Golden Heavenletters | Heavenletters
NOV 22 2018

God said:
Beloved, more than 7,000 published Heavenletters of various styles and focus have been sent out to reach people around the world. This is to say nothing of the expressions of love from readers of Heavenletters who may also silently send out to others near and far simply by virtue of their having read Heavenletters. I liken this effect the same way the scent of a rose reaches a neighbor’s as it arises from the neighbor’s garden. It just does.
Golden Heavenletters are filled with more than words. Words are good, and words go far, yet the love from My heart to your heart goes beyond words. Words are beautiful. Words by themselves do not make love go around. Hearts convey love and understanding. Words by themselves, without being backed by gold bullion, well, words can also hurt. And words unsaid can also hurt.
Behind the scenes, each seeming person incurs his own interpretations or misinterpretations of love and heartache. Life itself is innocent. You respond to life based upon your appraisal of it. Who is responsible for your picture of life and the part you play? Well, yes, life plays a role, and so do you. Sometimes recurrent patterns get magnetized.
In any case, you know there is a higher realm beyond the world at large which may be said to go beyond the veil.
In reading a Heavenletter, you rise a notch or two. You don’t have to ask to grow higher. This is built in. You rise. You are here on Earth in order to rise higher and higher and, therefore, to radiate more light around the Universe.
I, God, speak highly of Oneness. One Love, I speak of One, and Oneness is.
Now, let us take a moment to speak of time once again that does not exist yet surely seems to exist. Often you run out of time. Yet, what is all this talk about time and time again, you may wonder. Inasmuch as there is a word for time, might not this activated word about time then mean that time does indeed exist?
Beloved, certainly, the thought of time exists, and the thought of the lack of time also exists.
Infinity exists, which is all encompassing and beyond time. There is so much you and I both yearn to talk about together. There are many seemingly unresolved topics, and time is one of them.
Yes, in the world, time exists. Clocks are set to the right time. The words tick-tock exist. Yet there is more to life than the time called past and also imminent which may consume you.
Of course, Heavenletters do tell you some things you may not be able to pull all together just like that.
You are free to be who you are or think you are.
You are definitely Oneness, and Oneness is free to be. Oneness is Vast. Oneness brightens you. Oneness doesn’t confine you to the past. You are ever new.
Heavenletters come from within the Oneness. Oneness is alive within you.
Life itself means change. Life is not ironclad or punctual nor are you to be. You are decidedly not to be rigid as though once upon a time you were new, and now you are not. Life beckons you to grow.
One way or another, your life will change with or without you. Some matters may remain your choice, yet not all.
Change is the name of the game. I love you day in and day out exactly as you are. I do not say that you must follow the crowd. I say you are to be open to change. Be open to being a field that is furrowed. Make room for a new crop.
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Source: Rainbow Wave of Light
NOV 22 2018

God said:
Beloved, more than 7,000 published Heavenletters of various styles and focus have been sent out to reach people around the world. This is to say nothing of the expressions of love from readers of Heavenletters who may also silently send out to others near and far simply by virtue of their having read Heavenletters. I liken this effect the same way the scent of a rose reaches a neighbor’s as it arises from the neighbor’s garden. It just does.
Golden Heavenletters are filled with more than words. Words are good, and words go far, yet the love from My heart to your heart goes beyond words. Words are beautiful. Words by themselves do not make love go around. Hearts convey love and understanding. Words by themselves, without being backed by gold bullion, well, words can also hurt. And words unsaid can also hurt.
Behind the scenes, each seeming person incurs his own interpretations or misinterpretations of love and heartache. Life itself is innocent. You respond to life based upon your appraisal of it. Who is responsible for your picture of life and the part you play? Well, yes, life plays a role, and so do you. Sometimes recurrent patterns get magnetized.
In any case, you know there is a higher realm beyond the world at large which may be said to go beyond the veil.
In reading a Heavenletter, you rise a notch or two. You don’t have to ask to grow higher. This is built in. You rise. You are here on Earth in order to rise higher and higher and, therefore, to radiate more light around the Universe.
I, God, speak highly of Oneness. One Love, I speak of One, and Oneness is.
Now, let us take a moment to speak of time once again that does not exist yet surely seems to exist. Often you run out of time. Yet, what is all this talk about time and time again, you may wonder. Inasmuch as there is a word for time, might not this activated word about time then mean that time does indeed exist?
Beloved, certainly, the thought of time exists, and the thought of the lack of time also exists.
Infinity exists, which is all encompassing and beyond time. There is so much you and I both yearn to talk about together. There are many seemingly unresolved topics, and time is one of them.
Yes, in the world, time exists. Clocks are set to the right time. The words tick-tock exist. Yet there is more to life than the time called past and also imminent which may consume you.
Of course, Heavenletters do tell you some things you may not be able to pull all together just like that.
You are free to be who you are or think you are.
You are definitely Oneness, and Oneness is free to be. Oneness is Vast. Oneness brightens you. Oneness doesn’t confine you to the past. You are ever new.
Heavenletters come from within the Oneness. Oneness is alive within you.
Life itself means change. Life is not ironclad or punctual nor are you to be. You are decidedly not to be rigid as though once upon a time you were new, and now you are not. Life beckons you to grow.
One way or another, your life will change with or without you. Some matters may remain your choice, yet not all.
Change is the name of the game. I love you day in and day out exactly as you are. I do not say that you must follow the crowd. I say you are to be open to change. Be open to being a field that is furrowed. Make room for a new crop.
Permanent link to this Heavenletter: – Thank you for including this when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.
Source: Rainbow Wave of Light
Golden Heavenletters | Heavenletters
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
11/22/2018 08:01:00 PM