The Recent Energies and Rebirth
January 18, 2019
By Narendra Mishra

Having written and published my post on Makar Sankranti [solstice] and its implications yesterday, several things fell into place for me. I understood the energies of the past couple of months and what it entailed.
This is my account of the process written especially for those who were also ‘under the weather’ energetically and being re-birthed in the Divine Mother’s Love.
Somewhere in early to mid-November 2018, I became aware that I needed to focus on healing and clearing my lower chakras. As many Lightworkers and energy practitioners would know, much focus is often given to developing the heart, third-eye, and crown chakras. These are supremely important in awakening the dormant spiritual gifts we are born with.
Yet, true spiritual accomplishment is predicated upon being able to integrate your lower or shadow aspects. Much of this is related to, and stored in, the lower chakras. By lower chakras I mean those below the heart chakra. So for a couple of weeks I diligently worked on my lower chakras.
For a Vedic priest, the month of December is usually a slower period, as most Hindus also celebrate Christmas and its associated festivities. However, this December was different. I was as busy as ever. Too much so in fact. I got burned out. I appealed to the Divine Mother for a rest.
Invariably, it was granted. By the second week in December I came down with the symptoms of the virus. I say symptoms because it was not the virus.
But that was not all. I also became energetically and spiritually disconnected. It was like being unplugged from my spiritual source. This is something that I have felt and experienced before on several occasions. It is the period when you are unplugged from your current state of consciousness and replugged onto a higher state of consciousness. The interim period is fuzzy and produces a feeling of being disconnected and disoriented somewhat. Spiritual growth is like that- slow, gradual progress interrupted by sudden jumps.
This time though was different. The period of being unplugged lasted longer than usual. A lot longer. As sometimes happens during this time, I became inundated by negative emotions and issues- many of them related to the past. Figuring this out was easy- my lower chakra clearing was manifesting on a physical and emotional level.
Around this time, the Divine Mother through Linda Dillon invited us to ask for a Rebirth. She asked us to allow Her to clear away the remnants of our emotional debris with Her final Tsunami of Love. Of course I accepted the invitation, along with many other Lightworkers I am sure.
This was completely in line with what I was experiencing. A rebirth is preceded by a period of disconnecting and also clearing. All was well so far. Steve gave a wonderful account of his rebirth process here which I could relate to.
What I did not expect was the dark attacks. I instinctively knew that I was being targeted by dark forces. And I was not alone. My dear friend and powerful Lightworker, Lynda came down with a serious illness. She suggested to me that it may have to do with dark forces.
The Arcturian Council message as posted by Golden Age of Gaia, confirmed that for me only recently,
“Those with warrior instincts are on high alert. Suspicion dawns of being targeted and even hunted by astral entities using/working with people closely, to drain and keep them down.” (1)
This was big news. Evidently the dark forces were/are stepping up their game.
I was drained. Even my daily practice came to a halt. I had to cancel all clients and appointments. This was reminiscent of the efforts of the dark to keep me from finishing my vision quest whilst mourning.
Once I realized what was happening, it took a near super-human effort to summon the energy to clear myself. This was only a few days ago.
This same message by the Arcturian Council confirmed my vision and participation in the November 11, 2018 gateway where I saw the collective step forward into a portal. The Council stated that the transition from 3D to 4D was complete. I now understand this to be the significance of the November 11th event.
Now, having written the post yesterday on the actual solstice, the Makar Sankranti, I know and feel that the energies have changed. I can now breathe again. The energies have again shifted in our favour.
(1) “Message From the Arcturian Council for January, 2019,” January 11, 2019, at
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
January 18, 2019
By Narendra Mishra

Having written and published my post on Makar Sankranti [solstice] and its implications yesterday, several things fell into place for me. I understood the energies of the past couple of months and what it entailed.
This is my account of the process written especially for those who were also ‘under the weather’ energetically and being re-birthed in the Divine Mother’s Love.
Somewhere in early to mid-November 2018, I became aware that I needed to focus on healing and clearing my lower chakras. As many Lightworkers and energy practitioners would know, much focus is often given to developing the heart, third-eye, and crown chakras. These are supremely important in awakening the dormant spiritual gifts we are born with.
Yet, true spiritual accomplishment is predicated upon being able to integrate your lower or shadow aspects. Much of this is related to, and stored in, the lower chakras. By lower chakras I mean those below the heart chakra. So for a couple of weeks I diligently worked on my lower chakras.
For a Vedic priest, the month of December is usually a slower period, as most Hindus also celebrate Christmas and its associated festivities. However, this December was different. I was as busy as ever. Too much so in fact. I got burned out. I appealed to the Divine Mother for a rest.
Invariably, it was granted. By the second week in December I came down with the symptoms of the virus. I say symptoms because it was not the virus.
But that was not all. I also became energetically and spiritually disconnected. It was like being unplugged from my spiritual source. This is something that I have felt and experienced before on several occasions. It is the period when you are unplugged from your current state of consciousness and replugged onto a higher state of consciousness. The interim period is fuzzy and produces a feeling of being disconnected and disoriented somewhat. Spiritual growth is like that- slow, gradual progress interrupted by sudden jumps.
This time though was different. The period of being unplugged lasted longer than usual. A lot longer. As sometimes happens during this time, I became inundated by negative emotions and issues- many of them related to the past. Figuring this out was easy- my lower chakra clearing was manifesting on a physical and emotional level.
Around this time, the Divine Mother through Linda Dillon invited us to ask for a Rebirth. She asked us to allow Her to clear away the remnants of our emotional debris with Her final Tsunami of Love. Of course I accepted the invitation, along with many other Lightworkers I am sure.
This was completely in line with what I was experiencing. A rebirth is preceded by a period of disconnecting and also clearing. All was well so far. Steve gave a wonderful account of his rebirth process here which I could relate to.
What I did not expect was the dark attacks. I instinctively knew that I was being targeted by dark forces. And I was not alone. My dear friend and powerful Lightworker, Lynda came down with a serious illness. She suggested to me that it may have to do with dark forces.
The Arcturian Council message as posted by Golden Age of Gaia, confirmed that for me only recently,
“Those with warrior instincts are on high alert. Suspicion dawns of being targeted and even hunted by astral entities using/working with people closely, to drain and keep them down.” (1)
This was big news. Evidently the dark forces were/are stepping up their game.
I was drained. Even my daily practice came to a halt. I had to cancel all clients and appointments. This was reminiscent of the efforts of the dark to keep me from finishing my vision quest whilst mourning.
Once I realized what was happening, it took a near super-human effort to summon the energy to clear myself. This was only a few days ago.
This same message by the Arcturian Council confirmed my vision and participation in the November 11, 2018 gateway where I saw the collective step forward into a portal. The Council stated that the transition from 3D to 4D was complete. I now understand this to be the significance of the November 11th event.
Now, having written the post yesterday on the actual solstice, the Makar Sankranti, I know and feel that the energies have changed. I can now breathe again. The energies have again shifted in our favour.
(1) “Message From the Arcturian Council for January, 2019,” January 11, 2019, at
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
The Recent Energies and Rebirth | Narendra Mishra
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
1/18/2019 05:38:00 PM