Mortal Portal
Parents, and Children are Gender Mortals, yet each One has an Immortal Portal within the third eye smack dab in the middle of all Mortality suffering-separation anxiety. Mom is Gender-dead, Dad is Gender-dead, and so is every Gender-dead child, already suffering separation Karma, more as an experiential Mortal Lifetime review, than any real Light Existence Love of, all Life at all, inside absolute unborn infinity within Spiritual Sovereign Singularity.
From the Suffering-separation Mortal side perspective limit, malevolence dominates every unconscious motive, and upon entering the Immortal Portal from our Evil-perspective we transform into enlightening Liquefiable Immortal Love energy away from Mother Father Child Mortal Gender Malevolence into Kind benevolence within absolute unborn infinite Magnanimity Creative Intelligent Effulgence Flux-flow freeing energy.
Every Gender Mom Mortal, every Gender Dad Mortal, and every Gender Child Mortal has separate Third-eye Portals to welcome each separate Mortal illusion into the same Light, as when any Mortal leaves their Gender Mortal body behind, away from Collective Mob Mortal separation suffering evil, and toward ONENESS Spirit Conscience of Immortal Love enlightenment. Enlightenment then, is the absence of Mortal Gender-motive Evil malevolence, so no Mortal-female can become enlightened and, still remain female, nor can any Mortal-male, whether a Mom, Dad, or Child illusion in a Mortal Life Review, or not, by having, already left Mortality behind, from an Immoral Light Communion Perspective.
From the Kind Immortal Love enlightened side unlimited Light perspective, there is, only One ‘same’ Spiritual Sovereign Singularity Kind benevolence within telepathic Creative Intelligent absolute unborn infinity Bright Star Brilliance. A special camera can capture what the Pineal Portal looks like, and from either Mortal’s or Immortal’s side, both Portal images appear the same as the Orion’s Nebula Bright Star Brilliance.
Can ya Astronomy Dead-astrology Light-treasure-dig it???
On this Mortal suffering-separation side it appears as if everyone has their individual Mortal Portal into Immortal Love of, all absolute unborn life into the same Spiritual Sovereign Singularity Light Effulgence, but from our ‘same’ Sovereignty Delight Bonding Communion intimacy Immortal side, it appears as if, every Mortal Illusion suffering-separation is Gender Dead, experiencing Karmic-dissonance in a Mortal Life Review, to switch allegiance from unforgiven Carbon-base Time-dating Atomic Nuclear cell-division degeneration Mortal lifetime malevolence, back to Immortal benevolent Bright Star Brilliance, once again.
Mortality limits parallel dimensional freedom, by remaining at a Low Light frequency vibration control-freak Blackmail fear of death Illusion dead end, so full of dead ends that, only Mortals know, all too well. Enlightenment is not an event, but rather a series of Immortal wake-ups in the Enlightening lost and Welcome found. Forgiving other Mortals, as ourselves enlightens compassion, the diamond benevolent key to Bright Star Immortal-entry Brilliance. Like the calculus of Vinegar is the absence of Conscience-separation alcohol, the calculus of telepathic Delight Bonding Communion Immortality Conscience Brilliance is the absence of Collective Mother Mafia Mob-separation Consciousness Gender-dead Separation Mortal-suffering Physical-role malevolence.
Mortal Mobs can, at least picture folding a couple dots together on one Duality plane of Candle-existence, yet imagine folding Multidimensional Mortal Dizzying-dots from for~every~where Effulgence in timeless-reverie together, and nothing, but Immortality can surpass such Easy Peasy infinite unborn absolute Brilliance. Just, quite simply imagine who, or what Light it is, that can remind us of, all our Innocent Delight Bonding Communion-surprise Perennial-garden Awakening Awareness Atonement Ascension Treasure, right Mortal/Portal/Immortal Pleasance now?
Immortal Portal
Holy Thanksgiving within Pine Cone: Every Mortal Portal Immortal Treasure | Pine Cone
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
11/22/2018 08:07:00 PM