Dreaming and Holding the Vision
November 21, 2018
By Steve Beckow

I need to have a clarifying discussion here that began with a reader. But I know it needs to be had more generally.
Please excuse me if I sound a bit strong but I need to make sure a few matters are plain.
The first thing I need to say is that I cannot and will not agree to act as anyone’s financial adviser. I don’t say that to be a grouch.
I say it because I have zero knowledge of finances, despite the rapid learning I will have to do later. I have no business telling another what they should do financially. It’d be the blind leading the blind.
However, there is full coverage of these matters by others in this site’s Library at http://goldenageofgaia.com/financial-wayshowing-reval/
There you’ll see the currency exchange process discussed and full coverage of the meaning of the Reval, the hopes of the celestials regarding what we do after the Reval, etc.
The second matter is related: I can’t agree to help others through their process. There are thousands of you and only one of me and that one of me will be entirely busy with his own process and trying to make heads or tails of it.
Again the help lies in the carefully-assembled Library, there just for the purpose of guiding you through.
Since we broached the subject, permit me, if you would, a few more reflections.
The Mother joked with me in the last reading, when I told her I had zero knowledge of finances. She said that she didn’t ask me to come to be an accountant. She said she expects me to hire a good accountant.
No, they hired me to dream big – a universal basic income for every country? I’ll certainly go until I run out.
Remember that the Reval is not the only means by which money will be funneled to lightworkers who serve as financial stewards for the Divine Mother.
By the sounds of it, there will be numerous flows – multiple prosperity programs, sequestered Illuminati funds, historical assets, contributions from the royals, off-planet gold, etc.
Moreover I anticipate others also wanting to provide universal basic incomes for the citizens of their own countries so that the work may progress more quickly than imagined.
The redistribution of wealth on the planet and focused humanitarian efforts that occur will aid in rehabilitating the planet and preparing all for Ascension.
I’m to keep my eyes on that goal and others will do the financial administration.
And I’ll give them all the room they need to do their job. Like Canute, I know my power has limits.
If I get myself involved in financial matters in too much depth, I risk making unproductive decisions. Here’s where what I called the Watcher the other day comes in. (1) I need to watch myself and rein myself in when it looks like I’m descending into the financial details. It isn’t my mission.
Dreaming on the Third/Fourth Dimension is the same as creative thought on the Fifth: It calls something into being. In the afterlife world, builders erecting a structure come together and think it into existence. (2) All their other needs are also satisfied through creative thought.
Dreaming and holding the vision are what I love most and do best. That plus producing a publication.
(1) “The I of Awareness,” November 19, 2018, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/?p=296962
(2) “Immediately upon the thought there follows the concrete article. … This house … was carefully thought about, planned, and then the masons and builders got to work. But their work was performed by thought alone. There were no intermediaries in the form of the procuring of materials and the erection of scaffolding, and so on. Those friends thought and thought produced this very real and solid house. And here it will remain. (Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson through Anthony Borgia, medium, More About Life in the World Unseen. San Francisco: H.G. White, 1956; c1968, 96.)
Here, the states of mind create the reality in a direct fashion. (William James through Jane Roberts, medium, The Afterdeath Journal of an American Philosopher: The World View of William James. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1978, 161.)
Over here we can create [anything] we want. When we create things by the power of thought, using astral substance, actual materialization occurs. Whatever we create remains as objective reality as long as we wish it to. (A.D. Mattson in Ruth Mattson Taylor, ed., Witness from Beyond. New Cosmic Concepts on Death and Survival from the Late A.D. Mattson, S.T.D., through the Clairvoyant Margaret Flavell Tweddell. Portland, ME: Foreword Books, 197, 65.)
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
November 21, 2018
By Steve Beckow

I need to have a clarifying discussion here that began with a reader. But I know it needs to be had more generally.
Please excuse me if I sound a bit strong but I need to make sure a few matters are plain.
The first thing I need to say is that I cannot and will not agree to act as anyone’s financial adviser. I don’t say that to be a grouch.
I say it because I have zero knowledge of finances, despite the rapid learning I will have to do later. I have no business telling another what they should do financially. It’d be the blind leading the blind.
However, there is full coverage of these matters by others in this site’s Library at http://goldenageofgaia.com/financial-wayshowing-reval/
There you’ll see the currency exchange process discussed and full coverage of the meaning of the Reval, the hopes of the celestials regarding what we do after the Reval, etc.
The second matter is related: I can’t agree to help others through their process. There are thousands of you and only one of me and that one of me will be entirely busy with his own process and trying to make heads or tails of it.
Again the help lies in the carefully-assembled Library, there just for the purpose of guiding you through.
Since we broached the subject, permit me, if you would, a few more reflections.
The Mother joked with me in the last reading, when I told her I had zero knowledge of finances. She said that she didn’t ask me to come to be an accountant. She said she expects me to hire a good accountant.
No, they hired me to dream big – a universal basic income for every country? I’ll certainly go until I run out.
Remember that the Reval is not the only means by which money will be funneled to lightworkers who serve as financial stewards for the Divine Mother.
By the sounds of it, there will be numerous flows – multiple prosperity programs, sequestered Illuminati funds, historical assets, contributions from the royals, off-planet gold, etc.
Moreover I anticipate others also wanting to provide universal basic incomes for the citizens of their own countries so that the work may progress more quickly than imagined.
The redistribution of wealth on the planet and focused humanitarian efforts that occur will aid in rehabilitating the planet and preparing all for Ascension.
I’m to keep my eyes on that goal and others will do the financial administration.
And I’ll give them all the room they need to do their job. Like Canute, I know my power has limits.
If I get myself involved in financial matters in too much depth, I risk making unproductive decisions. Here’s where what I called the Watcher the other day comes in. (1) I need to watch myself and rein myself in when it looks like I’m descending into the financial details. It isn’t my mission.
Dreaming on the Third/Fourth Dimension is the same as creative thought on the Fifth: It calls something into being. In the afterlife world, builders erecting a structure come together and think it into existence. (2) All their other needs are also satisfied through creative thought.
Dreaming and holding the vision are what I love most and do best. That plus producing a publication.
(1) “The I of Awareness,” November 19, 2018, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/?p=296962
(2) “Immediately upon the thought there follows the concrete article. … This house … was carefully thought about, planned, and then the masons and builders got to work. But their work was performed by thought alone. There were no intermediaries in the form of the procuring of materials and the erection of scaffolding, and so on. Those friends thought and thought produced this very real and solid house. And here it will remain. (Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson through Anthony Borgia, medium, More About Life in the World Unseen. San Francisco: H.G. White, 1956; c1968, 96.)
Here, the states of mind create the reality in a direct fashion. (William James through Jane Roberts, medium, The Afterdeath Journal of an American Philosopher: The World View of William James. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1978, 161.)
Over here we can create [anything] we want. When we create things by the power of thought, using astral substance, actual materialization occurs. Whatever we create remains as objective reality as long as we wish it to. (A.D. Mattson in Ruth Mattson Taylor, ed., Witness from Beyond. New Cosmic Concepts on Death and Survival from the Late A.D. Mattson, S.T.D., through the Clairvoyant Margaret Flavell Tweddell. Portland, ME: Foreword Books, 197, 65.)
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
Dreaming and Holding the Vision | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
11/21/2018 02:35:00 PM