warning before you watch the video.

WARNING- The beginning of this video could Trigger some people with its visual effect, be mindful of who is around when you watch it.

If you don't want to be triggered..
Skip the beginning
8:20 To hear me read some of Doreen's Blog post, and some of the 73 "New Age" practices that she says should be avoided.
One of them she says to stop is "Following your Heart"
18:47 To hear only my of staying true to my hearts calling and my inner convictions and what I've overcome to be right where I need to be, healing with the Swans.

These words (just a few) are from her blog, AND to me is Bully Energy, Enough is Enough!

" We made this list to help you identify and avoid these deceptive practices. We wish someone would have made and shown us a similar list many years ago! We’re not “being negative” or “fear-based” with this list. We’re also not hating on anyone, or judging anyone. In fact, it would hateful of us if we didn’t warn you about the dangers of the new age. We love and care about you and everyone!

Someday, everyone will learn the truth: the devil runs the new age. Some people will discover this truth while in hell, where it’s too late for regrets. We pray that you and others will discover this truth now, while there’s still time to run into Jesus’ loving arms.

Doreen Virtues list-

I counted, over 70 practices she says to Stop immediately, here are just a few of what shocked me.

Crystals Dream Catchers Drumming Circles Empowerment Energy Healing Fairies Feng Shui Follow Your Heart (or Believe; Follow Your Dreams; Follow Your Bliss; etc.) Mindfulness Peace Signs Yoga Sweatlodges Sage Reiki Unicorns....

She goes on to say, " If this list offends or upsets you, it’s likely because the demons which have been oppressing you are offended and upset. They want to keep controlling you, and they don’t want you to turn to Jesus. The devil is called “The Accuser” in the Bible, because he constantly points angry fingers toward you and others. If you’re filled with guilt, anger, and fear, that’s the devil’s doing.

Yes, I own that I am mad, and I tell you why with 3 B's and no, Blame, is not one of the B's.
Betrayal, Bully Energy and the Baffling of Bullshit.

I found a bit of comfort and solace from her son's response that I also read on my video.

I read the below Instagram post from her son Charles,

Charles Virtue-

"Let’s talk about the A-Z list. This is very difficult for me to be open about because my mother and I are very good friends - but at the same time, since she switched beliefs it seems she in no way respects mine or anyone else’s views that differ from hers.

It’s beyond surreal. I grew up with and always knew the most loving and open hearted person. When I struggled with my spiritual beliefs she was there to guide me to what I still consider to be the truth.

My mother and I have talked many times since her conversion and I’ve asked why she has to be so extreme with everything. From what I gather she just really believes in what she is now preaching and really believes she needs to ‘save’ people from what she used to teach.

Fine. It’s not like she hadn’t been wearing large crosses on her necklaces for the past few years - and in the mid/late 90’s she used to take my brother and I to Christian Science church. My mother has always had Christian-leaning views, but up until recently she always talked about the truth not being the man-made bible, but love.

When someone changes views so rapidly and in such an extreme manner, I can’t possibly believe it was guided by the God I know. When someone’s messages go from love to fear in the blink of an eye, it’s more about their journey than anything related to truth. When Feng shui and Harry Potter are suddenly synonymous with the Devil - something is very, very wrong.

This A-Z list, which in no way can be corroborated by even the most extreme interpretation of the Bible, is meant to do only one thing: confuse and scare those who are insecure about their beliefs. I love my mother - and I will not ‘go to war’ with her new stance, it’s not my mission.

But I can’t ignore the negative impact her recent teachings are having on people. It’s more unnecessary confusion and chaos in a world already full of it. But don’t just take my word for it. No one gave me or my mother an ounce of authority to dictate what is right or wrong. Ask God. I keep saying this because man will always give you answers based on their beliefs, biases and experiences. You are allowed to talk to God, find your truth."

Here's to following our hearts,

Warm Regards,


A special fundraising project with a 2019 Calendar of local Trumpeter swans. Please support or help spread awareness of an unfolding Miracle story, found at this site.
My Fall from Grace During this Spiritual Warfare | Magical Margarit My Fall from Grace During this Spiritual Warfare | Magical Margarit Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 2/08/2019 10:38:00 PM Rating: 5

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