Mortal 1% Human 99% Collateral Damage | Pine Cone


Prison-earth Shame-gangs begin with Gender-competition to cull the herd, right at Money-birth, and the most popular traumatized remain in control of what little Light exists within the, almost, total Sex-slave destruction Mortal 1% Human-free 99% hit by the Money stun-gun Monster Collective fan-base Mob-loser popular Blackmail-initiation.

Our least favorite 99% slave damaged goods is a more compassionate way to see from a Mystic’s Kind-perspective, rather than the social-norm Disregard-perspective, that throws, all children on the dead pile humiliation/ridicule shame-base fan-base popularity contest, that no Collateral Damaged slave, ever knows about, and no Mortal 1% Human whisper, ever gets to vote-count about.

Life on Earth in Slave-prison Money-birth has everything upside down, and Satanically Correct bass awkward, so as we survive best, as political prisoners, just for pretending we, still can have a voice, the darkest among our, most popular are the ones in charge of ridding Earth-prison of any more Light at all. Affirmative means Malevolence in Prison because there is a violent culling agenda that, actually defines disregard for the 99% ‘hit by the Money-birth stun-gun’ Monster Mash Collective shame-base fan-base damaged goods.

Affirmative Action in Death Paradigm blatantly communicates a Mortal-goal to separate the good, from the bad, so afraid to, just be ourselves enlightening compassion in case we try to Love someone, already tagged ‘caring’, that has been determined as a compassionate ‘bad slave rebel’ from the goal-agenda politico-policio 99% Collateral Damage amoral Mortal Flameout Collective, that is replacing Kindness, the better part of wisdom from not, ever knowing anything, but 100% forgiveness Human 0% unpopular culled-out Spiritual Light Prison Earth unconscious-slave dangling participle Human Savior hold-out motives.

Ever hear a slave self-disclose with vulnerability, so anyone Kind can hear ‘anything’ as real as maybe a little bit personal? Ever watch a whole imaginary Gang show up out of the Dark-forest to kick the crap out of an individual-tree out of towner Light Spirit straggler? Ever sell your soul to a gang leader, just in case she might accidentally remember you, when the unkind Mortal Usury-chips are down? Ever live your whole Life for the money-cause politoco-policio as a 99% Popular-meat collateral damage Mortal pretenderizer?

Ever think more of yourself, so much there was no room at your filled-up INN for, even a lightening strike Christed Child getting through all your self-serving Hateful Hate-filled Prison Popular Hatful-slave mind-control PTSD BS? Ever ‘ever’, almost ‘never’ ONENESS Wonder beyond all the affirmative goals that work for the Machinery of the Collective Hive Evil-mind? Never stop Goal-thinking long enough for a new agenda-free idea to explode cellularly into Spiritual Sovereign Singularity Crystalline ONENESS Wonder Effulgence?

Never, ever stop, or slow down, really?

Well I know you are but what am I, so who’s running so fast you lose me in your rear view mirror, still living in the past, so afraid to die, you already are? Imagine a Mystic able to let go of, all Mortal BS, in the blink of a 3rd eye? Imagine a 100% Human, able to Mystic, all Mortal BS from Orion Nebula’s Kind 100% Human 0% Collateral Damage perspective, from hardly ever peeking back outside, from inside Mortal-safe Pineal Portal’s handy dandy freeing~energy Light Existence Perspective?

“Can we, at least agree that fan-base popularity is, never where anything good can come out of culling out the self-serving Prison initiation ‘bad slave’ competition, gone sucky Collective shame-base viral, Collateral Damage?” No “Collateral Damage” your new name, so I will retain my compassion for, all those, that sell their soul to the Collective Gender-hate Satanic Monster Loser-competition, that makes believe $babies are, just Political-negative Power-over losers, and fake affirmative Mortal BS is where its all meat pie-hole pre-tenderizer at?

Am I a man, or am I a mouse from an imagined female man-hater perspective, but it’s all a cover, like everything else hidden in the hate-machinery of the Prison Earth slave status quo, because the real honest inquiry hiding in all of us, is “Am I a Mortal 1% Human 99% Collateral Damage self-hate narcissist, or am I a 100% Human Light Existence Light Source Love Force Nirvana 0% NOTHING, so enlightened within Compassion, there is infinite room for Mortal damaged goods at my Enlightening Awake Awareness INN.

How David-frightened are you shame-base Monster Goliath Money fan-base ego-motivated? Are you the frightened Collective skirt-elephant herd self-denial dancing around up in a tiny chair, so afraid of one little mouse, Golden Old Mortal-age of Gaia gang-ridicule, and is that all you’ve got to self-hate shaky-scared shame-stand on.

We wouldn’t even be suffering, so separately here together if I could let go of my Mother-replication Stockholm Syndrome sick-loyalty to Hate-abuse, but I am here to steal your moldy cheese and, never again give up on Light Existence Light Source Love Force, even if the cows come back home with me, or not Kind-again 100% Human lit-up empty enough of Mortal BS to make room for the Love that went fanbase money-popular missing on Mother Earth Competition, lack of any insignificant divinity possible, still Mortal Gal-goal victim/victimizer Sex-slave oriented.

Can we 99% $Mortal-agree to 1% Human-disagree? Will I let go of my will, and get 100% Mortal 1% Human 99% Collateral Damage willing to leave the Intellectual Barbarian Dark-cloud Mortal-crowd here, so we can both rest a while without, ever having to confront any same Middle East War funny Baby Money Mercenary Mortal-business? Are you-gang a woman, or are you-gang the dancing elephant denial perched-skirt Deaf-herd? Is you-gang a Mortal 1% Human 99% Collateral Damage self-hate Sex-slave narcissist, or is you-gang a 100% Human Light Existence Light Source Love Force Nirvana 0% NOTHING, so enlightened within Compassion, even I can enjoy an upgrade to our VIP suite as a welcome-gift for bringing you-gang to stay at our, own enlightening Awake mutual-welcome surrender to Kind Awareness INN?

I stand alone, while no one else can stand clear from such a gang of energy thieves, but that’s just me, right? I can leave without, ever experiencing kindness, or you can shun me completely after hitting me with all you’ve got left hidden, still? I like to see those Valentines Mother’s day control-reminders coming from so many shaming directions, it seems no one here sees how it triggers my Mother-abuse, as if Voyages of Light/Golden old-age of Earth-feminism together says one Pretty-thing, and does the double-message Blackmail-other here.

I have a great non 3D ID double-message idea? Maybe I will let you have your abusive ways here, and you will let me have my abuse-addictive ways somewhere else Dark? How bout that idea? Then I will stop pretending to be a fighter-loser for you-gang, and you will stop pretending another Mother Earth Sex-slave gang can, ever have to surrender to Light Existence, ever again thank the, other god he’s leaving here, Huh?

There is a Spiritual way of deciding who gives? “When I allow others to enjoy, just being themselves, most likely others will allow me to enjoy just being myself…” Who harmed the other first, still means a gang using a goal to get rid of, all man-kind, is a direct message to me to be the Christo-one who gives……..again, or else we will, put more demon-denial experts on the job, like the endless Fed-addict gangs politico/policio ‘bad slave’ catchers ‘no vote counts’ Royal~feign honey~dew Love-inverse $babies

Is there a Sex-slave Prison Earth-gang, or is it just me, and my awful Mother-handler Narcissistic-perspective Affirmative Action, same Goal-matching us together here stumbling all around in the Dark Quantum endless Mortal-motel suffering Earth linear time separation Karma? I’m willing to continue lobbing Valentine-mortars Sex suffering-separation ‘divide and conquer’ here, if you are, because this ‘is’ the separation-place to Karmic-dissonant suffer, and get it, all out of our Mortal Sex-ego driven Gender-hate system, no matter how many Purpose-Illusions we form fantasy-Goals, to make it hard on self-punishing Shame-base has an angry/minion-fake smily-face on our Collective-oversoul fan-base mirror-double hurting $Baby-selves?
Mortal 1% Human 99% Collateral Damage | Pine Cone Mortal 1% Human 99% Collateral Damage | Pine Cone Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 2/28/2019 12:01:00 PM Rating: 5

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