Lana Vawser: Get Ready for a Miracle!

Posted on January 31, 2019


Lana Vawser

This week the Lord surprised me with the way that He spoke to me. As I was washing the dishes the other day suddenly my washing is interrupted by a song that I knew none of the lines to but two of the chorus, that I knew my Mum used to listen to many years ago before I was married and lived at home.

Over and over again in my mind these two lines played LOUDLY:

“Are you ready for a miracle? As ready as I can be!!!”

Over and over again these lines resounded loudly in my spirit. I knew immediately that the Lord was speaking. So I went and began to search out this song and look at the lyrics. I was blown away!

Are you ready for a miracle

As ready as I can be

Are you ready for a miracle

The spirit will set you free

Are you ready, ready, ready, ready

I’m ready, I’m ready for a miracle

Jesus went unto the well

and made the water wine

Raised up Lazarus from the dead

Restored sight to the blind

Jesus man of Galilee

He walked across the sea

He said Greater than this shall you do

Gave the power to you and me

Are you ready for a miracle

As ready as I can be

Are you ready for a miracle

The spirit will set you free

Are you ready, ready, ready, ready

I’m ready, I’m ready for a miracle

Jesus taught the lame to walk;

destroyed the Devil’s plan

Healed a leper feed five thousand

with just one command

Said, He who has ears, let him hear,

He told the multitudes

And blessed be the pure of heart

for they shall see the truth

Are you ready for a miracle

As ready as I can be

Are you ready for a miracle

The spirit will set you free

Are you ready, ready, ready, ready

I’m ready for a miracle

Blessed be the ones who mourn for

they shall find their peace

Blessed be the ones who thirst

and blessed be the meek

Now are you ready, ready,

Are you ready, ready

Blessed be the innocent

for they shall all be free

Blessed be the miracle

that’s made for you and me

Now are you ready, ready

Are you ready, ready

Are you ready for a miracle

As ready as I can be

Are you ready for a miracle

The spirit will set you free

Are you ready, ready, ready, ready

I’m ready, I’m ready for a miracle

Songwriters: Bunny Hull / Art Reynolds

Ready for a Miracle lyrics © Sony/ATV Harmony, Sony/ATV Melody, Brass Heart Music Company, Brassheart Music, Art Reynolds Music, Sony Atv Harmony – From

The sense of excitement surrounded me SO strongly that God is about to move in such a powerful way in the lives of His people and on behalf of His people that there is going to be a MAJOR increase in miracles. There is going to be a MAJOR turning of the tables. The supernatural power of God is going to be demonstrated in the lives of His people SO powerfully, unlike anything that has ever been seen before.

As I leaned into the Lord to hear His heart, I kept hearing the words “Keep your hopes up! Keep your faith high! I am about to ARRIVE!!”

There is an ARRIVING of God in the lives of God’s people that is about to take place, where heaven is going to meet earth in such significant ways. There is about to be a significant REINTRODUCTION of the power of God in lives of His people. The story is changing. The page is turned and God is about to show Himself STRONG in the body of Christ.

I hear the roar in of the Lion of Judah in the spirit, He is coming for His people. He is coming on behalf of His people. He is coming with a divine shift and alignment where nothing shall standing against the roar of His name and the body of Christ is going to shake with the SOUND OF HIS FAITHFULNESS. The SOUND of His FAITHFULNESS is about to RESOUND LOUDLY!


The Lord spoke to me that He is coming as the Lion of Judah and there is about to be a ROAR that is going to be released over many that is going to bring the most powerful DIVINE ALIGNMENT of their lives and it won’t just be “one area” of their lives that is transformed, it’s COMPLETE TRANSFORMATION. Jesus is about to reveal Himself in power like never before to MANY that is going to bring COMPLETE transformation. Not only will bodies be SUDDENLY healed, situations will SUDDENLY turn around, chains and giants will SUDDENLY disintegrate and ground the enemy has had will be SUDDENLY withdraw from Him. NOTHING is going to stand against the name of Jesus. Things that have refused to bow to the name of Jesus in the lives of believers are about to be UPROOTED and REMOVED by the power of God in Jesus name.

2 Corinthians 1:20 is about to RESOUND LOUDLY!

“For all of God’s promises find their “yes” of fulfillment in him. And as his “yes” and our “amen” ascend to God, we bring him glory!” (The Passion Translation)

“For as many as are the promises of God, in Christ they are [all answered] “Yes.” So through Him we say our “Amen” to the glory of God.” (Amplified Version)

There is a MAJOR fulfilment of the promises of God in the miracles that are about to take place. Create the ENVIRONMENT OF FAITH in your life to see the HUGE fulfilment and miracles that are about to take place. You have taken the Lord at His Word for so long, but struggles and battles have come to discourage you from these promises, and the battle has raged in the darkness that many have not seen, but NOW you are about to be brought into the greatest miracle of your life. It will not be by your hand, or your power but by the Spirit of God.

I prophesy over you right now in the name of Jesus that this year you are going to see the POWER OF GOD and the MIRACULOUS burst forth in your life unlike ANYTHING you have EVER seen before.

Your cry will resound loudly “LOOK WHAT GOD HAS DONE!!!”

“But let all who passionately seek you erupt with excitement and joy over what you’ve done! Let all your lovers, who continually rejoice in the Saviour,[a] say aloud, “How great and glorious is our God!” – Psalm 70:4 (The Passion Translation)


The Lord showed me the ferocious attack that has been against many believers and has continued into these early days of 2019. I heard the Lord say “The enemy has tried to break you in these early days, but I am about to BREAK YOU THROUGH INTO THE NEW.”

The Lord then showed me that this attack has been SO ferocious because in the very area where this attack has been the Lion of Judah is coming in power releasing an INCREASE of the MIRACULOUS and IN THAT PLACE – a NEW MANTLE will be received – that’s WHY the enemy has fought so hard to keep God’s people from the miracles the Lord is about to release.

There will be MANY new mantles received in the MIRACLES God is releasing, and one I saw that was falling on MANY in the body of Christ was the mantle for HEALING.

There is a MAJOR TIDAL WAVE of God’s HEALING that is going to crash into the body of Christ very soon and the Lord showed me MANY that are going to carry this mantle for a powerful healing ministry, but ESPECIALLY those who have been assaulted their WHOLE LIVES relentlessly in their bodies. The Lord is about to bring such supernatural healing and wholeness to their bodies, life changing breakthrough, the enemy will lose his hold, the spirit of infirmity cast out by the roar of the Lion of Judah. MAJOR deliverance and healing. There are about to be MAJOR physical and emotional healing for these ones that the Lord is going to release a HUGE mantle for healing upon them and healing ministries will begin to explode through their lives. In this place, these ones will realise WHY the enemy has attempted to hold them back all their lives with infirmity, but NO MORE.


I heard the Lord say “In this new era, MEDIA will report the MIRACLES”

The Lord is going to move in SUCH power in the body of Christ and in the world that even the NEWS will report these unexplainable, supernatural miracles and the name of Jesus will be lifted high and testified all across the earth.

The Lord is not just reintroducing Himself to the Church, He is about to reintroduce Himself in power and Glory to the WORLD and it will DRAW many to Him, the nations will shake and turn their heads. God is stepping in, in a way we have never seen before (Psalm 24:7-9)

The whole earth is groaning, it is groaning for the King of Glory to come and the manifested sons and daughters of God to arise. It’s a kairos time! It has arrived! The nexus points are here like we have never seen before.

“For the earth will be filled With the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, As the waters cover the sea.” – Habakkuk 2:14 (AMP version)

I heard His decree “When I come, it’s not just “some things” that will change, the magnitude of how I am about to come will see EVERYTHING CHANGE! Nothing will be left the same!!! My people, ARE you ready for a miracle? I’m coming!!!”

Source: Lana Vawser
Lana Vawser: Get Ready for a Miracle! Lana Vawser: Get Ready for a Miracle! Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 1/30/2019 10:47:00 PM Rating: 5

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