Pleiadian & Arcturian Collectives 11/1/18

Greetings friends, we are the Pleiadian collective joined tonight by the Arcturian Collective. For we are here today showing our unification and strong force of light, as a united front against the dark, pledging our support and love for humanity and for Gaia in her most blessed moment of ascension.
Life is but a string of moments, of memories. And we assure you friends that you will remember these moments with great tenderness. For you are tender, you are growing, you are morphing into that which you already are. And we see your growth and your realizations of who you are, who you have been and who you are becoming, within the guise of experience and we see the blessings behind these understandings and realizations and your future expansion from them, and it pleases us greatly. For this means that you are doing it. You are doing the work, you have done the work, and now it is time reap the glory of the expansion that follows hard self realization and self honesty. And perhaps - we hope - you will begin to see you as we see you, as family members serving within a dense, foreign form of the human body, to serve the light and to bless the others. It is a work of extreme self sacrifice, but this is how we grow, how we expand, and so it makes sense that the strong ones seeking more growth would jump at an opportunity such as this to expand and to reach for the light. But to reach for the light, as a being of light, you must convince yourself that you are reaching for it. But do you see that perhaps it was indeed within you this entire string of moments that you call your life? And that when you were crying out and heard that still small voice, that perhaps it was the God within you speaking when you were finally clear enough to listen? The rushing, the busyness, the stress and sheer havoc of survival on your planet must stop. It is time to change all of these shenanigans and to create lives of peace, of beauty, of simple joys. And we see this happening in the near future, friends.

We are the Arcturian Collective joining in in this precious Now to assure you of our love and our support. The ascension tide is rising hard and fast, children, friends in form, and you are surfing the biggest energetic waves yet. You are ready. For we see you as asking for yet more, swimming even further and deeper away from the comfort of the familiar shore and looking for that big wave. Do you see it? It is on the horizon coming straight for you, to wrap you in love and light.
Many of you are eager for your twin reunions. Wonderful as this is, and it is, please know that you can bless your twin when you bless yourself, with self love, self care and self appreciation. For that is what the twin flame is, a mirror of yourself in a way. And when you can love yourself enough to embrace all of your freckles and flaws, then perhaps and only then are you most ready to meet. So be assured that all things will come to pass in their own time. And be comforted to know that time is picking up quickly and will soon be a non-issue. For there really is only the now in the 5D and we are most delighted with observing your joy and delight in this. For instance, how would it be to simply decide that in this now moment you would like to walk along the beach in Hawaii? Rather than spending hours searching and trying to get time off and stretching finances and packing - and - and - and - instead you simply go there in an instant of thought and joy, and with extreme pleasure you find yourself walking along that very beach that was in your mind, with your twin beside you if that is your wish, and if that is their wish. For do you see all things are possible when you are higher on the dimensional scale? And friends, you are. You are that, just remembering how to learn your way through it again. And such is how it is.
When you are learning to fly you practice. When you are learning to intend clearly, with passion and purpose, you practice. And so may we suggest that you practice the intention of loving yourself, every aspect of yourself, and then send that deep within and then out to the universe to your twin wherever they may be. And we assure you that they will feel it. They will feel your embrace from across all time space. It has begun. You are well on your way to the 5D and in fact many of you have crossed it and are waiting patiently, most patiently, for the flash, the bang, the wave, the love burst. And so to best prepare send that love burst to yourselves. And in turn it will ricochet out into human collective and bless the others, causing them to rise yet a little higher.
We are the Arcturian Collective and we hold you in high esteem, sending you gratitude and our respect for your service to Gaia. We are the Arcturian Collective. Of course we further extend the invitation of the Pleiadian brothers and sisters and you friends are most welcome on our ships for healing as well. We love you. We are the Arcturian Collective. We are one.
~ galaxygirl
Message from the Pleiadian & Arcturian Collectives (11/1/18) | Galaxygirl
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
11/01/2018 10:10:00 PM