Jesus on the Lost Years – Part 2/2
December 24, 2018
By Steve Beckow

(Concluded from Part 1, yesterday.)
Jesus discusses his travels in India, his avatarhood, his overlighting by Sananda, and his daughter Sara.
“Transcript of An Hour with an Angel, with Jesus, Jan. 9, 2012,” at
S: All right. I know that we have many listeners in India, and I’m sure they would be most interested to know where you went in India at this time, whom you studied with, what lineage they were or what path they followed.
J: How you would think of it, it would be the path of Hinduism. It is the path of the Masters, of the Teachers, of the Yogis.
S: Would you have made a distinction between, say, Vedanta [the non-dual path] or karma yogis [the path of service], or bhakti [the path of devotion] at that time?
J: At that time, no, we did not. There was very little. It was more preferential, but it would be more bhakti [devotion] than anything, if you were to look at it in terms of today’s. But it was also very rigorous in terms of also physical discipline and training as well.
S: And where did you go in India to study?
J: Everywhere.
S: I passed a marker outside Pondicherry that celebrated the passage of Matsya, the fish prophet. Was that you?
J: Yes. Yes, it was.
S: That’s very, very interesting. What else should we know about these years before you started your ministry? What else would be relevant to us appreciating you as you began your ministry?
J: What I would want people to know – yes, in India, in Africa, in the Himalayas, certainly, in what you think of now as the Middle East – was the universality.
My family obviously was in the Judaic tradition. But the level of sophistication – and yes, because I had the privilege to travel, to study, but also to work alongside many fellow travelers, I was not alone.
And I never thought of myself as the only voice, or the only teacher, or the only way. I was one. I was one where the Word, because of the Holy Spirit, was in flesh. But I certainly was not the only one.
So there are those who have said oh, yes, Jesus, another prophet. And then there are those who take great offense at that. I do not. Because each tradition that I have studied, whether it was in India or Egypt or in the temples, or at home, whether it was with the philosophers or the rabbis, they all were really telling me and teaching me the same thing.
And it was ironic in many ways. Yes, I understood – and it was rigorous! Do not think that I got to go on tour and live in the lap of luxury, because there was none of that. Yes, I was attended to. But it was far from luxurious.
And there were times when my family depended on the extended family, always, for support. But it was considered important – because everyone knew that I was being prepared so that I know all paths.
So this is not meant in any way to say that what I taught came from here or there. And, yes, I have traveled, even further than most think, as I travel these days, amongst your star brothers and sisters. But it is the universality, it is the community spirit that I would wish to emphasize. It is the community of love.
And that was the message I received. I received it from the high priests. I received it from the yogis. I received it from the teachers and the masters, from the rabbis. They all had valuable teachings and they taught me also not to be arrogant or conceited, to bring humility to my work, and to know that I was simply honored to be in service, as are each of you.
S: Well, you’ve mentioned the Holy Spirit in flesh, so I’m going to turn at this moment to another line of questioning. I’m quite sure we’re not going to get finished with our discussion today, so if you’d be so kind as to return next week, we can continue and I won’t try and rush through this, if that’s satisfactory to you.
J: Yes, and why do you think I have turned it in this direction, dear friend?
S: Very good. Thank you. I know I can rely on you to guide me.
You mentioned the Holy Spirit in flesh, and that raises questions about your ministry. Do you consider that the word “avatar” applies to you and your ministry?
J: Avatar is not a word that I particularly cherish. (3) Let me put it that way.
S: All right.
J: There are those who wish to label me as an avatar. And I would accept that label, but I would not choose it. I would choose the label, or the description, of teacher.
S: Okay. Well, maybe we could creep up on it then from another route. Sri Ramakrishna considers you an avatar and publicly declared that. Can we talk about who was here then, please? You were here in bodily form. But –
J: Yes.
S: – Sananda was also here overlighting you, was he not?
J: Yes.
S: So that would be a second layer to your ministry, so to speak, the overlighting.
J: That is correct.
S: And then in addition to that, the Holy Spirit descended into your form. Is that correct?
J: That is correct.
S: And did that, by the way, happen when you were being baptized in the River Jordan?
J: No, it happened at a very early age, actually. The baptism was a symbolic refilling, if you want to put it that way. But, no, in order for me to go forward in my journey on Earth, there was an infilling of the Holy Spirit at a very early age, of about five, five and a half. And then it was renewed, or – symbolically renewed – so that the people would know that this was available to everybody.
S: All right. Well, if you were the human form that was overlit by a spirit as exalted as Sananda, and the Holy Spirit descended in you, that I would call an “avatar.” Would you disagree?
J: [Laughs] I do not disagree. I simply say to you that it is a designation that I am not so eager to claim.
S: Okay.
J: Yes, I will accept it. You know there was so much controversy, when I did walk the Earth, not only about my family’s position but about the politics of the “King of the Jews” and wanting leadership and political intrigue. So I am always very hesitant to give myself or to accept designations.
S: I accept that.
J: And I will tell you why. Because you, or your listeners, will then say, “Oh, well, he had this overlighting, he had this infilling, and that makes him different or separate,” and it does not. If anything, it allows me to be closer to you.
S: I accept that, Lord.
J: All right. So I have made my point, then!
S: Yes, Lord.
J: And I want you to accept, each one of you, I have often teased this channel that you are M-in-Ms, masters-in-the-making, but now we will call you A-in-Ms, avatars-in-the-making.
S: [chuckles] Were you in fact married to Mary Magdalene?
J: Let me put it this way: Yes.
S: All right. Formally married? I don’t know the customs of that age, so forgive me if I’ve asked an indelicate question, but married according to –
J: She was not my mistress, dear heart, so yes, we were formally married. She was my beloved wife. She was my sacred other. She was my divine other.
She was my partner, that made my walk on Earth full with joy – and more human. It was anticipated, you know, that a young man would marry. But it was not simply because of custom, or because I wished to be part of or separate. It was because I wished to be in sacred union with my Magdalena. (2)
The love that we have shared was deep and profound. And there have been many who have nay-sayed and made up many myths and stories about her. But she was my support as I was hers. She was my sounding board.
When we came together, she knew. We discussed very fully what the future held and the road that we would walk together. She was one who always prepared ritual and helped to put ceremony, often, around our situations.
Now, as you well know from the Egyptians, and from the travels to India, I had learned about ritual and ceremony and the importance of it. But in many ways, even from the family that I was raised in, I was a very relaxed and casual person. I wanted to move among the people.
And often she would say, yes, we will move among the people, and we will have the joining and the teaching, but let us put some ceremony and ritual, for she had also been trained in this way. So, yes, not only was I married; we had a family as well.
S: Why would the gospel writers neglect to mention that?
J: It was not considered particularly important, but it was also considered protection and reverence for her.
S: All right. So you actually had children, did you not?
J: Yes.
S: How many?
J: We had two children.
S: Two children? A girl and a boy, or – ?
J: Yes, we had a son. A son and a daughter. Our son died very young. It was very hard. But our daughter lived.
S: And is she the Holy Grail?
J: That is correct. Our Sara is the Holy Grail.
S: Sara. Where did she go after you left the Earth? France?
J: She went to the south of France.
S: And was she that which was revered by the Cathars?
J: That is correct.
S: Oh, it takes my breath way to hear you say this, Lord. I actually notice that the time is getting close to our ending, but again, I’m just going to continue next week, if you’ll permit me. So perhaps this could be a wind-up question. Did you teach reincarnation during your ministry?
J: Yes, I did. Now, is that not a radical statement for many to hear?
S: Yes.
J: But, yes, I did. Because this was a very common understanding – not always agreed to by the rabbis, but in many of the other cultures. The continuity of life, the continuity of the flame of the soul. How could I teach that you did not die and not talk about reincarnation? How could I raise the dead and not talk about reincarnation?
S: Yes.
J: So yes.
S: But you also – you also say – you also speak about enlightenment conferring immortality. But I take it that by that you mean that someone would not need to be born again, not need to leave the temple and go more out. Is that correct?
J: That is correct.
S: All right. So we are immortal?
J: Yes, you are immortal. Every single one of you. And we will talk about karma and the requirements for reincarnation when next we meet, because this has need to be clarified.
S: And I’m looking forward to that immensely, Lord. Thank you for visiting with us tonight.
J: It is my pleasure. And I bless you, and I thank you. And I give you my love.
(1) The Word is Aum/Amen, an extension of the Mother into form.
(2) Mary Magdalene means Mary of the village of Magdala. Magdala has the felicitous Hebrew meaning of “tower.” Mary was a tower of strength to Jesus. “She was my support as I was hers.”
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
December 24, 2018
By Steve Beckow

(Concluded from Part 1, yesterday.)
Jesus discusses his travels in India, his avatarhood, his overlighting by Sananda, and his daughter Sara.
“Transcript of An Hour with an Angel, with Jesus, Jan. 9, 2012,” at
S: All right. I know that we have many listeners in India, and I’m sure they would be most interested to know where you went in India at this time, whom you studied with, what lineage they were or what path they followed.
J: How you would think of it, it would be the path of Hinduism. It is the path of the Masters, of the Teachers, of the Yogis.
S: Would you have made a distinction between, say, Vedanta [the non-dual path] or karma yogis [the path of service], or bhakti [the path of devotion] at that time?
J: At that time, no, we did not. There was very little. It was more preferential, but it would be more bhakti [devotion] than anything, if you were to look at it in terms of today’s. But it was also very rigorous in terms of also physical discipline and training as well.
S: And where did you go in India to study?
J: Everywhere.
S: I passed a marker outside Pondicherry that celebrated the passage of Matsya, the fish prophet. Was that you?
J: Yes. Yes, it was.
S: That’s very, very interesting. What else should we know about these years before you started your ministry? What else would be relevant to us appreciating you as you began your ministry?
J: What I would want people to know – yes, in India, in Africa, in the Himalayas, certainly, in what you think of now as the Middle East – was the universality.
My family obviously was in the Judaic tradition. But the level of sophistication – and yes, because I had the privilege to travel, to study, but also to work alongside many fellow travelers, I was not alone.
And I never thought of myself as the only voice, or the only teacher, or the only way. I was one. I was one where the Word, because of the Holy Spirit, was in flesh. But I certainly was not the only one.
So there are those who have said oh, yes, Jesus, another prophet. And then there are those who take great offense at that. I do not. Because each tradition that I have studied, whether it was in India or Egypt or in the temples, or at home, whether it was with the philosophers or the rabbis, they all were really telling me and teaching me the same thing.
And it was ironic in many ways. Yes, I understood – and it was rigorous! Do not think that I got to go on tour and live in the lap of luxury, because there was none of that. Yes, I was attended to. But it was far from luxurious.
And there were times when my family depended on the extended family, always, for support. But it was considered important – because everyone knew that I was being prepared so that I know all paths.
So this is not meant in any way to say that what I taught came from here or there. And, yes, I have traveled, even further than most think, as I travel these days, amongst your star brothers and sisters. But it is the universality, it is the community spirit that I would wish to emphasize. It is the community of love.
And that was the message I received. I received it from the high priests. I received it from the yogis. I received it from the teachers and the masters, from the rabbis. They all had valuable teachings and they taught me also not to be arrogant or conceited, to bring humility to my work, and to know that I was simply honored to be in service, as are each of you.
S: Well, you’ve mentioned the Holy Spirit in flesh, so I’m going to turn at this moment to another line of questioning. I’m quite sure we’re not going to get finished with our discussion today, so if you’d be so kind as to return next week, we can continue and I won’t try and rush through this, if that’s satisfactory to you.
J: Yes, and why do you think I have turned it in this direction, dear friend?
S: Very good. Thank you. I know I can rely on you to guide me.
You mentioned the Holy Spirit in flesh, and that raises questions about your ministry. Do you consider that the word “avatar” applies to you and your ministry?
J: Avatar is not a word that I particularly cherish. (3) Let me put it that way.
S: All right.
J: There are those who wish to label me as an avatar. And I would accept that label, but I would not choose it. I would choose the label, or the description, of teacher.
S: Okay. Well, maybe we could creep up on it then from another route. Sri Ramakrishna considers you an avatar and publicly declared that. Can we talk about who was here then, please? You were here in bodily form. But –
J: Yes.
S: – Sananda was also here overlighting you, was he not?
J: Yes.
S: So that would be a second layer to your ministry, so to speak, the overlighting.
J: That is correct.
S: And then in addition to that, the Holy Spirit descended into your form. Is that correct?
J: That is correct.
S: And did that, by the way, happen when you were being baptized in the River Jordan?
J: No, it happened at a very early age, actually. The baptism was a symbolic refilling, if you want to put it that way. But, no, in order for me to go forward in my journey on Earth, there was an infilling of the Holy Spirit at a very early age, of about five, five and a half. And then it was renewed, or – symbolically renewed – so that the people would know that this was available to everybody.
S: All right. Well, if you were the human form that was overlit by a spirit as exalted as Sananda, and the Holy Spirit descended in you, that I would call an “avatar.” Would you disagree?
J: [Laughs] I do not disagree. I simply say to you that it is a designation that I am not so eager to claim.
S: Okay.
J: Yes, I will accept it. You know there was so much controversy, when I did walk the Earth, not only about my family’s position but about the politics of the “King of the Jews” and wanting leadership and political intrigue. So I am always very hesitant to give myself or to accept designations.
S: I accept that.
J: And I will tell you why. Because you, or your listeners, will then say, “Oh, well, he had this overlighting, he had this infilling, and that makes him different or separate,” and it does not. If anything, it allows me to be closer to you.
S: I accept that, Lord.
J: All right. So I have made my point, then!
S: Yes, Lord.
J: And I want you to accept, each one of you, I have often teased this channel that you are M-in-Ms, masters-in-the-making, but now we will call you A-in-Ms, avatars-in-the-making.
S: [chuckles] Were you in fact married to Mary Magdalene?
J: Let me put it this way: Yes.
S: All right. Formally married? I don’t know the customs of that age, so forgive me if I’ve asked an indelicate question, but married according to –
J: She was not my mistress, dear heart, so yes, we were formally married. She was my beloved wife. She was my sacred other. She was my divine other.
She was my partner, that made my walk on Earth full with joy – and more human. It was anticipated, you know, that a young man would marry. But it was not simply because of custom, or because I wished to be part of or separate. It was because I wished to be in sacred union with my Magdalena. (2)
The love that we have shared was deep and profound. And there have been many who have nay-sayed and made up many myths and stories about her. But she was my support as I was hers. She was my sounding board.
When we came together, she knew. We discussed very fully what the future held and the road that we would walk together. She was one who always prepared ritual and helped to put ceremony, often, around our situations.
Now, as you well know from the Egyptians, and from the travels to India, I had learned about ritual and ceremony and the importance of it. But in many ways, even from the family that I was raised in, I was a very relaxed and casual person. I wanted to move among the people.
And often she would say, yes, we will move among the people, and we will have the joining and the teaching, but let us put some ceremony and ritual, for she had also been trained in this way. So, yes, not only was I married; we had a family as well.
S: Why would the gospel writers neglect to mention that?
J: It was not considered particularly important, but it was also considered protection and reverence for her.
S: All right. So you actually had children, did you not?
J: Yes.
S: How many?
J: We had two children.
S: Two children? A girl and a boy, or – ?
J: Yes, we had a son. A son and a daughter. Our son died very young. It was very hard. But our daughter lived.
S: And is she the Holy Grail?
J: That is correct. Our Sara is the Holy Grail.
S: Sara. Where did she go after you left the Earth? France?
J: She went to the south of France.
S: And was she that which was revered by the Cathars?
J: That is correct.
S: Oh, it takes my breath way to hear you say this, Lord. I actually notice that the time is getting close to our ending, but again, I’m just going to continue next week, if you’ll permit me. So perhaps this could be a wind-up question. Did you teach reincarnation during your ministry?
J: Yes, I did. Now, is that not a radical statement for many to hear?
S: Yes.
J: But, yes, I did. Because this was a very common understanding – not always agreed to by the rabbis, but in many of the other cultures. The continuity of life, the continuity of the flame of the soul. How could I teach that you did not die and not talk about reincarnation? How could I raise the dead and not talk about reincarnation?
S: Yes.
J: So yes.
S: But you also – you also say – you also speak about enlightenment conferring immortality. But I take it that by that you mean that someone would not need to be born again, not need to leave the temple and go more out. Is that correct?
J: That is correct.
S: All right. So we are immortal?
J: Yes, you are immortal. Every single one of you. And we will talk about karma and the requirements for reincarnation when next we meet, because this has need to be clarified.
S: And I’m looking forward to that immensely, Lord. Thank you for visiting with us tonight.
J: It is my pleasure. And I bless you, and I thank you. And I give you my love.
(1) The Word is Aum/Amen, an extension of the Mother into form.
(2) Mary Magdalene means Mary of the village of Magdala. Magdala has the felicitous Hebrew meaning of “tower.” Mary was a tower of strength to Jesus. “She was my support as I was hers.”
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
Jesus on the Lost Years (Part 2/2) | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
12/24/2018 11:59:00 AM