Posted on January 19, 2019
For about a year or so the Lord has been speaking to me out of 1 Kings 19:11-13 and it has intensified in the last few months.
“There he came to a cave and lodged in it. And behold, the word of the Lord came to him, and he said to him, “What are you doing here, Elijah?” 10 He said, “I have been very jealous for the Lord, the God of hosts. For the people of Israel have forsaken your covenant, thrown down your altars, and killed your prophets with the sword, and I, even I only, am left, and they seek my life, to take it away.” 11 And he said, “Go out and stand on the mount before the Lord.” And behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind tore the mountains and broke in pieces the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. And after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. 12 And after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire the sound of a low whisper.” (ESV)
The Lord is inviting us as His people deeper into the place of intimacy, into the place of lingering, the place where we will hear His whisper and He will show His power in the whisper.
There is a lot of “chatter” going on in the spirit right now. There’s a lot fighting for the focus of God’s people. The enemy is doing all he can to bring ‘confusion’ and to attempt to hinder God’s people from hearing the voice of God. The true reality is there is an even greater awakening taking place to HERA and DISCERN the voice of God amongst all the other false voices.
I heard the Lord say “MY WHISPERS WILL DELIVER YOU”.
The Lord is having many writing down His whispers more and more lately and this will continue to increase dramatically as time goes on.
I watched as many were writing down the whispers of God there was MAJOR deliverance happening. God was breaking chains of the past. God was delivering His people from lies. Removing cloaks of shame. Silencing the voice of the accuser and increasing faith in the promises of God.
I prophesy there are going to be MAJOR DELIVERANCES that are going to take place in this new era in the WHISPERS OF GOD.
The Lord continued to speak “Some of the GREATEST and most POWERFUL encounters with Me are going to happen in the WHISPER in this new era. Do not doubt MY POWER in the whisper. MY power will resound LOUD in the whisper.”
This week I have been hearing the Lord saying over and over “There will be things written out of the divine whispers this year, that will ROAR upon the earth that will bring radical change.”
These “writings” will come in MANY forms not just books, but the Lord is inviting us as His people deeper into the place of the “divine whisper” to hear His heart. What’s the beautiful thing about a whisper? You have to lean in close to hear it. The Lord is inviting you and I to “lean in close” to hear some of the most profound secrets of His heart that we have ever heard. The decree of Jeremiah 33:3 is resounding loudly in the heavens.
There are going to be revelations that the Lord is going to share with His people who take the time to lean in and listen to the whisper. There are going to be such significant secrets of His heart, decrees written in the books of heaven accessed by God’s people, and divine strategies that are not going to come in the “LOUD DEMONSTRATIONS”, but in the quiet, soft whispers. God truly is looking for those who will linger and listen to His whisper.
The Lord showed me that as God’s people lean in and listen to those whispers and those divine whispers are written they will ROAR upon the earth. From the divine whisper of His heart there will be a LOUD roar of the Lion of Judah released upon the earth into families, marriages, circumstances, cities and nations that will bring significant re-alignment, breakthrough, overturning of evil and a turning of the tables in favour of God’s people and Kingdom purposes. These divine whispers of God carrying HEAVY, WEIGHTY breaker anointings to shift things that have been resisting the word of the Lord.
These divine whispers written down are going to CHANGE COURSES. I saw things that were derailing coming back into alignment with God’s spoken word. I saw new directions being forged. I saw the Pioneering anointing increasing significant. I saw doors FLYING open in the spirit as God’s Word is written down and sent forth.
MANY of these writings are going to CHANGE THE COURSE of history. Where many of you have been feeling a battle over the things the Lord is showing you to write down, it is because there is a major anointing upon what He is speaking to CHANGE the course of history in cities, nations, families, marriages, individual lives etc.
In 1 Kings 19:11-13, God asks Elijah “What are you doing here Elijah?”
Elijah has had major victories but then ended up getting a message from Jezebel saying she was going to kill him. Elijah runs in fear and becomes depressed and runs to a cave to isolate himself. Then God asks Him “Elijah what are you doing here?”
The Lord spoke to me that many in the body of Christ have faced incredible victories but all of a sudden the enemy has come after you full force and with fear and intimidation. There is a very strong temptation to isolate yourself, to hide and to run back to ‘old ways’.
The Lord showed me that as you meet with Him now, open yourself to Him to come and minister to your heart, His WHISPERS are going to RE-DIRECT you, RESET you, REFRESH you, RE-RELEASE you and COMMISSION you.
The battle has been SO intense because there is a NEW COMMISSIONING before you and this is your time of divine comeback. There are MAJOR doors of restitution that the Lord has opened before you and you are coming back 10 times stronger. The enemy knows that and he’s terrified.
RESET – I prophesy over you that in the divine whisper of God there is going to be such a significant breakthrough that is going to take place in your life. God is going to RESET your heart and mind. Eric Johnson from Bethel said recently “God is giving us (the body of Christ) a new operating system” – God is giving you a new operating system for this new era. God is going to RESET your mind. He is going to RESET your heart. He is going to RESET your vision. He is going to RESET your passion. ANYTHING that has come against what He has given you, caused you to place your hand upon and the paths He is leading you down, are being REMOVED. You are being given a FRESH PERSPECTIVE!!!! Your lenses are being cleared and the false voices are being broken in your life once and for all. The voices that have plagued many of you for years, and many of you your whole lives, are about to be silenced and you are NOW moving into a bigger realm of OVERCOMING.
REFRESHING – In the whisper God is refreshing your heart, HE is refreshing your physical body. There is a physical strengthening and healing coming to your body. You will know Him as HEALER in this new era like NEVER before.
RE-RELEASE – In the whisper, He is going to RE-RELEASE YOU! There is a FULL CIRCLE breakthrough upon many. The enemy has interrupted some of the breakthroughs and things God has wanted to bring into your life and he has brought a great delay. But NOW the Lord is bringing you back to those places – FULL CIRCLE and the Lord is going to RE-RELEASE YOU into those places with greater INTEREST and INCREASE than you have ever have. The fierce redemption and restoration of God is going to be seen.
RESTITUTION – God is opening a new door of restitution before you. The enemy is being caused to PAY BACK SEVEN TIMES (Proverbs 6:31) what he has stolen. You are being released into significant INCREASE. The justice of the hand of the Lord is being powerfully demonstrated in your life and will continue to increase in mind-blowing ways in 2019.
NEW COMMISSIONS – The Lord showed me in the spirit that many have been shocked by the battle in entering 2019. There has been more ‘turbulence’ than expected. The Lord spoke to me that this turbulence has come and come violently against some and in such a sneaky and crafty way to attempt to distract you and cause you to move from the position that God has you in. In the divine whisper God is going to commission you into new areas, new assignments and new mantles and anointings. After the interaction between Elijah and the Lord in 1 Kings 19, the Lord commissions him to go forth and to find and anoint Jehu and Elisha. There is a greater commissioning the Lord is wanting to release you into right now that is creating legacy and raising up others. There is an extension of His Kingdom that God is wanting to release through you. There is a greater commissioning upon you that is going to raise others up and see the Spirit of God use you to assist them to walk into all God has for them. These battles you have been going through are not just about you, they are about those that the Lord has called you to minister to. There is a powerful birthing of the NEW THING and NEW WINE in your life.
The Lord showed me that in this new era there will be SUCH incredible MAJOR demonstrations of His power like we have NEVER seen, but do NOT leave the whisper. There are going to be MANY times in this new era, where the Lord will walk into meetings, into houses, into places and the presence of God will be SO heavy, there will be a HOLY HUSH and a silence as the King of Glory steps in where no one will say a word. God’s people will be facedown in awe of the Majesty of God revealed.
In those times there are going to be quiet whispers of God that are going to see the most incredible miracles take place. People will stand up hours later completely healed, completely set free, many will be saved as the Lord whispers the truth of the Gospel to them. There will be MAJOR deliverances that will take place in the whisper of God.
There will still be RADICAL loud demonstrations of His power but God is going to move SOVEREIGNLY in the whisper and some of the most amazing and documented miracles in this new era will come in the WHISPER of God.
Don’t leave the place of intimacy. Stay deep in Him and close to His heart. Some of the most life-changing moments for the body of Christ are going to take place in the “whisper” of God in this new era. Don’t be offended by the whisper. Embrace it!!!
The Lord is speaking in the still place right now. As God’s people it can become easy to expect God to do what He did in the past and He continues to do it, but the Lord has been stirring a fire in me that if we are only looking for Him in the “wind, in the earthquake and the fire”, the ways He has moved before and will continue to and discount the whisper of God, we will miss it. It’s all about intimacy and learning to hear the whisper of God and discern it and be able to discern the present move of His Spirit.
God is calling us to move forward, not live in the past and the KEY to discerning the present move of His Spirit is to KNOW and DISCERN the whisper of God. It’s in the whisper, He is releasing wisdom, strategy and discernment in the whisper.
I heard the Lord say:
“Those who will embrace Me in whatever form and way I choose to come will be close to My heart and hear and discern My whisper. If eyes are just on the loud manifestations of My Spirit, the whispers will be missed and some of the most powerful demonstrations of My power will come in this new era through the whispers.”
Let us be the people of God who embrace His whisper!
Source: Lana Vawser
The Power of His Whisper in this New Era! | Lana Vawser
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
1/19/2019 06:56:00 AM