Jesus: Trust Yourself as You Have Never Trusted Before
November 19, 2018
By Steve Beckow

Another memorable past message which begs reposting. From Jesus, on the need for lightworker leaders to trust themselves more than they ever have.
Jesus in “Chapter 6 – Blessings” from Linda Dillon, The Jesus Book. Port St. Lucie, 2017.
During these times of great change upon the planet- and within your heart – it is important, my friends, to trust yourself as you have never trusted before. You can do this from your sense of expanded Self, from the wisdom in knowing not only who you are, but where you are within the greater unfoldment.
The key is to not look outside of yourself for the nod of the approval or acceptance. Particularly, do not look to the conventional signposts, but rather, dear one, look within your heart. Look deep within and into that place of love. (1) Trust yourself to know which actions to take and how to proceed, to know what is truth and what is illusion.
I have told you that much illusion would be revealed; now you can begin to see what I have been speaking of. There will be much turmoil and upheaval, and it is all a part of this process of the unfoldment of the Mother and Her love upon the Earth. Trust those who touch your heart in love. Forgive those who come to you in judgment, in harshness. Forgive those you previously would have judged as right or wrong, loving or not. Understand they are simply in the struggle of accepting their own divinity and releasing the old beliefs of who they are.
There is a saying and an understanding that institutions take on a life of their own, but let us be clear–institutions and bureaucracies either stand in truth or not; it is that simple. Do not worry about the “if and how” institutions will transform or crumble. Simply reach out to each being that is affected, each brother and sister, because that is what they are – a person exactly the same as you, a mirror of your being discovering their own love and heart. They will need to be forgiven and embraced.
This unfoldment is not about exclusion. It is about throwing open your arms and welcoming home those who have been lost. Yes, the parable that I told long ago about the lost lamb still holds true and it is does not matter whether it is a child, an army private or a president; be clear on this. Have compassion, take these feelings of disdain and separation and throw them away. When you are horrified do not point your finger. Feel the sadness and release it, understanding the unity and the connection of all. It is not your brother or sister that has fallen into chaos; it is the collective; it is you and I. By holding our center, by holding the light, we heal and transform; we transmute the pain.
You have gone through processes in the past while of being reborn. Share this knowing, understanding that there are times when being reborn feels much more difficult than dying. You have gone through your traumas, your dramas and the throes of reinvention from this place of knowing and understanding. Give compassion; send compassion to those who follow you, for you are the pathfinders. You are the showers of the way. You are bringing them to light.
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
November 19, 2018
By Steve Beckow

Another memorable past message which begs reposting. From Jesus, on the need for lightworker leaders to trust themselves more than they ever have.
Jesus in “Chapter 6 – Blessings” from Linda Dillon, The Jesus Book. Port St. Lucie, 2017.
During these times of great change upon the planet- and within your heart – it is important, my friends, to trust yourself as you have never trusted before. You can do this from your sense of expanded Self, from the wisdom in knowing not only who you are, but where you are within the greater unfoldment.
The key is to not look outside of yourself for the nod of the approval or acceptance. Particularly, do not look to the conventional signposts, but rather, dear one, look within your heart. Look deep within and into that place of love. (1) Trust yourself to know which actions to take and how to proceed, to know what is truth and what is illusion.
I have told you that much illusion would be revealed; now you can begin to see what I have been speaking of. There will be much turmoil and upheaval, and it is all a part of this process of the unfoldment of the Mother and Her love upon the Earth. Trust those who touch your heart in love. Forgive those who come to you in judgment, in harshness. Forgive those you previously would have judged as right or wrong, loving or not. Understand they are simply in the struggle of accepting their own divinity and releasing the old beliefs of who they are.
There is a saying and an understanding that institutions take on a life of their own, but let us be clear–institutions and bureaucracies either stand in truth or not; it is that simple. Do not worry about the “if and how” institutions will transform or crumble. Simply reach out to each being that is affected, each brother and sister, because that is what they are – a person exactly the same as you, a mirror of your being discovering their own love and heart. They will need to be forgiven and embraced.
This unfoldment is not about exclusion. It is about throwing open your arms and welcoming home those who have been lost. Yes, the parable that I told long ago about the lost lamb still holds true and it is does not matter whether it is a child, an army private or a president; be clear on this. Have compassion, take these feelings of disdain and separation and throw them away. When you are horrified do not point your finger. Feel the sadness and release it, understanding the unity and the connection of all. It is not your brother or sister that has fallen into chaos; it is the collective; it is you and I. By holding our center, by holding the light, we heal and transform; we transmute the pain.
You have gone through processes in the past while of being reborn. Share this knowing, understanding that there are times when being reborn feels much more difficult than dying. You have gone through your traumas, your dramas and the throes of reinvention from this place of knowing and understanding. Give compassion; send compassion to those who follow you, for you are the pathfinders. You are the showers of the way. You are bringing them to light.
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
Jesus: Trust Yourself as you have Never Trusted Before | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
11/19/2018 11:44:00 PM