Godwriting Spills Out! | Heavenletters
FEB 23 2019

God said:
Beloved, as in life, Godwriting isn’t about filling in the blanks. You are one of the seeming individuals in the world who require a wider passage than what can fit into a narrow mold. You, on the other hand, just crave greater breathing room or bolder colors, some other way to reach home.
The world likes to use prepared outlines to fill in or check off. This is not the case for everyone, not for Me, God, in any case. I am spontaneous and extemporaneous. I am Infinite. I am also instant. This is how Godwriting happens. It spurts out in a stream from Me almost silently as it arrives. You are not offered a Hollywood preview by any means; one chance at a time. Even as the same stream of My heart flows through you, Godwriting arises as it arises.
A Godwriting may arrive in installments. One word leads to another, one sentence to another, one paragraph to another and so on. You do not know what an incipient Heavenletter is going to say before it plunks itself down in writing so naturally in front of your beautiful eyes.
You are the stenographer for God. You play a significant role, yet you don’t play an all-powerful role, rather, a side role. Beloved, you may not be so keen to take on more responsibility as it is anyway.
Beloved, some Godwriters may receive the heart of Me in short snatches. Some receive the heart of Me in long extensions. Beloved, you are not the decider. You are a receiver. What comes, comes.
It is interesting that Mike, the asker of a question who prompted an earlier Heavenletter, saw the topic of Godwriting as related to Human Evolution. I see a connection, although I had not thought of it this way at the moment.
I see the connection at the same time as Evolution is ongoing. Evolution has been taking place right along. There is a burst of energy blazing forth. It is not cut and dried. Perhaps no one on earth can affirm that human evolution will complete itself, rather as it simply moves itself forward however it does.
Of course, physical evolution is only a slice of life.
Are you really surprised that Our beloved animals also communicate with Me in silent ways?
You have already known and loved dogs who advance beyond My human children by going beyond language. It is no surprise to hear that blessed sentient animals understand God and have a keen sense of respect for the Higher Power you know as God. You have heard about the testaments elephants? What can Godwriting be but greater awareness?
What can there be that hasn’t already been going on here on Earth to Our delight? There is Infinity. We spend Infinity together. There is nothing like life in the world than what you are in the midst of at this very moment. Beloved, once you get distracted from a singularly splendid remarkable Godwriting, the same way it is with childhood. A same Godwriting will ne’er return again.
Once rehearsed, so to speak, this original passage only once can come from out of the blue, for you can only pass this way once. There doesn’t seem to be another way to go around this. You are certain you couldn’t miss on what entered your heart so indelibly, yet this is how it is. You couldn’t possibly forget, yet this is just what happens when it does. You will ne’er return again. Something else new will, however. Something else miraculous yet not identical. On with the new!
Permanent link to this Heavenletter: http://www.heavenletters.org/godwriting-spills-out.html – Thank you for including this when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.
Source: Rainbow Wave of Light
FEB 23 2019

God said:
Beloved, as in life, Godwriting isn’t about filling in the blanks. You are one of the seeming individuals in the world who require a wider passage than what can fit into a narrow mold. You, on the other hand, just crave greater breathing room or bolder colors, some other way to reach home.
The world likes to use prepared outlines to fill in or check off. This is not the case for everyone, not for Me, God, in any case. I am spontaneous and extemporaneous. I am Infinite. I am also instant. This is how Godwriting happens. It spurts out in a stream from Me almost silently as it arrives. You are not offered a Hollywood preview by any means; one chance at a time. Even as the same stream of My heart flows through you, Godwriting arises as it arises.
A Godwriting may arrive in installments. One word leads to another, one sentence to another, one paragraph to another and so on. You do not know what an incipient Heavenletter is going to say before it plunks itself down in writing so naturally in front of your beautiful eyes.
You are the stenographer for God. You play a significant role, yet you don’t play an all-powerful role, rather, a side role. Beloved, you may not be so keen to take on more responsibility as it is anyway.
Beloved, some Godwriters may receive the heart of Me in short snatches. Some receive the heart of Me in long extensions. Beloved, you are not the decider. You are a receiver. What comes, comes.
It is interesting that Mike, the asker of a question who prompted an earlier Heavenletter, saw the topic of Godwriting as related to Human Evolution. I see a connection, although I had not thought of it this way at the moment.
I see the connection at the same time as Evolution is ongoing. Evolution has been taking place right along. There is a burst of energy blazing forth. It is not cut and dried. Perhaps no one on earth can affirm that human evolution will complete itself, rather as it simply moves itself forward however it does.
Of course, physical evolution is only a slice of life.
Are you really surprised that Our beloved animals also communicate with Me in silent ways?
You have already known and loved dogs who advance beyond My human children by going beyond language. It is no surprise to hear that blessed sentient animals understand God and have a keen sense of respect for the Higher Power you know as God. You have heard about the testaments elephants? What can Godwriting be but greater awareness?
What can there be that hasn’t already been going on here on Earth to Our delight? There is Infinity. We spend Infinity together. There is nothing like life in the world than what you are in the midst of at this very moment. Beloved, once you get distracted from a singularly splendid remarkable Godwriting, the same way it is with childhood. A same Godwriting will ne’er return again.
Once rehearsed, so to speak, this original passage only once can come from out of the blue, for you can only pass this way once. There doesn’t seem to be another way to go around this. You are certain you couldn’t miss on what entered your heart so indelibly, yet this is how it is. You couldn’t possibly forget, yet this is just what happens when it does. You will ne’er return again. Something else new will, however. Something else miraculous yet not identical. On with the new!
Permanent link to this Heavenletter: http://www.heavenletters.org/godwriting-spills-out.html – Thank you for including this when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.
Source: Rainbow Wave of Light
Godwriting Spills out! | Heavenletters #6603
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
2/23/2019 10:34:00 AM