Censure reveals the Death of Spirit | Pine Cone

Everybody Loves Raymond Uses Active Listening - from Parent Effectiveness Training


Listening with two ears is the same as Seeing with two eyes, so Immortal Love acceptance is Listening, without referencing from the censuring Low Light frequency Mortal vibration-need to censure others, as myself. Can you Hear my pain from trying to live in Death of Spirit-deaf Paradigm? Can you See my shame-censure separation-suffering, the same as your Mortal-motives getting triggered from deep inside our shared Karmic mirror-double sorrow being Holy Spirit authentically expressed for both of us, as deaf and blind Mortals, stumbling around lost altogether in the Dark?

Not only Is Listening with acceptance in affirming Delight Bonding Communion intimacy in the Spirit of forgiveness nurturing a direct experience of Mortal-shared Immortal Love, Love Listening like this enlightens compassion, the diamond jewel missing in Death of Spirit-deaf Paradigm of Low Light frequency Mortal vibration-need to censure others, as myself, where ‘the dead bury the deaf, and blind dead.’ If the “Voyages of Light” devotees still; cling pitifully to abandon-censure, then aren’t we all revealing our unforgiven Death of Spirit-deaf Paradigm? Can we see the you in me, without separation-suffering censure-need to spit in the eye of our, very Savior Karmic mirror-doubles?

This “Alive nuance” from Holy Spirit will trigger any Mortal devotee, that references everything all day long and into the Dark of Night, as if Light is our compassion’s purpose, and Love Listening others, as ourselves vanquishes censure, then ‘thin’ is the line between Mortality, and Immortality, so any shame-driven Mortal criticism today, can be taken as praise, considering any censure reveals the Death of Spirit-deaf Paradigm self-hate projection-source, and that any shame-reaction is, merely a measure of, all our separation Mortal suffering deaf and blind in One eye and can’t see, or hear out the other’s same denied-reference ‘misery loves company’ fused-relationship codependent-resentment Mortal-perspective.

Mortality motives are so weird, because the more we censure others, as ourselves the more resentment-shame makes up, more deaf, dead, sick, and old, while Mortals who Love Listen with acceptance to others, as ourselves makes us, more Immortal within the Diamond compassion purpose of all Karmic-dissonance, that takes us over with, more self-hate censure. Need I admit my Mortal self-hate deaf and blind Death of Spirit? Is Mortality our biggest clueless way we reveal our true censure-nature to demand the Clarion-call of our Mortal Death censure-repeating Karmic suffering-habit?

Do we censure children then? Don’t we darken the Spirit of innocent Children, and at the, very least use their self-disclosure later, to control any more Holy Spirit ‘alive and well’ coming out of the mouths of babes, and what about the shame down-to-the-soul harming children brings, and echoes of spite with each other, later to remain censured, or Blackmail-else abandon in a rage-pout whining-drama from Mortal fear, and control-increments piled on Death deaf and blind Mortal Paradigm censure-increases? Can we see how Mortal schools are here with children to learn to Love Listen their, own lost innocence in Child-sacrifice Death of Spirit-deaf Paradigm, instead of censure mind control? What’s a Mortal parent to do with children except do the same thing over, and over, that deaf parents did to Mortify each other as we, all do to Trauma-censure our unloved deafening-censure onto children’s piled up exponential mirror-double Death of Spirit-deaf Paradigm sorrow?

Can ya hear me now, without referencing Mortality’s shame torture-need to continually censure anything, and everything New? Can I look like a Mortal, talk like a Mortal, and walk like Mortal, yet Love Listen to others as my haunting True Spirit-child self? What do ya think all these New ideas are, already doing right Now, right Here, as if, as if, as if Immortality’s Creative Intelligence can find a way to slip through the Mortal cracks in between “Oh the boards that shrink” from old Mariner’s age, sick and dying censure on the vine passing the Mortal-initiation Test of Time-censure Death of Spirit-deaf Paradigm’s lowest common deaf, and blind multiplier denominator? Are we owned and Sex-slave parenting censure, built in to our Mortal Sex slave owned Death of Spirit-deaf Paradigm children? OOOO!!! getting intense Now Huh? Is truth the first casualty of War, or is Censuring, just another form of Child Murder-dissonance to take a good long look at admitting too.

I hear myself snicker a little now, when I honestly admit my parents hated me, so right after they, actually killed me and I was Love Listening from hovering-relief up on the ceiling somewhere, their form of censure tweaked up nearly the, never-loving Death of me awareness, that maybe I can share without referencing any Mortal-neediness for understanding from our same Mortal-suffering-need to continually censure me, as your triggering Mortal-parenting censure-self too. Can’t we, just think of ‘my’ experience as a rare thing that, only happens in rare cases of Mortal motive intuitive-illusions to deny in avoidance, so I will just go away? I know! How about calling ‘me’ crazy, for not staying dead, from our censuring Mortal denial Karmic-habit fix-it-money/baby Mafia-perspective?

What if we change “Voyages of Light”, to “Voyages of Gender”, and mix it up a little, like Mortal parents do to censure-children, so we can sit back, and enjoy Death of Spirit-deaf Paradigm, without any complicated Love Listening awareness-need to focus more on the “Light”, and focus a Hell of lot less on Death of Spirit-deaf Paradigm Gender-censure? “Voyages of Light” is, perhaps an alternative, New hidden-motive Title I can get used to, and can’t we, all seem to Love Listening “Lighten the Mortal-load” afford it?

Hear is another weird Holy Spirit Love Listening adventure of mine to Mystic seer ‘see’, if ya can: “The more child fused-relationship codependent-resentment censure we hide deep inside, the more dead we become, so the more dead we are, the more we fear death in Survival Mortal censuring-increase mode, where shame, always has an angry face, on victim/victimizer/ caretaker Bully’s grapes of curmudgeon-censure murder-wrath, where Parents never pick on someone their, own child-censuring-size running Earth-rampart in “Voyages of Gender-evil Lightless-censure”.
Censure reveals the Death of Spirit | Pine Cone Censure reveals the Death of Spirit | Pine Cone Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 12/11/2018 07:09:00 PM Rating: 5

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