Kind Earth-motive Name-change | Pine Cone

Sadhguru ULTIMATE Spontaneity TIGHT SLAPS | Hate Sadhguru? Must Watch🤙 Part-1

Satori took me for a ride on Magic’s Mystical-carpet as all the flux-flow freeing-energy in the Creative Intelligent Universe Effulgence came from above, down and throughout my body, enlightening Liquefiable Spiritual Sovereign Singularity Love-energy perspective showed me how I look, first from a raven’s perspective as if I were the Raven.

One sweet fragrant Universal breath later, Satori met up with a small airplane hundreds of feet higher, and showed me how I look from the pilot’s perspective the more I surrendered to the freeing~energy flow from above, down, and throughout my enlightening bodiless sweeter fragrance.

At this point of miraculous inflection I lost it completely, and as I looked way down from an Interstellar Galaxie~perspective I saw the tiniest Earth-speck, and an even tinier body as me-less as can possibly be ‘total humility’ even more than I, in, and of myself could have, ever possibly surrendered my Mortality, altogether.

e<n<O>n>e introduced me to a low ‘raven’ perspective first, as I was allowed to handle an, even higher ‘airplane’ perspective getting me ready to jump out of any physical holdings altogether up to my deepest inside Universal Cosmic Light ID Bright Star Brilliance Satori’s sweetest fragrance perspective.

Contact through the Pineal Portal with Creator Light Existence let me immediately travel back down in an instant to experience the feeling of tiny little hairs on my tiniest of arms as the wind felt on Spinning such a small planet wavered these sort of intuitive hair antennae feelers, as if ‘sensitive’ was re-creating itself in every renewing cell<crystalline of my Bodiless Holy Spirit Immortality tease, replete, timeless, inviolate, and invisible.

Whatever I had become was so far out, man, that the whole Planet was deep down inside me with my, still able to see myself from a sort of ‘nothing’ perspective of who I, really am, so Joyfully “I don’t Know” Harmony. All this is, just to introduce my intention to see how, every man, and every woman have a Gender-free Earth spinning inside any ONE of us at any ONE timeless~reverie perspective freeness~less Joyfully “I Don’t Know” Harmony too.

Here it is, it’s coming up now: The reason Earth, always has half man, and half woman stasis availability is is is… every man and every woman has the whole Earth inside, and how can there be any other Earth Motive, except that for every half man there is a half woman and vice versa, until Satori reveals Earth is as gender-free as Perspective can possibly remain whole and, as innocent as any, and all bodiless human immortalizes Light Existence Universal Light ID sweet fragrance satori Existence?

If we name Earth “Female Earth” while any small ID motive is the source of, all evil and, all criminality, the changing Earth’s name to limited Father/Male Earth is no less evil, and less criminal that it remains an invitation to Reptilian Statist Stasis where a gender-evil victim-criminal Iconic pretends Mother-victims, also don’t become victimizers, the instant all Earthlings become mirror-double caretaker narcissists in Parent-child Evil Earth family Triangulation at continual Gender-hate Warring, divide and conquer Mother-motive slicing, and dicing Gender-evil Earth criminals.

If “Kind: replaces “Mother” to Name change Earth it, also intimates every man, and every woman has a tiny Kind Earth-motive switching going on to replace whatever evil criminal narcissists do when anyone plays the victim role to the gender evil motive hilty-wilty so no one will catch on to how codependent-resentment Triangulation-hate works backwards to include, both the Mother-Blackmailer and the Child-Hostage, along with deleting Fathers off the Female Earth Male-vanquishing with evil criminal vengeance.

Just for a moment maybe we can try calling “Mother Earth” “Father Earth, and call “God” one of the evil criminal genders too, but because no Earthling is able to hear whatever they reject with contempt before investigation, try calling Earth “Male Earth” and watch your autonomics go off the evil criminal Rage-motive social-norm Mother-worship evil/criminal Narcissist Earth-scale?

I’m going to try hard on this new idea, but just for a, very scary instant in case some may have an investment in hidden Male-hate ridicule still: “Male Earth”!!! There now I’ve said it. When it comes right down to evil criminality smaller ID limits, even “Father Earth” seems a bit much, even for my intention to, only see from a lower Raven’s Eye getting there “I Don’t Know” Kind Earth”perspective.

How does naming an obvious ‘divide and conquer’ Planet as one gender, and not the Mother- other gender invite the Archons from Reptilian Statist Stasis working out for us, already advertising far out to the stars-dimming Low Light frequency female Blinking-vibration on a scale of cell-division Sex-slavery to the Power-over, any victim-player-con needs to hold on Mafia-tight Power-over Male-humiliation ridicule-vanquishing Chortle-motives?

Ellen(bright light) inside me, already exclaimed that Earth will, never post lists of female pedophiles, on village telephone poles, and will, never change Earth’s name to ‘Kind Earth”, any more than Mothers will, ever stop owning children as the, very definition of Sex-slavery, until enough of us get to see tiny Earth way down there deep inside men and women ‘halve’ Earth gender itself, where our Mother armies can feel sensitive enough to feel tiny Earth spinning from a Mystic’s-only “Kind Earth” Sentient Light Being Spiritual Sovereign Singularity Zero Point telepathic-empathy perspective.

This intense stuff is deep SHTF, all right, and there is a whole lot more in this sharing than, meets the tired ole Duality eyes limited two-legged Mortal-wrong-side-up Gender-dimmer Death Paradigm gravity-perspective. Who am I to intimate that I am telepathic, or enlightening Awake for that matter? Kind Earth is becoming my playground from high up above the clouds in Mountain top kindergarten, where Kids don’t know Nuttin, and are, so much better off than how Mother Earth evil criminals, always smell a little off, until a little boy takes out the Mother-garbage, as her little man Father-replacement.

I love expressing my lifetime’s emotional Karmic Silo about Evil Criminal slavery on Earth’s total disregard for innocent children, but coming back down to Evil Earth again, without Holy Spirit humor in charge of my intuitions, I love it, even more, knowing “I Don’t Know Evil Nuttin Criminal”, and that’s the Satori-proven truth, because there have been a few dark days of the soul since the hairs on my tiny unconscious-armies waved back at me from Light Existence Over~Soul effulgence enlightening Mystical Nothing-nano “Kind Earth” Ascension freeing-perspective.

Female Earth, Male Earth, Mother-evil God, Father-criminal God, Mother Earth Male-vanquishing, Father Earth Female-vanquishing, and all the while human’s are, even tinier than the tiniest Earth, deep inside, even “Kind Earth” doesn’t have enough boogie-room for evil Gender criminal ID 3D censure Duality Hate-baggage, let alone the tinier humans, that have no perspective-freedumbdown, to enjoy knowing nuttin in a Gender-woe nutshell.


Kind Earth-motive Name-change | Pine Cone Kind Earth-motive Name-change | Pine Cone Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 2/07/2019 06:12:00 PM Rating: 5

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