THE PATH / The Dark Part One + The Light Part Two



I've always believed movies/films could be much more powerful & beneficial to your life. There lies a huge power in telling stories and visually representing life. In my attempt to understand this reality and "life" the past year, I've also come across a message and "story" throughout all the films I've experienced.
These 2 films are about the yin/yang energy inside all of us and what I discovered in my own ascension process. This is my attempt to visually describe and inform others of the dark (PT I) & the light (PT II) existing in our reality.
Earth is a school and in order to graduate, we must ascend our consciousness. These films are my attempt at conveying the meaning of life and enlightenment.
I think it is TIME to use this knowledge and wisdom and show the world how powerful you can become when you use it.
Yes, it’s great to share and teach but it only works if you can put it into action and prove how it works.
Learn from the lessons and prove how it can em(me)power (Y)OUR life.
There’s been a huge surge of energy the past few days. Nothing I have ever felt before. Have you felt it?
Do you feel the force awakening inside of you? The darkness rising to match the light?
Your mission, if you choose it, IS to choose. Not the Dark or the Light, but the merge of both.
Not to fight it, but dig into it, surrender to it all.
To see both sides unconditionally and without polarity.
It is time to start fighting.
Not on the outside, but on the inside. Match the dark with your light, match the light with your dark. For when you do, a merge will happen, a feeling of not only bliss will (e)merge, but power & deep, deep peace. NOW is the time to become ONE, within. Focus on nothing else.
For the EVENT is coming.
The last test of our consciousness in order to ascend and go home. Use the knowledge and tools to graduate and go home.
Learn not to fight with others, but fight the duality within and become a warrior.
Earth = Heart
This is a school of self, to overcome the self.
You are a child dreaming in your own dream, your own movie.
When you find peace within, your reality will change.
Have the strength to find yourself, through yourself,
Go Within.
This film was inspired by the teachings of Tamarinda & Teodor Maassen. Learn how to connect to your double to exit this reality and go to another.
The Ancient School of Wisdom
Twitter: @FIFTY8_Digital
Instagram: @FIFTY8_Digital
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I've always believed movies/films could be much more powerful & beneficial to your life. There lies a huge power in telling stories and visually representing life. In my attempt to understand this reality and "life" the past year, I've also come across a message and "story" throughout all the films I've experienced.
These 2 films are about the yin/yang energy inside all of us and what I discovered in my own ascension process. This is my attempt to visually describe and inform others of the dark (PT I) & the light (PT II) existing in our reality.
Earth is a school and in order to graduate, we must ascend our consciousness. These films are my attempt at conveying the meaning of life and enlightenment.
I think it is TIME to use this knowledge and wisdom and show the world how powerful you can become when you use it.
Yes, it’s great to share and teach but it only works if you can put it into action and prove how it works.
Learn from the lessons and prove how it can em(me)power (Y)OUR life.
There’s been a huge surge of energy the past few days. Nothing I have ever felt before. Have you felt it?
Do you feel the force awakening inside of you? The darkness rising to match the light?
Your mission, if you choose it, IS to choose. Not the Dark or the Light, but the merge of both.
Not to fight it, but dig into it, surrender to it all.
To see both sides unconditionally and without polarity.
It is time to start fighting.
Not on the outside, but on the inside. Match the dark with your light, match the light with your dark. For when you do, a merge will happen, a feeling of not only bliss will (e)merge, but power & deep, deep peace. NOW is the time to become ONE, within. Focus on nothing else.
For the EVENT is coming.
The last test of our consciousness in order to ascend and go home. Use the knowledge and tools to graduate and go home.
Learn not to fight with others, but fight the duality within and become a warrior.
Earth = Heart
This is a school of self, to overcome the self.
You are a child dreaming in your own dream, your own movie.
When you find peace within, your reality will change.
Have the strength to find yourself, through yourself,
Go Within.
This film was inspired by the teachings of Tamarinda & Teodor Maassen. Learn how to connect to your double to exit this reality and go to another.
The Ancient School of Wisdom
Twitter: @FIFTY8_Digital
Instagram: @FIFTY8_Digital
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The Path: The Dark Part One and the Light Part Two | FIFTY8
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
11/21/2018 07:23:00 PM