Since the Dawn of Human Civilization and Before | Steve Beckow

Since the Dawn of Human Civilization … and Before

November 17, 2018
By Steve Beckow

Billy Meier receives a surprise visitor – Semjase from the Pleiades

In the vast majority of films, extraterrestrials – whom I call “galactics” – (1) are portrayed as the enemy, out to destroy us and rape the planet. (2)

One could say that the Annunaki, an extraterrestrial race, subjugated humanity and so the portrayals reflect a certain reality.

But portraying them as enemies overlooks numerous relevant matters.

The first is that all extraterrestrials that we’d meet now – and there are large numbers around our planet – are our friends, allies, and well-wishers.

They’re here to help free us from our earthy cabals and prepare us for a rise in consciousness, now that we’ve reached the end of this age or yuga.

School is out and a few of the teachers have come to give us our graduation certificates.

The second matter it overlooks is the existence of Mother/Father God, a Divine Plan, and universal laws.

Many people will say “we worship God.” That may be true, but humanity as a whole seems to have lost its way, as the war in Yemen, ethnic cleansing in Myanmar, and the situation of women and children in many parts of the world seem to bear out.

Human society appears not to be guided by an active faith in God or an attempt to follow God’s Will.

In a generation that’s graduating from the Third/Fourth Dimension and going into the Fifth, the Divine Mother and all other members of the Company of Heaven have been speaking through numerous channels. (3) Never has a generation known more about the Divine Plan for their age.

The Plan is for our planet to graduate en masse to the Fifth, while keeping our physical bodies. This has never occurred before.

Usually, to ascend to a higher dimension, one had to leave the physical body behind; that is, one had to die. (4) It was individual and fatal to the body.

But we’re going through a gradual transformation of our physical bodies from carbon-based to crystalline. Our chakra system is being replaced. Our DNA is being restructured. All of this is being done with the active participation of our star family.

The galactics serve the Divine Plan; our own governments by and large do not. (5) The galactics are here now, in service to it, to end the use of nuclear weapons, revive the planet, and prepare the population for our graduation. (6)

Finally they serve the universal law as well. There are laws that govern life in the universe. One of them is the Law of Free Will. Living by it, the galactics respect the fact that this is our planet and we have full say in what will happen to it. They do not interfere with the exercise of our free will.

We know little of the extent of false-flag attacks on the people of the world – 9/11, the London bombings, Fukushima, on and on the list could go of government-sponsored terrorism. Or wars started over false causes. That one would go back through millennia.

But, if we did, we might lose faith in a governmental system that could permit itself to be so corrupted. And, if we did, we’d take power back into our own hands and create governments that work – for us, instead of for themselves.

The galactics serve Earth’s own spiritual hierarchy and are here to see that government really does again become of the people, by the people, for the people. They’re here to offer us ways of living and dealing with each other that eliminate conflict and ensure peaceful relations.

But probably the most interesting reason for treating our star family with respect and gratitude is that we’re descended from them – or from races that they “engineered.” (7) Here are some discussions of that:

SaLuSa of Sirius: “You do not exist [as] some freak of nature, and are not the result of natural selection, but purposefully and lovingly created to exist in your environment. You are a special species of Humans that have taken over from Cro-Magnon Man, and have been genetically engineered to allow for a speeding up in your evolution.” (8)

Spiritual Hierarchy and Galactic Federation: “Remember that you are the magnificent prodigy of star colonists that long ago came here to help maintain and sustain these lovely water worlds. Much happened over the intervening years. Be aware again of this history and learn in your heart how best to divinely serve this star nation [Terra Gaia] to come.” (9)

Mike Quinsey’s “Higher Self”: “The truth of your real history is gradually coming out, and you will find that it is somewhat different to what you have been taught. … You are being led to find the truth regarding your history, so that you have a true appreciation of it, and its importance is too great to be hidden away for much longer. Looking at your world as a whole you are now quickly realizing that its development bears many signs of extraterrestrial influence and help. In all phases of human development they have been present, and guided you onto a path that is intended to keep you on track according to the plan for your evolution.” (10)

We have nothing to lose and everything to gain from harmonious relations with the galactic societies currently here to assist us. Already they’ve given us or yielded to us numerous profoundly-useful inventions that we take for granted. (11) Among others that are coming are the replicator and med beds. (12)

There’s no reason to fear them, if we turn aside from Hollywood’s representation of them. If we want to awaken into the new world fast taking shape around us, (13) our star family is and has been our protector since the dawn of human civilization … and before.


(1) Not a very accurate term because many of them are from outside the Milky Way Galaxy.

(2) Overlooking the devastation we are ourselves are wreaking.

(3) The radio shows An Hour with an Angel and Heavenly Blessings are testament to this. For Heavenly Blessings, see For An Hour with an Angel, see

Also enter the show titles in quotation marks in the Search box.

This blog itself and others like it are also testament to this.

(4) The most prominent illustration of this was Jesus leaving the body and, then, returning ascended, outside of his body.

(5) Some I think are working for the Divine Plan, but very few. Fortunately the ones that are large and influential.

(6) I consider Ascension or graduation to be gradual. To go faster than we are right now would risk everyone feeling terribly fatigued, bodies aching, symptoms galore, more than our societies would want to bear without taking urgent measures.

(7) The body is “created” or “engineered,” as are the bodies of all species. We are all “creations” or “creatures” at the level of the physical body; not at the level of the occupant within the body (the soul) who uses it for a while for learning purposes.

(8) SaLuSa, Aug. 25, 2010, at

(9) “Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation via Sheldan Nidle,” April 28, 2015, at

(10) Mike Quinsey, April 12, 2018, at

(11) Teflon, kevlar, the fiber optic, the computer chip, the zipper, anti-grav technology, etc.

(12) The replicator is directed by our wishes to gather the universe’s elements together to make anything we wish. Med beds cure ailments.

(13) Fast in an evolutionary sense.

Source: Golden Age of Gaia
Since the Dawn of Human Civilization and Before | Steve Beckow Since the Dawn of Human Civilization and Before | Steve Beckow Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 11/17/2018 06:26:00 PM Rating: 5

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