A Time of Love
~The Equalization~
Greetings, Dear Ones
Beginning of the Game
We join you this day as a collective. We have watched you move through multiple levels of your existence since the very beginning of the game. Planet Earth and the family of E came together and said, “Let’s have a game with no rules whatsoever. We’ll see how it develops and if people can open their eyes and actually re-member who they are.” And so, it began then continued for eons of time going through different levels and junctions of time space. Now, here you are stepping even further into another level of existence. We are so incredibly proud of you!As we mentioned several times, we have been watching these energies of separation which have permeated your planet. Much of the separation has to do with the propagation of fear, and the way that it often easily spreads from one thing to the next.
Fear Only Exists in the Future
Fear and love are complete opposites. Although you think of hate as being the opposite of love it isn’t, because the opposite of love is actually fear. You can only be afraid of things that are in the future. And the easiest way to think of fear is as missing information. We’d like to start filling in some of that information for you, which is why we have been upfront and open about everything that we see coming. Dear ones, you don’t always see how incredibly proud we are of you and the amazing work that you have moved through as humans. The bringing of your spirit here to have this experience in this astounding way is reaching far beyond any plan you could have made. You’ll see it when you come home, we’ll show it to you. You’ll see the effect and how it ripples out and touches everything. On Earth this generally shows as the opposites of love and fear, but in reality, each person spreads a full spectrum wave. Yes, therefore we are encouraging all humans to work in any way possible towards unity. Why? Because expressing Unity attunes the spirit to experience the full spectrum wave.
It is an incredible time for you to be here and your place has been reserved for exactly that reason. So, here you go. You have this opportunity now to take these next steps. And we look forward to the next steps that are in front of humanity right now. Today, we wish to speak about a natural equalization process that exists universally. There is always this back and forth motion, which quite simply is used to balance anything that is out of balance. When the wave changes direction it has completed the process of Equalization. In fact, there are black holes throughout the universe to help provide equalization between dimensions. There are a lot of things that you’ll start to understand as you step forward into this new reality, but one of the most beautiful aspects is that you will have an equalization of love. That is beginning on Earth right now. However, the state of equalization can also close back up abruptly and without warning.There are those who will try to control it, but with a little encouragement that equalization can open and bring a balance that all can enjoy. The timing for that is right now. You see, over the last several years, humanity has moved into a general feeling of fear. It’s not right or wrong, but simply the way things move. Fear is not wrong, dear ones, it’s simply an emotional reaction to a projection. What you do with it is up to you. Of course, fear is one way of motivating yourselves.
You might have setup many things in your contracts throughout life to bring you that example, to push you in a certain direction. When you start to move in a certain direction, sometimes you have to wait for the energy to equalize before the universe brings it to you. Here you are, just taking one step after the next. It’s absolutely incredible for us to watch. Yet we know that during these changes there has been more fear experienced on the planet than love.That has an opportunity to change and it begins right now. Wherever you are in the world and whatever your circumstances, political beliefs or financial status, that is your so-called player, the individual piece that you are moving around your evolving game board.
Your Player Can Be Changed
You can change so many things, dear ones. You can even change the game board, which you are just starting to become aware of and that is the magic that we wish to talk about. The equalization is actually very simple. You can feel the changes of planet Earth, the intensity of all the energies coming together as it brings humanity into a great period of change. The natural reaction to change is fear. “What if I don’t make it or don’t change? What if this change is not as good as the last one?” Well, what if we tell you that every single change leads to something better, even if it does not always seem like it at the moment that it is happening.
Even when you look back at some of the worst decisions you have made or things that have happened to you in your lifetime, would you really change them if you could? No, it isn’t part of your system. More than an experience in your past, it’s part of what makes you who you truly are. Mastery of this means that it no longer controls you and that’s absolutely beautiful. All of humanity steps up during this period of change, bringing their metamorphic shell around them tightly after falling into a period of fear. But it doesn’t seem out of order because everyone’s walking around with their metamorphic shells pulled very tightly around their body, as if it had become fashionable somehow. It’s now the norm to carry that much fear and to deal with it. Yes, the nice part about fear is that the illusion can be filled.
Fill in the Blanks
So that’s what we’re here to help you with, filling in the missing information. Whatever your belief systems or whatever you’re working with, fill in the blanks first and that’ll open all sorts of doors for you. You won’t even have to worry about the second step, because things will start opening very quickly. You can simply follow the movement of the energy. That is the other piece that’s happening on a global basis, but how deeply that love goes or how well it is shared is entirely up to humanity. With all this fear, you’ve been pulling back and bringing your shell closely around you. As a result, there has been a lack of love, because you simply can’t hold both fear and love at the same time. This is starting to change now because the opening has happened and it’s beginning to equalize. You’re now likely to see more goodness from humanity than you’ve ever seen before, which can be a brief experience or the start of a larger trend.
Does that mean that you’ll turn on the news and everything will have suddenly turned the direction that you wished? No, that’s not what we’re talking about. Everyone’s been so concerned about which way things turn and that has caused even more separation. So, what about just going to love? That’s what’s opening for equalization, it’s the imbalance that now has a chance to change and there is a wave of love that is taking place on planet Earth right now. How deeply will it go, how much will it affect other people or help improve the situations on planet Earth? That’s entirely up to you, dear ones. That’s your job and it’s happening right now.
The Opening
Humans have a need to love and be loved. You cannot live on this planet without love. Because all of humanity has been moving into the fear of uncertainty, the love has been pushed out of the way. And that is the equalization opening now. Although it is only a brief opening, if used it can become wider. How can you step up into the next level where the love is? You can love your way out of the difficulties. That’s what’s taking place. We’d like you to fall back in love with yourselves, which is the hardest part
Whatever your belief systems are, no matter which faith or traditions you follow, these are the times that you can open your heart and make a difference. Keep in mind that being surrounded by this fear makes it more difficult to open your heart,because it may make you feel vulnerable and that can be difficult. When it makes you want to close your metamorphic shell and crawl back into that space, that’s when you tend to hide things and cover them up. But that’s the part where you can stop looking at yourself as a part of God. We love you so dearly as individuals, not just as the collective of light workers. If you can feel even a portion of the great love we have for you, dear ones, you’ll realize there’s only one way to hang on to it and that’s to pass it on to others.
A Time for Falling in Love
Fall in love with someone else, even just for a moment. No, you don’t need to confuse yourself or change your life. You don’t even need to get wrapped up in sexual energy. Just follow the unconditional love ever chance you have. It could be as simple as experiencing the beauty of a rose, as you hold it in your hands. Can you stop long enough to fall in love with the snow, as it falls from the sky landing on the tree tops? Or even that slight interaction that you had with your neighbor, as you were both taking out the trash? Wherever it is look for those opportunities to fall in love, for this is the time more than ever before. You have the opportunity to take this wave of love, which is now prevalent on planet Earth, and stretch it into your own life. Bring it in in some way and express it. Give it a space to grow and move. Dear ones, this is more important than the future. It is more important than what’s taking place on planet Earth, what’s happening in politics or even what is occurring on Wall Street.
You’re closer than you think, dear ones, you’ve opened the door to experience inter dimensional time space. It is now open to you completely because you’re living in the fifth dimension and learning how to work with it. We’re incredibly proud of you. Keep following your heart, dear ones, taking one step at a time. The other day, the Keeper was driving somewhere himself and he came upon one of his old belief systems. As he pulled up to a stop light, there was someone standing in the median with a little sign that read, “Help me.” Well, the Keeper’s belief systems started kicking in and he looked the other way. You see, he was taught that if you give to beggars then you are part of the problem instead of being a part of the solution. He had allthese rationales, because at one point in his life he actually knew people that would go out and make a living of standing on those street corners. That was his problem with his belief systems, until we made him reach into his pocket and give the gentleman some money. That finally released him from the old beliefs. Was it his responsibility what the man does with the money? No, the true gift was given to him the moment he gave the money.
See a Spirit Fall in Love
Find a way to express love, bring it into your life and amplify it. Bring it further into every expression of who you are.There is a wave of love on planet Earth and once you start and continue the momentum, you’ll feel all that incredible energy coming forward to support you and make that connection. What happens when two people open their eyes and truly see each other’s spirit? They fall in love. Oh, yes, there’s a lot of resistance to that. One may look away and say, “Well, I’m not supposed to be doing that.” But what if you just fell in love with no expectations, just for that moment?We appreciate your ability to let us love you during the time that we had been here together. Your path forward is of great importance to all of us. We’re so incredibly proud of everything that you’ve done here on planet Earth, and we can’t wait to see what you do next. Take this wave of love, for you are the beings who can equalize it.
Know that you’re on an incredible path. It is with the greatest of love, dear ones, that we ask you to treat each other with respect. Nurture one another and play well together as you celebrate these beautiful times of love on planet Earth.
The group
~The Equalization~
Greetings, Dear Ones
Beginning of the Game
We join you this day as a collective. We have watched you move through multiple levels of your existence since the very beginning of the game. Planet Earth and the family of E came together and said, “Let’s have a game with no rules whatsoever. We’ll see how it develops and if people can open their eyes and actually re-member who they are.” And so, it began then continued for eons of time going through different levels and junctions of time space. Now, here you are stepping even further into another level of existence. We are so incredibly proud of you!As we mentioned several times, we have been watching these energies of separation which have permeated your planet. Much of the separation has to do with the propagation of fear, and the way that it often easily spreads from one thing to the next.
Fear Only Exists in the Future
Fear and love are complete opposites. Although you think of hate as being the opposite of love it isn’t, because the opposite of love is actually fear. You can only be afraid of things that are in the future. And the easiest way to think of fear is as missing information. We’d like to start filling in some of that information for you, which is why we have been upfront and open about everything that we see coming. Dear ones, you don’t always see how incredibly proud we are of you and the amazing work that you have moved through as humans. The bringing of your spirit here to have this experience in this astounding way is reaching far beyond any plan you could have made. You’ll see it when you come home, we’ll show it to you. You’ll see the effect and how it ripples out and touches everything. On Earth this generally shows as the opposites of love and fear, but in reality, each person spreads a full spectrum wave. Yes, therefore we are encouraging all humans to work in any way possible towards unity. Why? Because expressing Unity attunes the spirit to experience the full spectrum wave.
It is an incredible time for you to be here and your place has been reserved for exactly that reason. So, here you go. You have this opportunity now to take these next steps. And we look forward to the next steps that are in front of humanity right now. Today, we wish to speak about a natural equalization process that exists universally. There is always this back and forth motion, which quite simply is used to balance anything that is out of balance. When the wave changes direction it has completed the process of Equalization. In fact, there are black holes throughout the universe to help provide equalization between dimensions. There are a lot of things that you’ll start to understand as you step forward into this new reality, but one of the most beautiful aspects is that you will have an equalization of love. That is beginning on Earth right now. However, the state of equalization can also close back up abruptly and without warning.There are those who will try to control it, but with a little encouragement that equalization can open and bring a balance that all can enjoy. The timing for that is right now. You see, over the last several years, humanity has moved into a general feeling of fear. It’s not right or wrong, but simply the way things move. Fear is not wrong, dear ones, it’s simply an emotional reaction to a projection. What you do with it is up to you. Of course, fear is one way of motivating yourselves.
You might have setup many things in your contracts throughout life to bring you that example, to push you in a certain direction. When you start to move in a certain direction, sometimes you have to wait for the energy to equalize before the universe brings it to you. Here you are, just taking one step after the next. It’s absolutely incredible for us to watch. Yet we know that during these changes there has been more fear experienced on the planet than love.That has an opportunity to change and it begins right now. Wherever you are in the world and whatever your circumstances, political beliefs or financial status, that is your so-called player, the individual piece that you are moving around your evolving game board.
Your Player Can Be Changed
You can change so many things, dear ones. You can even change the game board, which you are just starting to become aware of and that is the magic that we wish to talk about. The equalization is actually very simple. You can feel the changes of planet Earth, the intensity of all the energies coming together as it brings humanity into a great period of change. The natural reaction to change is fear. “What if I don’t make it or don’t change? What if this change is not as good as the last one?” Well, what if we tell you that every single change leads to something better, even if it does not always seem like it at the moment that it is happening.
Even when you look back at some of the worst decisions you have made or things that have happened to you in your lifetime, would you really change them if you could? No, it isn’t part of your system. More than an experience in your past, it’s part of what makes you who you truly are. Mastery of this means that it no longer controls you and that’s absolutely beautiful. All of humanity steps up during this period of change, bringing their metamorphic shell around them tightly after falling into a period of fear. But it doesn’t seem out of order because everyone’s walking around with their metamorphic shells pulled very tightly around their body, as if it had become fashionable somehow. It’s now the norm to carry that much fear and to deal with it. Yes, the nice part about fear is that the illusion can be filled.
Fill in the Blanks
So that’s what we’re here to help you with, filling in the missing information. Whatever your belief systems or whatever you’re working with, fill in the blanks first and that’ll open all sorts of doors for you. You won’t even have to worry about the second step, because things will start opening very quickly. You can simply follow the movement of the energy. That is the other piece that’s happening on a global basis, but how deeply that love goes or how well it is shared is entirely up to humanity. With all this fear, you’ve been pulling back and bringing your shell closely around you. As a result, there has been a lack of love, because you simply can’t hold both fear and love at the same time. This is starting to change now because the opening has happened and it’s beginning to equalize. You’re now likely to see more goodness from humanity than you’ve ever seen before, which can be a brief experience or the start of a larger trend.
Does that mean that you’ll turn on the news and everything will have suddenly turned the direction that you wished? No, that’s not what we’re talking about. Everyone’s been so concerned about which way things turn and that has caused even more separation. So, what about just going to love? That’s what’s opening for equalization, it’s the imbalance that now has a chance to change and there is a wave of love that is taking place on planet Earth right now. How deeply will it go, how much will it affect other people or help improve the situations on planet Earth? That’s entirely up to you, dear ones. That’s your job and it’s happening right now.
The Opening
Humans have a need to love and be loved. You cannot live on this planet without love. Because all of humanity has been moving into the fear of uncertainty, the love has been pushed out of the way. And that is the equalization opening now. Although it is only a brief opening, if used it can become wider. How can you step up into the next level where the love is? You can love your way out of the difficulties. That’s what’s taking place. We’d like you to fall back in love with yourselves, which is the hardest part
Whatever your belief systems are, no matter which faith or traditions you follow, these are the times that you can open your heart and make a difference. Keep in mind that being surrounded by this fear makes it more difficult to open your heart,because it may make you feel vulnerable and that can be difficult. When it makes you want to close your metamorphic shell and crawl back into that space, that’s when you tend to hide things and cover them up. But that’s the part where you can stop looking at yourself as a part of God. We love you so dearly as individuals, not just as the collective of light workers. If you can feel even a portion of the great love we have for you, dear ones, you’ll realize there’s only one way to hang on to it and that’s to pass it on to others.
A Time for Falling in Love
Fall in love with someone else, even just for a moment. No, you don’t need to confuse yourself or change your life. You don’t even need to get wrapped up in sexual energy. Just follow the unconditional love ever chance you have. It could be as simple as experiencing the beauty of a rose, as you hold it in your hands. Can you stop long enough to fall in love with the snow, as it falls from the sky landing on the tree tops? Or even that slight interaction that you had with your neighbor, as you were both taking out the trash? Wherever it is look for those opportunities to fall in love, for this is the time more than ever before. You have the opportunity to take this wave of love, which is now prevalent on planet Earth, and stretch it into your own life. Bring it in in some way and express it. Give it a space to grow and move. Dear ones, this is more important than the future. It is more important than what’s taking place on planet Earth, what’s happening in politics or even what is occurring on Wall Street.
You’re closer than you think, dear ones, you’ve opened the door to experience inter dimensional time space. It is now open to you completely because you’re living in the fifth dimension and learning how to work with it. We’re incredibly proud of you. Keep following your heart, dear ones, taking one step at a time. The other day, the Keeper was driving somewhere himself and he came upon one of his old belief systems. As he pulled up to a stop light, there was someone standing in the median with a little sign that read, “Help me.” Well, the Keeper’s belief systems started kicking in and he looked the other way. You see, he was taught that if you give to beggars then you are part of the problem instead of being a part of the solution. He had allthese rationales, because at one point in his life he actually knew people that would go out and make a living of standing on those street corners. That was his problem with his belief systems, until we made him reach into his pocket and give the gentleman some money. That finally released him from the old beliefs. Was it his responsibility what the man does with the money? No, the true gift was given to him the moment he gave the money.
See a Spirit Fall in Love
Find a way to express love, bring it into your life and amplify it. Bring it further into every expression of who you are.There is a wave of love on planet Earth and once you start and continue the momentum, you’ll feel all that incredible energy coming forward to support you and make that connection. What happens when two people open their eyes and truly see each other’s spirit? They fall in love. Oh, yes, there’s a lot of resistance to that. One may look away and say, “Well, I’m not supposed to be doing that.” But what if you just fell in love with no expectations, just for that moment?We appreciate your ability to let us love you during the time that we had been here together. Your path forward is of great importance to all of us. We’re so incredibly proud of everything that you’ve done here on planet Earth, and we can’t wait to see what you do next. Take this wave of love, for you are the beings who can equalize it.
Know that you’re on an incredible path. It is with the greatest of love, dear ones, that we ask you to treat each other with respect. Nurture one another and play well together as you celebrate these beautiful times of love on planet Earth.
The group
A Time of Love: The Equalization | The Group via Espavo
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
1/18/2019 05:58:00 PM
