Pineal Gland Third Eye A dimension absolutely beyond the physical Sadhguru
Thank you for shadowing our shared pain, and welcome inside enlightening compassion acceptance tenderness inside-out, and outside-in Kind-affinity?
Rest a while without a Care in the Outside World allowed this close to our Universal Cosmic Light ID Delight Bonding Communion Existence freeing~energy Red Raspberry Heart absolute unborn infinity matter-less sublimation~suspension emitter.
Welcome inside Vast beautiful Aether Neutral Nirvana Nothingness Light Existence Immortal Spirit Kind-affinity, for~every~where fountain wet~misting miracle abundance Crystalline enlightening Spiritual Sovereign Singularity freedom?
All our Stories of Glory are as Welcome here altogether, as well, all our Physical parts are included in this Welcoming Mortal Monster-separation illusion Clarion Call.
Envelop all inside-out into outside-in to give it all a much needed Rest inside Peace of Immortal invisible enlightening liquefiable Love-energy, that starts emitting the moment we surrender together, as if as if as if we slip right into Total Humility disappearing surrender to our pain, so we can, finally experience unassuming compassion in a great big Thank you Delight Bonding Communion Pleasance Existence Emitter Welcome for shadowing our shared pain acceptance in timeless~reverie tenderness inside-out intimate outside-in Kind~affinity.
I Love you all with, all my unborn infinite heart deep inside, that beats for, all as ONE, and welcome all Mortal Monsters to this Clarion Call Ball to dress up inside without any more need for tired souls, that carry the burdens on the desert of undead Life illusion in the harsh winds of time pretending outside is where Sex is Love, and Mortals aren’t dead-motives already.
I guess what I am welcoming Mortals to do is to dance “Inside” this Universal Cosmic Light ID Ball inside me where I am inside you from knowing how I suffer, so I can enlighten compassion for other Mortal illusions forgotten in disregard-indifference just like me. I get the idea that as I imagine I am welcoming any other, that I am, really welcoming my lost Love-lorn self too, as if as if as if that’s now as possible as Life inside reflects death outside in a Twin Flame-out of all fan base clout, that hits everybody the moment unconscious Time begins with a great Big Bang on the ego hardened undead Mortal-fear survival outernet head.
Can, every Mortal Illusion become a A Thank you Delight Pleasance Existence Emitter Welcome?
If I surrender to my denied pain, who will cover for me when I disappear, already gone?
Mortality is pain, so I guess I can rest a while with a little care for the World welcome?
I can’t tell if I hate pain worse than I hate others, or I hate myself worse than others do?
I’m scared to surrender all my Coward Power-over controlling other Bullies just like me!
What will, all the other Mortal Monster bullies do without my horned head to butt up against?
Can Immortality install horns coming out my rear end too, so I will be Butt-heady at both ends?
Is there no end to fear inside sitting right next to Immortal freedom, as if already best friends?
What if I welcome others for shadowing our shared pain, then at least I get to slip first?
That’s it; no other son of a gun gets to Thank me in Existence Welcome, before I can?
Whatever dudette/dude, gone viral if it works for you, it works for me, so Welcome-wink Blink!
Riding in the back of the bus together is cool, so we get to talk about this emitter thingee-doo, because, all I can imagine right now is that a sort of tower inside emits freeing energy unlike any other emitter a Mortal uses as, just another weapon. Does every Mortal weapon have One, and is that what I was so afraid of, all this Time?
What if inside there is, only One Light Existence emitter, and we have to disappear inside before we get to Rest a while without a Care in the Outside World?
I hope the bus driver knows where we are going, so if I have to throw someone under the bus another bully will Patsy-help me?
Look at me, still using Mortal control-features to hide as much pain as I can, until we get there?
I hope everybody is ready for me because, I can’t wait to lead a bunch of idiots like Earth foesd?
I’m tired of, all this crap, and I think I’ll take a nap, until we get there, so don’t wake me up, ok?
‘omg even in my dream it never stops, so what we goin to do when I open my eyes again?’
I ONENESS Wonder, already if nothing is outside, and everything I, ever imagined outside is already, only inside Nirvana Nothingness, so even the Light that’s meant to save us all is inside this secret welcome too? If that’s true then what the Hell was I trying to steal from others, if the Light Existence Emitter was always inside me, already waiting for my Total Surrender to my own unshared pain awareness?
Doesn’t this sound like my pain talking, already? What’s happening anyway; are we about to die altogether, or are we about to, directly experience an Ascension Thank you Delight Pleasance Existence Emitter Welcome, altogether at Once so, very soon, all we can do now is take a nap, and enjoy the shunt-bus-ride?
Just a few nutty minutes on the bus, and I, already unlearned one important old idea, no matter what happens to, all matter we, all wake up inside again, no matter what Bully, we imagine is something else outside, that is merely Nirvana Nothing waiting for the next Light Existence Immortal Spirit Emitter Welcome-bus freedom-possibility inside, each time we surrender, even a little Mortal out-looker bit-part “Bully well leader/follow played” mirror-double illusion out-die-side?
OKAY OK ok, Mortality is, very scary, and as painful as it is scary, but even worse Mortality is very hateful angry, and as shaming as it is hateful angry. An Old woman told me, just as she was dying, that “Shame has an angry face”, and since we, Mortals feign pain to hide our shame, and feign fear to hide feigned pain, and hide our feigned anger to hide our feigned fear, then I ONENESS Wonder if ‘shame’ is a good definition of, all feigned Mortal-motives denied. Am I ashamed; are you?
Since all ashamed Mortals hate themselves, and since anger/fear/pain/shame haters turn into that, very self-hate shame, then is this another good clue about Mortality; the absence of Gender-bigotry gone Shame blistering A-holiness pain viral? Isn’t A-holiness the closest any Mortal gets to Holiness? We, now know that the Vatican is A-holiness supreme, and since everything is inside us, then we have to admit a little bit, more than just a little bit of pain, so don’t wake any napper up, until we get wherever Light Existence freedom shunt-bar bus is taking us, because we, all may need more Inside benevolent Galactic-help, than we realize can’t possibly exist A-holiness outside projection ever, now can we?
Man inside woman inside man inside woman inside man inside the same mirror-double Mortal-everyone, really does seem a lot like it’s, all supposed to be, more Welcome, than not accepting our uglies as a part of ONENESS Wonder tender acceptance disappearing too. Now that’s gotta hurt when we feel that dying old enlightening woman “Ashamed angry-face” Chemical-solid sublimation ‘burn’?
No Wonder Mortals are scared to death of losing all their addictive-favorite shame ego angry-parts in the surrender-transition from enlightening Mortality, to invisible Immortality, Uh Oh Duh Huh ouch no-nap uh huh?
Emit This!? Up Yours!? What’s mine is yours, deja vu, and vice versa, the Devil made me do it!!! Ya, right?
OSHO: Meditation Is Not for the Suffering Type
A Thank you Delight Pleasance Existence Emitter Welcome | Pine Cone
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
2/23/2019 09:09:00 PM