Butterfly | Magenta Pixie


February 20, 2019
By Suzanne Maresca

By Magenta Pixie, February 17, 2019

I recently saw a comment where someone said of another individual (a well known starseed/lightworker/truther in the public eye) that they will be “squished like the insect they are” clearly putting out an intention for this teacher of light to be eradicated (as in their influence as a teacher/messenger etc.)

I draw your attention to this as an example of how negative seed point intention towards another in a ‘leadership position’ transmutes or flips into a ‘new energy.’

Does mentioning this at all not draw attention to it and give power to the creator of the negatively intentioned ‘psychic attack’ in the first place? The answer to that is yes, if the mentioning is full of emotional reaction such as anger, indignation, horror, sadness etc etc all perfectly normal emotional reactions but need to be integrated before publicly drawing attention to the seed point.

The answer to this is no, if those emotions are integrated. If the emotions ARE integrated then the drawing attention to said ‘psychic attack’ assists to add ‘energetic light’ (power if you will) to the integration, transmutation and flip into the opposing energy. It is a method of healing the targeted individual and taking your place within the ‘team of light’ that is instantly drawn to surround the targeted individual. Known as ‘collective healing’ and this is exactly what is happening to President Donald Trump on pretty much an hour by hour, daily basis.

When someone puts out such an energy in a public way using terms like “squished like an insect” they actually trigger a complete opposing reaction to that.

The issue of using the metaphor of an insect being squished has many multi-layered issues in itself but that is a whole other subject. Just know there are 12 foot ‘insects’ out there who do not react too well to their tiny cousins here on Earth being squished! However…..back to the point at hand.
This kind of ‘psychic attack’ (and that is what this is in it’s seed form) cannot sustain especially when directed towards an individual who stands in light as a teacher/messenger/interpreter such as the individual in question.

So either the energetic is dissipated into nothing OR it flips into the opposing energy as is the case here. This gives even more growth and empowerment to the individual that is being targeted. When the person being targeted stands in light then ‘teams of light beings’ (physical and non physical) step in and surround the individual, cushioning him/her from any negative frequency.

Many take part in this cushioning effect without realizing what they are doing, others are fully conscious of their participation within this collective healing.

The cushioning creates a ‘filter’ (if you will) like a membrane (memory brain) and the frequency flips into a positive frequency. All done through DNA radiation/absorption within the individual who stands in light. This is a natural reaction from activated and aware DNA consciousness.

As I said, this is what is happening with Donald Trump on a daily basis. His DNA does not have the same level of activated awareness as the truther/leader/teacher I refer to, yet because of Trump’s global significance, he has an ‘extra helping hand’ in this area.

Either way, this person with the negative seed point intention has only added to the teacher/truther’s appeal, reach, work and message making his ‘DNA radiation’ stronger (or more far reaching) than it was.

This may sound like a deeply esoteric and magical event (and it is) but in truth, this is the way energy and DNA intelligence works. It is simply nature.

Every negative intention backfires on the individual who created the seed to that intention and reaches the ‘target’ in transmuted and ascended form when the targeted individual holds cohesive and active DNA and moves into instant integration.

Thus the ‘insect’ becomes a rare golden butterfly if you will.

Source: Golden Age of Gaia
Butterfly | Magenta Pixie Butterfly | Magenta Pixie Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 2/20/2019 07:24:00 PM Rating: 5

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