Be True to Your Self | Heavenletters #6536

Be True to Your Self | Heavenletters

DEC 18 2018

God said:

Beloved, see how you grow. I see you grow right before My eyes. You may have had a hang-up or two. Life may seem to have been handed to you. You may focus on what you see in yourself as lacking. Better to believe Me, as I believe in the truth of you, Beloved.

You may have bought inaccurate handed-down pictures of yourself – ill-based rumors that you are not much at all.

When will you accept that you are an amazing Human Being soaring to Heaven at the speed of light?

Old biased pictures painted of you may never have been true. Still, you may have lived by it. No matter how untrue a portrait painted of you is, you tend to carry it round with you as proof of what? Inadequacy?

For eons, someone painted an under-rated portrait of you. That portrait continues to set your limits, when now it is for you to look at the true portrait I paint of you that is true to life. Your old portrait was sketched by someone blinded to your beauty. Alas, once upon a time, you were maligned, and you still take that scribble of you to heart as if it were tattooed into your memory.

Come close to My memory of you. Take a look at the true portrait I paint of you, and never forget it. You are made in My Image. You are precious gold and nothing less. You are the cream on top. Wake up to the truth of you.

Once, years ago, I saw a beautiful little boy on a bus. It could have been you. The little boy’s nanny or granny sadly kept saying to the little boy: “No, you’re bad. You’re bad.”

The little boy said: “No, I’m GOOD. I’m GOOD.” He was right.

What game was the caretaker playing?

The little boy was right. The granny was mistaken and tried to steal the light from the child’s good heart.

If you were not appreciated as you deserved, a crime was perpetuated against you, and now you are to stand up and throw out that old story and tell a new story that I certify as true. Right this minute, get those old stories out of your head. Erase them from the face of the Earth once and for all. You are GOOD.

Get that tattered portrait out of sight. Never may such a false story be told – not even once. Some memories are not to continue. Recognize truth when you see it. Come to the Source of Truth and lock arms with Me. Throw out the trash and remove it from the face of the Earth once and for all. It never was true.

That which is golden and uplifting is true. Align with truth and be done with all the rigamarole.

You are destined for Greatness. Catch up to yourself. Catch up to Me. Holy are you. You are good. Very good. I should know. I do know. Learn from Me and not from hearsay on the street.

Once upon a time, you were at the mercy of the world. Now you are at the will and mercy of My heart. Now My music rings true for you forevermore. Keep your ear set to truth. No longer listen to human error. Listen to God’s Truth. Spread My Truth around on Earth. Serve Me, and life on Earth will do a tailspin!

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Source: Rainbow Wave of Light
Be True to Your Self | Heavenletters #6536 Be True to Your Self | Heavenletters #6536 Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 12/18/2018 07:24:00 PM Rating: 5

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